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Collapse DLT - Leicester-Warren family of Tabley estate - 12th century-20th centuryDLT - Leicester-Warren family of Tabley estate - 12th century-20th century
Expand 1 - Manorial records1 - Manorial records
Collapse 2 - Title Deeds2 - Title Deeds
Collapse 1 - Family settlements1 - Family settlements
Collapse 1 - Jointures and Marriages - 1359-16421 - Jointures and Marriages - 1359-1642
1 - Covenant of marriage between Raufe, eldest son of Richard Vernon of Shipbrooke and Ellen, daughter of William Manwaringe; 100 marcs portion and 20 marckes of land for jointure to be paid after the death of Agnes, wife of Sir Roger Crumpinton. - 14 Jan 1359
2 - Grant from Hugh de Toft, Peter Blys and John de Leycestr’ to Joan daughter of Robert Tuchet of a messuage and buildings etc called Newehall in the Township of Tabley Inferior. - 8 Nov 1381
3 - Quitclaim of all right, claim in messuages land etc which Joan, daughter of Robert Tuchet recently had of their feoffment in the township of Tabley Inferior. - 26 Jun 1385
4 - Grant of lands in Aston, Budworth and Nether Tabley and a third of Over Tabley in return for £40 a year. - 10 Jan 1399
5 - Marriage License: Peter bishop of Dax and nuntio of the apostolic see grants licence for William de Leycestre and Agnes de Dutton, fourth cousins resident in Lichefield diocese, to marry. - 24 Nov 1398
6 - Quitclaim of all rights in the lands of Joan, widow of John de Leycestre renouncing all actions against her. - 6 Jun 1401
7 - Grant: From William de Leycestr’ to Joan widow of John de Leycestr’ the Manor of Nether Tabley, third of the Manor of Over Tabley, of all messuages tenements etc in the township of Aston and Budworth, which once belonged to John de Leycestr’ reverting to him after her death. - 6 Feb 1399
8 - Grant: From Thomas le Grosuenor to Laurence Ffyton the marriage of Robert, son and heir apparent of the said Thomas with Joan daughter of Laurence. - 27 Jun 1415
9 - Grant: From William de Leicestr’ of Tabley to John de Leicestr’ his son and Elizabeth, his wife, of his Manor of Wettenhall in Aston, all lands in Wettenhall, and a messuage in Overtabley. - 7 Jul 1422
10 - Indenture by which Richard Ffyton senior announces that Henry V granted to the late Roger Horton and the said Richard custody of the lands etc of Elena, daughter and one of the heiresses of John Olton, until her son Thomas becomes of age and also had the marriage of the said Thomas. - 11 Nov 1423
11 - Indenture by which William de Leycestre of Tabley and Pilleryn, widoe of Robert Massy de Hale, agreed that William should enfeoff 3 persons with lands etc to the annual value of £10 on condition that they enfeoffed William and Pilleryn after their marriage. - 25 Aug 1423
12 - Indenture by which Peter Starky and Robert fitz a Sander Starky agreed with William de Lecestr’ and Richard le Cokkerleign that the said William, William, John and Richard stood bound to Peter and Robert by a Statute Merchant for £100. - 1421
13 - Grant: From John Tochet, Roger de Venables parson of Rostherne, and William de Bradburn to William de Laycestr and Pilloryn his wife of various messuages in Over Tabley and Nether Tabley. - 13 Nov 1425
14 - Grant: From John de Laycestre and John del Lounte to Pillerina, widow of William de Laycestre of lands in Over Tabley and Nether Tabley. - 15 Jun 1428
15 - Quitclaim: From Pillerina, widow of Willam de Laycestr’ to John de Laycestr’ of all rights etc in lands etc in the townships of Over Tabley and Nether Tabley. - 28 Jul 1433
16 - Grant: From Thomas Danyell the elder to John de Leycestre the elder of the ward and marriage of Thomas, son and heir of the said Thomas Danyell. - 25 Jul 1440
17 - Grant: From John de Leycestr’ senior to Margerie, wife of John de Leycestr’ junior, his son, of a grange in Over Tabley and Nether Tabley. - 10 Nov 1442
