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Collapse DLT - Leicester-Warren family of Tabley estate - 12th century-20th centuryDLT - Leicester-Warren family of Tabley estate - 12th century-20th century
Expand 1 - Manorial records1 - Manorial records
Expand 2 - Title Deeds2 - Title Deeds
Expand 3 - Wills and Settlements3 - Wills and Settlements
Expand 4 - Legal Case Papers4 - Legal Case Papers
Expand 5 - Estate Management5 - Estate Management
Expand 6 - Household Records6 - Household Records
Expand 7 - Charity Records7 - Charity Records
Expand 8 - School Records8 - School Records
Expand 9 - Ecclesiastical Records9 - Ecclesiastical Records
Expand 10 - Business Records10 - Business Records
Collapse 11 - Family and Personal Papers11 - Family and Personal Papers
Expand 1 - Thomas Leycester [1444-1526]1 - Thomas Leycester [1444-1526]
Expand 2 - Peter Leicester [1507-1577]2 - Peter Leicester [1507-1577]
Expand 3 - Peter Leicester [1614-1678]3 - Peter Leicester [1614-1678]
Expand 4 - Sir Francis Leicester [1674-1742]4 - Sir Francis Leicester [1674-1742]
Expand 5 - Fleetwood Leigh5 - Fleetwood Leigh
Expand 6 - John Byrne [c1728]6 - John Byrne [c1728]
Expand 7 - Peter Byrne Leicester [1732-1770]7 - Peter Byrne Leicester [1732-1770]
Collapse 8 - Sir John Fleming Leicester [1762-1827]8 - Sir John Fleming Leicester [1762-1827]
Expand 1 - Official papers and papers relating to Cheshire Yeomanry1 - Official papers and papers relating to Cheshire Yeomanry
Collapse 2 - Art Collections2 - Art Collections
Expand 1 - Artists Letters, mainly to Sir John Leicester - 1794-18261 - Artists Letters, mainly to Sir John Leicester - 1794-1826
Collapse 2 - Artists Letters, mainly by Sir John W Carey. - 1796-19112 - Artists Letters, mainly by Sir John W Carey. - 1796-1911
1 - Letter from Carey to Sir Richard Colt Hoare saying that the publication of the Catalogue Raisonne of Sir John collection would prove a triumph to the English School. - 11 Mar 1818
2 - Letter from Carey, giving detailed estimate of the cost of the 'Catalogue Raisonnee' (printing) £66.18s - 16 Mar 1818
3 - Letter to Carey discussing a plan for exhibiting pictures. - 21 Mar 1818
4 - Letter from Carey saying he had written to the President of the Academy of Painting in Philadelphia the Academy of Painting in New York, the head of the University of Boston and the Honourable Mr Monroe, President of U.S.A. - c.1817-1825
5 - Letter from Carey offering congratulations on the acquisition of 'The Sea Coast' by Collins ‘one of the very perfect specimens of the British School. - 28 Mar 1818
6 - Letter from Carey, defending himself against the attack on him in the Annals of the Fine Cuts. - 4 Apr 1818
7 - Letter from Carey to say that he had just finished a work describing the system of misrepresentation pursued by the writer in the Annals of the Fine Arts, to put down the works of every historical painter but Mr Hayden. - 23 Apr 1818
8 - Letter of Mr Carey enclosing an address to a military corps in Hampshire, to serve as a model for the address to the Cheshire corps of Calvalry. - 24 May 1818
9 - Letter of Mr Carey, saying that Phillips would sell his 'Prince' for £200. - 2 Jun 1818
10 - Letter of Carey saying that Hilton was prepared to sell his 'Europa' for 250 guineas. - 25 Jun 1818
11 - Letter of William Carey congratulating Sir John on the acquisition of Mr Barnet’s picture. - 22 Aug 1818
12 - Letter of Carey mentions that he has bought a picture by Berham & drawings to the amount of £80 on Sir John’s behalf. - Oct 1818
13 - Carey mentions the work of Collins and Hilton. - 2 Oct 1818
14 - Carey mentions Mr Worthington’s progress in making an etching of the picture of Hope Collins, had called to discuss the picture commissioned and explained his apprehension of departing from the usual style of his figures. - 21 Oct 1818
15 - Carey mentions that he had been favoured with a view of the picture by Mr Collins which showed very great taste and spirit. - 24 Oct 1818
16 - Carey complains of the attacks on the Annals of the Fine Arts. - 20 Nov 1818
