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Collapse DLT - Leicester-Warren family of Tabley estate - 12th century-20th centuryDLT - Leicester-Warren family of Tabley estate - 12th century-20th century
Expand 1 - Manorial records1 - Manorial records
Expand 2 - Title Deeds2 - Title Deeds
Expand 3 - Wills and Settlements3 - Wills and Settlements
Expand 4 - Legal Case Papers4 - Legal Case Papers
Expand 5 - Estate Management5 - Estate Management
Expand 6 - Household Records6 - Household Records
Expand 7 - Charity Records7 - Charity Records
Expand 8 - School Records8 - School Records
Expand 9 - Ecclesiastical Records9 - Ecclesiastical Records
Expand 10 - Business Records10 - Business Records
Collapse 11 - Family and Personal Papers11 - Family and Personal Papers
Expand 1 - Thomas Leycester [1444-1526]1 - Thomas Leycester [1444-1526]
Expand 2 - Peter Leicester [1507-1577]2 - Peter Leicester [1507-1577]
Collapse 3 - Peter Leicester [1614-1678]3 - Peter Leicester [1614-1678]
Expand 1 - Peter Leicester's Delinquency Papers - 1646-16491 - Peter Leicester's Delinquency Papers - 1646-1649
2 - Letters patent containing the Pardon of King Charles to Peter Leicester of Nether Tabley, co. Chester, in respect of all his conspiracies & rebellions against the King, Parliament and the Realm, restoring him to all his lands and offices. - 28 Nov 1648
Expand 3 - Freeing of Sir Peter Lants and security of money - 1637-16493 - Freeing of Sir Peter Lants and security of money - 1637-1649
4 - Letters patent of Charles II appointing Charles count of Derby, Robert sheriff, William Brereton, James Charlton, Robert Milward, Richard Grosvenor, Peter Leicester, Thomas Smyth junior, George Warburton, Philipp Egerton, Robert Cotton knight, Galfridus Whakerley, Peter Venables, Henry Legh, Richard Legh, Thomas Legh of Adlington, Thomas Cholmondeley, Robert Tutton and Thomas Throp commissioners to carry out in the county palatinate of Chester the act of the present parliament for the “Well Governings and regulatinge of Corporations, Barker. - 19 Feb 1662
Collapse 5 - Peter Leicester's Books5 - Peter Leicester's Books
1 - Liber A - 17th century
2 - Booke of Collections, touchinge Bucklow Hundred cited in my notes by the name of Liber B. - 17th century
3 - Antiquities Buckloiniane by Peter Leycester. viz. Collections touching Bucklowe Hundred - 17th century
4 - Liber D - 17th century
5 - Liber E - c1646
6 - Liber G: The Descents or Genealogies of certaine families of the gentry of Bucklow Hundred in the county palatine of Chester anno domini 1665. Proved by deedes records and other good authorities. Collected y the paines and industry of Peter Leycester of Nether Tabley Baronet - 17th century
7 - Liber H - 17th century
8 - Liber K - 17th century
9 - Liber L - 1649
10 - Liber P: Collectiones quadeam tam Duttonorum quam Leicestrorium in agro Cestrensi originem et seriem genealogicam complexae ex antiques chartis utriusque ffamiliae tum ex allis scriptis summa cum diligentia fide ac veritate investigatae et excerptae. Authore Petro Leicester armigero ab utroque stemmate prognato. - 1648
11 - Liber W - 17th century
12 - Liber Y - [1196-1667]
13 - Tomus Primus of the Evidences belonging to Leicester of Tabley - 1677
14 - Tomus Secundus [second volume] of the evidences belonging to Leicester of Tabley - c.1677
15 - Tomus tertius et ultimus of the Evidences belonging to Leicester of Tabley - c 17th century
16 - Book of Evidences IV - c.17th century
18 - Liber Q: Miscellany B.1 13 Acad. Oxon Pulica - n.d.
19 - Small book on the origin of the name of Leicester (P.L.) - n.d.
20 - Chronicle of the Leicester family from Henry III to 1647 - n.d.
21 - Receipt Book of Sir Francis Leicester - n.d.
22 - Book of recipes for wine, salting tongues of bacon, etc. - n.d.
23 - Illuminated address from the tenants to the first George Warren Baron de Tabley, the second to John Byles Leicester Warren - n.d.
24 - Seals and Crosses - n.d.