18 - Indenture: From William de Blakeburne, chaplain to John de Leycestr’, senior, the manors, of messuages previously obtained by feoffment. Quitclaim: John Tuchet and Robert de Nedham of all their rights in the lands, except those previously handed over by John Leycestr’ by indenture. - 10 Nov 1442
19 - Grant: From John Danywell of Lyme to John Huyde of Norbury, the marriage of Geffray, his son and heir apparent, to be married to Peronell, daughter of the said John Huyde before the feast of St Michael next. - 11 Sep 1447
20 - Grant: From John Leycestr’ to Joan widow of Robert Grosuenor, Thomas Fyton knight and John Davenport of Bromhall that Thomas his son and heir apparent would wed Margaret daughter of Robert and Joan Grosuenor before the feast of St Valentine next. - 31 Jan 1465
21 - Grant: From John and Margeria de Leycestr’ to John Davenport, Richard and Thomas Legh, Geoffrey and Richard Starkey and Roger Lee de Legh, of a grange in Over Tabley and Nether Tabley. - 6 Aug 1466
22 - Counterpart of Grant: From John and Margeria de Leycestr’ to John Davenport, Richard and Thomas Legh, Geoffrey and Richard Starkey and Roger Lee de Legh, of a grange in Over Tabley and Nether Tabley. - 1466
23 - Indenture: John de Leicestr’ and Margerie his wife appoint William Danyell of Tabley and Thomas Mottelowe of Legh as attorneys to give seisin relating to the lands granted to them for the life of Margeria. - 6 Aug 1466
24 - Indenture: Between Richard Sneyde and Thomas Leycestre and John his son regarding the marriage of William Leycestre, John's son. - 3 May 1508
25 - Indenture by which Thomas Leycestr’ of Tabley and John Leycestr, his son and heir, sold to Richard Sneyde the marriage of William John’s son with Richard’s daughter, Anne. - 12 Apr 1508
26 - Indenture by which John Leycestr’ of Nether Tabley and Thomas Leycestr’, his son and heir apparent, granted to John Radclyf of Radclyf that John Leycestr; son and heir apparent of the said Thomas shall be wed to Luce, daughter of the said John Radclyf before the Nativity of St John the Baptist. - 5 Jan 1479
27 - Indenture by which Thomas Leycestr’ of Tabley and John, his son, announced that they had suffered John Irland, knight, Robert Ffouleshurst, John Ffitton esquires, Ralph Sneyde and Laurence Laycestr’, clerk, and Ralphe Legh, now deceased, to proceed against them in the shire county at Chester, and recover the Manor of Nether tabley etc. - 4 Jan 1512
28 - Indenture by which John Leicest’ son and heir apparent of Thomas Leicest;, John Ireland knight, John Ffitton of Gawsworth, Ralph Sneyde and Laurence Leices’ granted to Humphrey Newton and Henty Henshawe all messuages in the townships of Over Alderley, Nether Peover and Nether Tabley. - 11 June 1521
29 - Indenture: John Irelande knight, John Ffitton, Ralph Sneyde and Laurence Leicester, clerk, granted to Thomas Leicester of Tabley and Blanche, widow of Oliver Berdesley of Warrington, various messuages in Over Tabley - 30 Aug 1522
30 - Counterpart Indenture: John Irelande knight, John Ffitton, Ralph Sneyde and Laurence Leicester, clerk, granted to Thomas Leicester of Tabley and Blanche, widow of Oliver Berdesley of Warrington, various messuages in Over Tabley. - 1522
31 - Grant: From John Leycester and Peter, his son, Ralph Sneyde and Laurence Leycester to Thomas Clegge of Nether Alderley and John Henshagh of Mylnehowse of messuages in Over Alderlsy, Over Tabley and Nether Peover. - 4 Feb 1530
32 - Ranulph Manywaryng of Peover, knight, and Peter Leycester, son and heir apparent of John Leycester of Tabley, confirmed to John Assheley and Alice his wife messuages in the township of Ashley and 2 closes called Blakefild and Busshehey. - 6 Mar 1537
33 - John Assheley of Ashley and George, his relative and heir, granted to Ranulph Maynwayring of Peover and Peter Leycester, son and heir apparent of John Leycester of Tabley, a messuage in the township of Ashley and 2 closes called Blakefild and Busshehey. - 5 Mar 1537
34 - Grant: From Johy Leycet’ of Nether Tabley to William Swynton of Knutsford of £30 and from William to Elizabeth his wife, daughter of the said John, of a third of his lands as dower. - 10 Oct 1538