17 - Carey sends a copy of the last attack in the Annals of the Fine Arts. - 24 Nov 1818
18 - Copy of Carey’s answer to an attack on the Annals. - c.1818
19 - Letter from Carey to Sir John about attacks on the Annals and discussion of the progress of the catalogue of the gallery of Sir John. - 18 Dec 1818
20 - Letter from Carey to Sir John giving particulars of the sales of the catalogue. - 4 Jun 1819
21 - Letter from Carey to Sir John mentioning that he had seen Beeche’s portrait of the Duchess of Cambridge. - 5 Jun 1819
22 - Letter from Carey to Sir John discussing various painters and pictures. - 7 Jun 1819
23 - Letter from Carey to Sir John about a commission to Mr Haydon. - c.1818-1819
24 - Carey’s verses addressed to Sir John. - 10 Nov 1819
25 - Letter accompanying the verses saying ‘your drawing of Chambery was most highly admired here’ (Edinburgh). - 13 Nov 1819
26 - Record of Carey’s speech on Sir John’s patronage of art, given at Edinburgh. - Nov 1819
27 - Letter from Mrs Carey enclosing copy of two letters received. - 21 Dec 1819
28 - Letter from Carey to Sir John requesting that he might dedicate to Sir John his ‘Brief Thoughts on the Early Obstacles to the progress of the Fine Arts in Great Britain and Ireland’. - 3 Jan 1820
29 - Letter from Carey to Sir John writing about the wish of Sir John to add ‘Jerusalem’ to his collection. - 21 Feb 1820
30 - Letter from Carey to Sir John apologising for having called the evening before during a musical festival. - 24 Feb 1820
31 - Letter from Carey to Sir John saying that he had read Sir Thomas’ sketch and found it abrupt and dry. - 7 Mar 1820
32 - Letter from Carey to Sir John mentioning literary notices on Sir John’s organisations and stating ever will uphold that you have done more to overcome anticontemporarian prejudices than the whole body of your contemporaries put together. - 20 Aug 1825
33 - Letter from Mrs Carey saying that Carey would write next day. - 11 Jul 1826
34 - Letter from Mrs Carey acknowledging receipt of £35. - 6 Sep 1826
35 - Letter from Mrs Carey about Lord de Tabley’s bill. - 22 Jan 1827
36 - Part of a letter from Carey to Sir John [?about the Catalogue Raisonee] - c.1818
37 - Viotlante Giustiniani [nee Camporese]: letters to Lady Leicester. - c.1818
38 - W Jerdan – letters discussing the price of pictures, referring to publishers etc and one accompanying a gift of a large paper souvenir to Lady Leicester. - 1819-1826
39 - Manchester Institution - letters acknowledging Sir John’s patronage of the Institution. - 1825
40 - National Gallery - Copy of Sir John’s letter to Lord Liverpool and his reply about the establishment of a National Gallery. - 1823
41 - Parker - letters to Sir John about various artists. - 1824
42 - Society of British Artists - circulars and letter to Sir John about the newly formed Society. - 1823
43 - Tijon – letters to Sir John from the Tijon relating to work and activities at the house in Hill Street, London. - 1820-1825
44 - Wilbraham Egerton – letter thanking Sir John for his support. - c 4 Mar 1820
45 - J Young – letters to Sir John relating to his orders and commissions for pictures. - 1818-1824
46 - Letters of appeal, mainly for support for or contribution to charitable institutions. - 1813-1820
47 - Letters and receipts to purchase of various pictures. - 1796–1800
48 - Papers relating to subscriptions to Societies and Institutions and to exhibitions. - 1806-1820
49 - Letters relating to purchase of books, proposed publications etc. - 1818-1824
50 - Letter and receipt from John Jeffrey relating to purchase of engraving. - 1802-1805
51 - Letter and receipt relating to printing of catalogue. - 1819-1826
52 - Letter and receipts relating to arms of the Leicester family. - 1826
53 - Letters relating to purchase of birds and animals. - 1817-1827
54 - Receipts and letter relating to purchase of picture frames and thermometer. - 1805-1826
55 - Letter from S Young offering to ‘take the House’. - c.1790-1827
56 - Letters to Lady Leighton Warren discussing pictures and memoranda. - 1904-1911