25 - Historical Manuscripts Commission de Tabley, Tabley? Sir Peter Leycester's collection. A quarto vol - 1671
26 - Liber T - n.d.
27 - Collectanea Mathematica per Petrum Leycester - n.d.
28 - Astronomy - n.d.
29 - Terms belonging to printing and architecture - n.d.
30 - Music
31 - Table of interest then on account with Buclowe hundred and of barons and Bishops of Chester - n.d.
32 - Liber S: Collection of precepts tc, for son made by P Leycester - 1656
33 - Liber O: Calenderium Romanum or an alphabetical catalogue of the Saints mentioned in the calendars of the Romish church, with the day of the month celebrated in memory of the same. Collected by mee Peter Leicester. - n.d.
34 - A manuscript account of the Leicester family from 1290 to the time of Sir Peter Leicester - n.d.
35 - Miscellaneous Booke of Chester done by me [Peter Leycester] - 1671
36 - New Freehold Book of Cheshire made 1671 (132 to the end) concerning the names of all such men who held any freehold lands of inheritance there, and ought to appear at Assizes and quarter sessions - 1671
37 - Liber N: Sir Peter Leycester's Collection called Antiquities of Chester - post 1657
38 - Civil War Materials - 17th century
39 - Letter Book - 1670s-1720s
40 - Old Cheshire Pamphlets - 22 Oct 1813-21 Feb 1814
41 - Boxe and Fettiplace - 17th century
42 - Tabley papers - n.d.
43 - Earl of Strafford and Sir George Radcliffe - [1638-1654] 1896
44 - The copy extract of Sir Thomas Aston od Aston's deeds taken by William Vernon gentleman late of Shakerley in Lancashire - n.d.
46 - Extracts from Collectors Books of the Mise on the creation of the Prince, 21 Henry VI - Sep 1442-1443
47 - A Booke on the Several Charges as given to the Grand Jury at Sundry Quarter Sessions in Cheshire. By mee P. Leycester. - n.d.
48 - Complete Practice. Given to Peter Jackson by the gift of Thomas Jackson - 1682
49 - Collections touching a Court Baron - n.d.
50 - Glossary of legal and antiquarian words by Sir Peter Leycester - 17th century
51 - The Statutes in French from 14 Edward III - 15 Henry VI - 15th century
52 - Accounts - 17th-18th century
53 - Account Book of Grace Nettleton (after the death of Sir Francis Leicester's wife) while she was a housekeeper for her nephew, Francis - 1716
54 - Book of Accounts belonging to P. Leycester - 1642-1678
55 - Sir Peter Leicester's Book of Disbursements - 1648-1678
58 - Collection of early seventeenth century papers - early 17th century
59 - Pedigrees etc. - c1670s
60 - Volume of William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories and Tragedies - 1623
61 - Remonstrance to the House of Peers against Presbytery by Sir Thomas Aston. - 1641
62 - Copy of Sir Peter Leycester's printed work on Cheshire - 1673
63 - Latin Grammar - 1679
64 - Private Prayers of Sir Peter Leycester - c17th century
65 - Two questions concerning the soul of men examined and illustrated by mee Peter Leycester - 1653
66 - Liber R: notes on the gospel of St Matthew (Peter Leycester) - c17th century
67 - Miscellanea of Peter Leycester - n.d.
68 - Poems by Peter Leycester - 1671
69 - The Tragedy of Amourath, 3rd tyrant of the Turkes, as it was publickly presented to the University of Oxford by the students of Christchurch, Mathias's day 1618 - 17th century
70 - Poem to Charles I when he was Prince of Wales by Pierre Mensot - 1614
71 - Old verses concerning the Lord Stanley of Latham in Lancashire - 17th century
72 - Copies of poems - n.d.
73 - Book of poems - 1 Jun 1638
74 - Lives of the English Kings (to Edward IV) - n.d.
75 - First and Second Book of the History of Ieland etc. - n.d.
76 - A compendium of the History of Scotland (ex Buch Anano alusane collection) - n.d.
77 - Welsh Kings: Good advice to all - n.d.
78 - Feodary of Halton - n.d.
79 - Duchy of Lancaster - n.d.