36 - Indenture by which Dame Jane Brereton of Tatton and Geoffrey Brereton her son and heir apparent, made an agreement with Peter Leycestre and his daughter, as to the marriage of Geoffrey and Alex. - 27 Aug 1551
37 - Dame Jane Brereton wife of Richard Brereton, knight, acknowledged that she had received £86 from part payment of the marriage portion of her son Geoffrey, from Peter Leices’ of Tabley. - 29 Nov 1551
38 - Joan Brereton of Tatton and Geoffrey Brereton acknowledge themselves bound to Peter Leycestr’ in 1000 marcs, due on the feast of St Michael’s. - 27 Aug 1551
39 - Acknowledgement: Geoffrey Brereton, son and heir apparent of Richard Brereton of Tatton and Alice Brereton his wife, received from Peter Leicester, his father-in-law, £60 of lawful money, in part payment of his marriage portion. - 30 Nov 1554
40 - Acknowledgement: Geoffrey Brereton, son and heir apparent of Richard Brereton of Tatton and Alice Brereton his wife, received from Peter Leicester, his father-in-law, £20 of lawful money, in part payment of his marriage portion. - 22 Nov 1554
41 - Quitclaim: Jane Brereton widow of Richard Brereton to Peter Leycester of Tabley of all actions etc against him. - 1 Mar 1563
42 - Quitclaim: Geoffrey Brereton of Tatton of all actions suits etc against Peter Leicester of Tabley. - 6 Sep 1563
43 - Grant: From Jane Brereton, for divers considerations to Anne Brereton, daughter of Geoffrey Brereton de Tatton of all goods and chattels etc. - 9 Jul 1566
44 - Grant of cottages and lands in Nether Tabley, Plumley, Nether Peover, Over Tabley, Nether Tabley and Over Alderley. - 20 Aug 1566
45 - Grant: From Elizabeth Leicester widow of Peter Leicester to Adam, Peter’s brother. - 21 Sep 1566
46 - Grant: From Elizabeth, widow of Peter Leicester to Adam Leicester of a third of the water mills in the township of Tabley for 60 years if she shall live so long for 50s a year and also her rights of taking turves in Plumley Mosse. - 5 Sep 1566
47 - Grant: From George Ireland and Elizabeth, his wife, widow of Peter Leycester to Adam Leycester of all Elizabeth’s dower lands in the Manor of Nether Tabley, Nether Peover, Over Alderley, Over Tabley and Budworth Sudlowe. - 22 May 1584
48 - Letter testimonial of David Yale, doctor of law, vicar of William, bishop of Chester, who heard the case as to the validity or invalidity of the marriage of William Leicester and Alice. - 5 Jul 1589
49 - Indenture concerning Dorothy Leicester's purchase, from the Court of Wards and Liveries, of the wardship of her son Peter. - 1593
50 - Indenture by which Peter Leicester of Nether Tabley granted to Dorothy his mother, tofts etc in the township of Nether Tabley. - 10 Aug 1621
51 - Indenture by which Dorothy Leicester surrendered the land granted to her by her son, Peter Leicester for a rent of £100 a year. (See DLT A/1/50) - 10 Nov 1621
52 - Licence of Edmund Mainwaringe, doctor of law, vicar general in spiritualities of John, bishop of Chester, for the marriage of Peter Leicester and Elizabeth Gerarde of Dutton. - 25 Oct 1642
53 - Articles concerning the marriage of Peter Leycester junior and Elizabeth daughter and heiress of Edward Colwich of Colwich in Staffordshire. - 1 Sep 1642
54 - Grant: From Peter Leicestr’ of Tabley to Elena Leicester, his daughter, of annual rents from messuages in Allostock and Pever [Peover] after his death. - 26 Apr 1557
55 - List of tenants and rents - c.1557
56 - Indenture by which John Laycestre granted that, Peter his son and heir apparent should marry Alice, daughter of John Holforth before the Purification. - 15 Nov 1529
57 - Indenture by which Peter Leicest’ granted to Alice Leycest all the pasture commonly called Hawelenghe in the township of Nethertabley, now held by John Brock, to hold for term of her life for 8s a year. - 10 Sep 1566
Expand 2 - Marriages of Sir Peter Leicester and Sir John Fleming Leicester. - 1767-18292 - Marriages of Sir Peter Leicester and Sir John Fleming Leicester. - 1767-1829