57 - Miscellaneous letters, receipts and memoranda relating to art. - 1792-1824
58 - Drawings of birds. - early 19th century
Expand 3 - Artists' letters to Sir John Leycester - 1805-18813 - Artists' letters to Sir John Leycester - 1805-1881
Expand 4 - Sir John Fleming Leicester's Catalogues of Pictures. - 1817-18214 - Sir John Fleming Leicester's Catalogues of Pictures. - 1817-1821
5 - Letters received by Sir John Fleming Leicester acknowledging the receipt of money paid for pictures including examples by Lawrence, Leslie and Reynolds. Includes original sketch by painter Benjamin Robert Haydon (1786-1846) in DLT/C32/18 - 1823-1826
Expand 6 - Manchester Art Institute: Correspondence relating to foundation   - 1823-1827  6 - Manchester Art Institute: Correspondence relating to foundation - 1823-1827
8 - Sale Prospectuses of paintings and portraits, ancient stained glass, curiosities, library, Parisian elegancies and Delphin Classics. - 1818
9 - Programme catalogue of the 34th Exhibition of the Royal Academy printed by B. Macmillan of Covent Garden, probably belonging to Sir John Fleming Leicester. - 1802
Expand 3 - Social and personal correspondence and papers3 - Social and personal correspondence and papers
Expand 4 - Child's Journals - 1775-18024 - Child's Journals - 1775-1802
5 - Letter and account from Mr Tomkinson to Sir John Fleming Leicester relating to money to be paid to Sir John out of Lady Leicester's personal estate. - 3 May 1793
6 - Correspondence between Mr Tomkinson and Sir John regarding financial and property matters. - 18 Dec 1821, 4 Jan 1822
Expand 7 - Papers relating to Bala and Fach Ddeiliog, a Welsh cottage shared by Sir John Leicester and Sir Richard Colt Hoare7 - Papers relating to Bala and Fach Ddeiliog, a Welsh cottage shared by Sir John Leicester and Sir Richard Colt Hoare
8 - Extensive catalogue of books covering a variety of topics on sale by J. Broster, Exchange, Chester sent to J.F Leicester, Bart. Tabley. - 1824
9 - Correspondence between James and Henry Tompkinson and Sir John Fleming Leicester regarding estate and business matters. - 1786-1827
Expand 10 - Correspondence relating to estate matters involving Sir John Fleming Leicester. - 1793-182010 - Correspondence relating to estate matters involving Sir John Fleming Leicester. - 1793-1820
Expand 9 - Cottin Correspondence - c1812-18279 - Cottin Correspondence - c1812-1827
Expand 10 - George Leicester Warren, 2nd Baron de Tabley [1811-1887]10 - George Leicester Warren, 2nd Baron de Tabley [1811-1887]
Expand 11 - Lady de Tabley (nee de Salis)11 - Lady de Tabley (nee de Salis)
Expand 12 - John Byrne Leicester-Warren [1835-1895]12 - John Byrne Leicester-Warren [1835-1895]
Expand 13 - Eleanor Leighton Warren [1841-1914]13 - Eleanor Leighton Warren [1841-1914]
Expand 14 - R. E. Egerton Warburton of Arley Hall: letters and poems to Lord and Lady de Tabley - 1844-187914 - R. E. Egerton Warburton of Arley Hall: letters and poems to Lord and Lady de Tabley - 1844-1879
Expand 15 - William Henry Leicester, late of the Grenadier Guards: papers upon his death relating to his will and accounts. - 1844-184515 - William Henry Leicester, late of the Grenadier Guards: papers upon his death relating to his will and accounts. - 1844-1845
Expand 16 - Davenport of Worfield - 1774-187116 - Davenport of Worfield - 1774-1871
Expand 17 - Cuthbert and Hilda Leicester-Warren. - 1888-192417 - Cuthbert and Hilda Leicester-Warren. - 1888-1924
Expand 19 - Dr Roger Kenyon19 - Dr Roger Kenyon
Expand 20 - Pedigrees and family trees20 - Pedigrees and family trees
Expand 21 - Miscellaneous Family and Personal Papers21 - Miscellaneous Family and Personal Papers
Expand 22 - Warren family22 - Warren family
Expand 23 - William Henry Leicester [1813-1845]23 - William Henry Leicester [1813-1845]
Expand 24 - Sir Robert Leicester24 - Sir Robert Leicester
Expand 25 - Cotton25 - Cotton
Expand 12 - Official Papers12 - Official Papers
Expand 13 - Maps and Plans13 - Maps and Plans
Expand 14 - Printed and Pictorial Material14 - Printed and Pictorial Material
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