80 - Surveys, extents, rentals - 17th century
81 - Rental of landes of Sir Peter Leicester of Tabley - 1663
82 - A survey of John Leycester's lands, transcribed by Sir Peter Leycester - 1362
83 - Rental of Sir Francis Leicester and an abstract of all the rents due to Peter Leicester of Tabley, Cheshire, payable yearly at feasts of St John the Baptist and St Martin's - 1641-1716
84 - Sir Francis Leicester's calculation of the value of his estate - n.d.
85 - Rental of Sir Peter Leycester - 1663-1669
86 - An alphabetical index or table of all the author's names whose bookes or workes are contained in my study at Tabley for the more speedy findinge of the same shwen and also where every particular booke standes placed therein - 1672
87 - Catalogue of Peter Leycester's library - 17th century
88 - Library catalogue of Sir Peter Leicester and Sir Francis Leicester - 17th century
89 - Historical Antiquities Collections - c.1640-1649
90 - Copy manuscript 'Considerations for repressing the increase of Priests, Jesuits and Recusants, without the drawing of blood, by Sir Robert Cotton and letters etc for the Worship of the Church of England abroad and some papers about the South Sea Schemes' - c.1677
Collapse 91 - Manuscript and Printed Books.91 - Manuscript and Printed Books.
1-5 - Alphabetical lists of books in library. - n.d.
6 - As described at the bottom of p.46 column 1 and top of p.46 column 2 of H.M.C. Report of 1874. - c.1874
7 - The Lesser Domes=Day=booke - n.d.
8 - Extracts and transcripts from Public Records ‘Cestrescire’ - 19th century
9 - Copies of summons to Parliament - 19th century
10 - Copy of statutes of St John’s College, Cambridge. - 19th century
11 - Tabley Game Book - 1869-1956
12 - List of Deeds - 1891
13 - Miscellaneous manuscripts - 1684-1706
14 - Satirical poems. - n.d
15 - Copies of sermons, speeches etc, labelled ‘Sermons (Italian). Funeral wedding and also astronomy’. - n.d.
16 - Formes of Endictments, which lye before Justices of Peace in their Quarter = Sessions, collected By P.Leicester - 1664
17 - The Contents of the Severall Chapters contained in the Foundation Peece and the Declaration upon Job and Nebuchadnezer - n.d.
18 - Breife Notes Concerning a Justice of Peace for myne owne memory. By mee P/Leicester - 1660
19 - Cases relating to Sessions B1 - n.d.
20 - Miscellanea, including translation of part of Casina a Comedy, memoranda relating to Courts Baron. - n.d.
21 - Epigrams, sermons etc. - n.d.
22 - A Catalogue of the Baronets of this Kingdom of England - 1667
23 - Almanack - 1657
24 - Bible - 1657
25 - Prayer Book with ms. notes - 1664
26 - ‘An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons ... for the Calling of An Assembly of Learned and Godly Divines .... for the settling of the Government and Liturgy of the Church of England’ (Printed 1658) - 1658
27 - ‘Articles Agreed upon by the ...... whole Clergy In the Convocation holden at London in the Year 1562’ (London, 1683) - 1683
28 - ‘Illustrissimi Principis Ducis Cornubiae et Comitis Palatine, &c, Genethliacon’ (Cambridge, 1688) - 1688
29 - ‘Neuwe Biblische Figuren dess Alten und Neuwen Testaments’ (Frankfurt, 1569) - 1569
30 - ‘The First Booke of the History of England’ - n.d
31 - Prayer Book. - 1611
32 - ‘The Christmas Tree’. By Hilda Leicester-Warren (Privately printed, 1926) - 1926
33 - ‘Stories of the Artists : The Netherlands School’. By Margaret Leicester-Warren. - 1929
34 - Do. British Artists - n.d.