Expand 3 - Title of Lord de Tabley - 1826-18883 - Title of Lord de Tabley - 1826-1888
Expand 4 - Wardships and Liveries - 1544-16104 - Wardships and Liveries - 1544-1610
Expand 5 - Annuities & Feoffments. - 1393-16815 - Annuities & Feoffments. - 1393-1681
Expand 6 - Awards - 1409-16936 - Awards - 1409-1693
Expand 7 - Thomas Leycestr': quitclaims of actions and acknowledgements - 1504-16017 - Thomas Leycestr': quitclaims of actions and acknowledgements - 1504-1601
Expand 8 - Releases - 1319-15578 - Releases - 1319-1557
Expand 9 - Inquisitions Post Mortem - 1332-16379 - Inquisitions Post Mortem - 1332-1637
Expand 10 - Wills, testaments and administrations. - 1464-170010 - Wills, testaments and administrations. - 1464-1700
Expand 11 - Marriages - 1704-170911 - Marriages - 1704-1709
Expand 12 - Marriage settlement of Margaret Leicester Warren. - 187512 - Marriage settlement of Margaret Leicester Warren. - 1875
Expand 13 - Settlement between Lord de Tabley and Mr Warren. - 188613 - Settlement between Lord de Tabley and Mr Warren. - 1886
Expand 14 - Settlements - 1862-188914 - Settlements - 1862-1889
15 - Probate papers of Sir George Leicester Warren, 2nd Baron de Tabley. - c1822-1843
16 - Abstract of will and codicils of Rt Hon John Fleming [Leicester], Lord de Tabley. - 11 Dec 1826
Expand 17 - Papers relating to the death of Lord de Tabley. - 1832-188717 - Papers relating to the death of Lord de Tabley. - 1832-1887
Expand 18 - Lord de Tabley's mortgages and maps of Tabley and Pickmere. - 1842-187618 - Lord de Tabley's mortgages and maps of Tabley and Pickmere. - 1842-1876
Expand 19 - Mortgage of hereditaments at Over Tabley and Sudlow and Lady Leighton's marriage settlement. - 1864-189019 - Mortgage of hereditaments at Over Tabley and Sudlow and Lady Leighton's marriage settlement. - 1864-1890
Expand 20 - Vernon Deeds - 1733-173820 - Vernon Deeds - 1733-1738
21 - Extract from the will of John Lord de Tabley and opinion. - 1826
22 - Will and Codicil of the Hon. Lady Leighton Warren. - 22 Feb 1905-18 May 1911
Expand 23 - Parker and de Tabley papers as to the guardianship of George Lord de Tabley. - 1827-182923 - Parker and de Tabley papers as to the guardianship of George Lord de Tabley. - 1827-1829
Expand 24 - Parker versus de Tabley - 1828-184224 - Parker versus de Tabley - 1828-1842
25 - Mortgages, schedules of title deeds, abstract of title and other papers related John Fleming Leicester. - 1821-1874
Expand 26 - Accounts of Lord de Tabley's trusteeship, marriage settlements of Sir John Byrne and Charles Leicester, administration of John Richard and incumbrances of John Fleming Leicester. - 1728-183326 - Accounts of Lord de Tabley's trusteeship, marriage settlements of Sir John Byrne and Charles Leicester, administration of John Richard and incumbrances of John Fleming Leicester. - 1728-1833
Expand 27 - Marriage settlement of Fleetwood Legh and marriage settlement of Sir John Byrne with Meriel Legh. - 1723-176527 - Marriage settlement of Fleetwood Legh and marriage settlement of Sir John Byrne with Meriel Legh. - 1723-1765
Expand 28 - Wills of Sir Francis Leicester, baronet28 - Wills of Sir Francis Leicester, baronet
29 - Marriage agreement, John Venables and Sir Robert Leicester. - 1682
Expand 30 - de Salis settlement. - 1862-188730 - de Salis settlement. - 1862-1887
Expand 31 - Right Honourable John Byrne Leicester Warren, Baron de Tabley: succession duty. - 188931 - Right Honourable John Byrne Leicester Warren, Baron de Tabley: succession duty. - 1889
Expand 32 - Portions for the younger children of the late Lord de Tabley. - 1889-190032 - Portions for the younger children of the late Lord de Tabley. - 1889-1900
Expand 33 - Title of the Leicester family: wills, abstracts of title, marriage settlements - 1738-183233 - Title of the Leicester family: wills, abstracts of title, marriage settlements - 1738-1832
34 - Statements of the accounts of T.L Parker, guardian of Lord de Tabley. - 1829