35 - Do. The Florentine School. - 1929
36 - Do. Italian Artists. - 1927
37 - Sandersons Sermons. - 1656
38 - ‘Certaine Sermons or Homilies’ (London, 1623) - 1623
44 - ‘The Third Part of the Institutes of the Laws of England’. By Edw. Coke. (London 1644) - 1644
45 - ‘Irene Triumphans : The Address of the British Muse to the Peace-Makers. An Heroick Poem’ By E. Settle (London, 1713) - 1713
46 - ‘Eusebia Triumphs The Hanoverian Succession to the Imperial Crown of England. An Heroick Poem’ by Elkana Settle (London,. 1704) - 1704
47 - ‘A Discoverie of Errours in the first Edition of the Catalogue of Nobility’ By Raphe Brooke (London, 1622) - 1622
48 - ‘The Exhibition of the Royal Academy, (London, 1702) - 1702
49 - Prayer Book with ms. notes. - 1669
50 - Prayer Book. - 1669
51 - Prayer book with ms. notes. - 1662
52 - Leycester’s Antiquities with a few ms. notes. - 1673
53 - Leycester’s Antiquities. - 1673
54 - Leycester’s Antiquities. - 1673
55 - Miscellaneous pamphlets and tracts, beginning with ‘Mrs James Prayer for the Prayer for the Queen and Parliament....’. - 11 Feb 1710
56 - ‘La Science Heroique traitant de la Noblesse, de l’Origine des Armes’ (Paris, 1644) - 1644
57 - Miscellaneous pamphlets and tracts, beginning with Royal Proclamation for bidding Foreign Trade and Commerce. - 1 Mar 1665
Expand 92 - Amicia Tracts - 1663-167992 - Amicia Tracts - 1663-1679
93 - The Descent of the kings of England from the time of the Norman Conquest; collected out of authenic histories by me P[eter] L[eicester]. - 1676
94 - 'A Book of Cheshire Pedigrees transcribed out of the book of John Boothe of Twemlowe such as are by me rectified and exactly true I have so attested under my hand and subscribed my name. The rest are more dubious'. By Peter Leicester. - 1666
6 - Fines on Quakers - 1670s
7 - Sermons preached by Mr Richard Johnson, Werburgh Church, Chester during the 1640's and 1650's and then copied out by Peter Leicester in 1658. - 1658
8 - Notes, letters, poems, song lyrics, an epitaph and speeches relating to religion, historical and political events. - 17th century
Expand 4 - Sir Francis Leicester [1674-1742]4 - Sir Francis Leicester [1674-1742]
Expand 5 - Fleetwood Leigh5 - Fleetwood Leigh
Expand 6 - John Byrne [c1728]6 - John Byrne [c1728]
Expand 7 - Peter Byrne Leicester [1732-1770]7 - Peter Byrne Leicester [1732-1770]
Expand 8 - Sir John Fleming Leicester [1762-1827]8 - Sir John Fleming Leicester [1762-1827]
Expand 9 - Cottin Correspondence - c1812-18279 - Cottin Correspondence - c1812-1827
Expand 10 - George Leicester Warren, 2nd Baron de Tabley [1811-1887]10 - George Leicester Warren, 2nd Baron de Tabley [1811-1887]
Expand 11 - Lady de Tabley (nee de Salis)11 - Lady de Tabley (nee de Salis)
Expand 12 - John Byrne Leicester-Warren [1835-1895]12 - John Byrne Leicester-Warren [1835-1895]
Expand 13 - Eleanor Leighton Warren [1841-1914]13 - Eleanor Leighton Warren [1841-1914]
Expand 14 - R. E. Egerton Warburton of Arley Hall: letters and poems to Lord and Lady de Tabley - 1844-187914 - R. E. Egerton Warburton of Arley Hall: letters and poems to Lord and Lady de Tabley - 1844-1879
Expand 15 - William Henry Leicester, late of the Grenadier Guards: papers upon his death relating to his will and accounts. - 1844-184515 - William Henry Leicester, late of the Grenadier Guards: papers upon his death relating to his will and accounts. - 1844-1845
Expand 16 - Davenport of Worfield - 1774-187116 - Davenport of Worfield - 1774-1871
Expand 17 - Cuthbert and Hilda Leicester-Warren. - 1888-192417 - Cuthbert and Hilda Leicester-Warren. - 1888-1924
Expand 19 - Dr Roger Kenyon19 - Dr Roger Kenyon
Expand 20 - Pedigrees and family trees20 - Pedigrees and family trees
Expand 21 - Miscellaneous Family and Personal Papers21 - Miscellaneous Family and Personal Papers
Expand 22 - Warren family22 - Warren family
Expand 23 - William Henry Leicester [1813-1845]23 - William Henry Leicester [1813-1845]
Expand 24 - Sir Robert Leicester24 - Sir Robert Leicester
Expand 25 - Cotton25 - Cotton
Expand 12 - Official Papers12 - Official Papers
Expand 13 - Maps and Plans13 - Maps and Plans
Expand 14 - Printed and Pictorial Material14 - Printed and Pictorial Material
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