Expand 35 - Will of Sir John Fleming Leicester - 1811-182635 - Will of Sir John Fleming Leicester - 1811-1826
36 - Schedule of Deeds and Policies deposited with Messrs Harries Farquhar and Co. by the Honourable John Byrne Leicester Warren and Lord de Tabley. - 24 Apr 1876
37 - Act of Parliament for Thomas Holford of Newborough to sell his estates in Plumbley, Nether Peover Little Peover, & Lostock-Gralam - 1704
38 - Papers relating to probate of Honourable Catherine Leicester Warren. - 9 Nov 1885-23 May 1887
Expand 39 - Warren versus de Tabley39 - Warren versus de Tabley
40 - Death Duty Mortgage: schedules of deeds and related papers - 1900
Expand 41 - Sudlow, Over Tabley: Mortgage on land for the Lady Leighton Warren's marriage settlement. - 29 Jan 186441 - Sudlow, Over Tabley: Mortgage on land for the Lady Leighton Warren's marriage settlement. - 29 Jan 1864
Expand 42 - Sale of I M W Turner's Falls of Schaffhaussen to the Boston Museum, USA. - 1912-191342 - Sale of I M W Turner's Falls of Schaffhaussen to the Boston Museum, USA. - 1912-1913
43 - Will of the Honourable John Byrne Leicester Warren. - 27 May 1873
44 - Volume of correspondence regarding Sir John Fleming Leicester's Peerage - 1826
45 - Case made to the House of Lords regarding claims for the Barony of Slane including notes showing the pedigree of the Barons of Slane. - c.1832
46 - Bill to enlarge the time limited by the will of Sir Francis Leicester, Baronet, dec. for sale of the real estate late of Sir John Byrne, Baronet, dec. in the Kindom of Ireland, until 23 Jan 1755 and also to enable Sir Peter Byrne, baronet and his issue to take and use the surname of Leicester only, pursuant to the said will. - 1755
47 - Abstract of title for Holford and Lostock Gralam concerning the marriage between Thomas Asheton Smith the younger and Elizabeth Wynne and the arrangements, an annuity of £500, made to support her should she outlive her husband. - 18th century
Expand 2 - Cheshire Estates: Title Deeds2 - Cheshire Estates: Title Deeds
Expand 3 - Yorkshire: Title Deeds3 - Yorkshire: Title Deeds
Expand 4 - Lancashire: Title Deeds4 - Lancashire: Title Deeds
Expand 5 - Berkshire: Title Deeds5 - Berkshire: Title Deeds
Expand 6 - Kent: Title Deeds6 - Kent: Title Deeds
Expand 7 - Ireland7 - Ireland
Expand 8 - Cheshire and Huntingdonshire: deeds - 1631-17578 - Cheshire and Huntingdonshire: deeds - 1631-1757
Expand 9 - Cheshire, Yorkshire, Essex9 - Cheshire, Yorkshire, Essex
Expand 10 - Essex, Cheshire and Yorkshire10 - Essex, Cheshire and Yorkshire
Expand 12 - Cheshire and Ireland12 - Cheshire and Ireland
Expand 13 - Mortgages13 - Mortgages
Expand 14 - The Hon J B L Warren: Old Covers of Deeds, showing where the deeds have gone. - 1876-188914 - The Hon J B L Warren: Old Covers of Deeds, showing where the deeds have gone. - 1876-1889
15 - Anna Bromfield acknowledged herself bound to Sir Francis Leicester in £200. - 18 Aug 1724
16 - Parish of Ardingley: grant - 13 Mar 1689
Expand 17 - Bonds and agreements - 1647-180717 - Bonds and agreements - 1647-1807
Expand 18 - Schedules of deeds18 - Schedules of deeds
19 - Henry de Kygheley knight granted to John, son of Roger de le Hurst 2 tofts & buildings, as previously held by Robert de Brodegh & Richard Clapastr’ in Bedforde, & 21 acres of waste
Expand 3 - Wills and Settlements3 - Wills and Settlements
Expand 4 - Legal Case Papers4 - Legal Case Papers
Expand 5 - Estate Management5 - Estate Management
Expand 6 - Household Records6 - Household Records
Expand 7 - Charity Records7 - Charity Records
Expand 8 - School Records8 - School Records
Expand 9 - Ecclesiastical Records9 - Ecclesiastical Records
Expand 10 - Business Records10 - Business Records
Expand 11 - Family and Personal Papers11 - Family and Personal Papers
Expand 12 - Official Papers12 - Official Papers
Expand 13 - Maps and Plans13 - Maps and Plans
Expand 14 - Printed and Pictorial Material14 - Printed and Pictorial Material
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