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Collapse DLT - Leicester-Warren family of Tabley estate - 12th century-20th centuryDLT - Leicester-Warren family of Tabley estate - 12th century-20th century
Expand 1 - Manorial records1 - Manorial records
Collapse 2 - Title Deeds2 - Title Deeds
Collapse 1 - Family settlements1 - Family settlements
Expand 1 - Jointures and Marriages - 1359-16421 - Jointures and Marriages - 1359-1642
Expand 2 - Marriages of Sir Peter Leicester and Sir John Fleming Leicester. - 1767-18292 - Marriages of Sir Peter Leicester and Sir John Fleming Leicester. - 1767-1829
Expand 3 - Title of Lord de Tabley - 1826-18883 - Title of Lord de Tabley - 1826-1888
Expand 4 - Wardships and Liveries - 1544-16104 - Wardships and Liveries - 1544-1610
Expand 5 - Annuities & Feoffments. - 1393-16815 - Annuities & Feoffments. - 1393-1681
Collapse 6 - Awards - 1409-16936 - Awards - 1409-1693
1 - Bond of obligation: From Isabella and Mathew del Mere to Thomas Danyers, Joan widow of John Leycestr, William de Leycestr, & Margerie widow of Robert de Tabley for 1,000 marcs, due at the feast of the Purification. - 12 Jan 1409
2 - Indenture by which Peter de Dutton William de Brerton & Roger de Horton, elected on behalf of Thomas Danyers knight, Laurence Ffyton & Hugh de Venables de Kynderton, on behalf of Isabelle, & Mathew del Mere, by the assent and advice of George de Caryngton John Savage & John Pygot, announced their award. - 10 Apr 1410
3 - Indenture by which Peter de Dutton William de Brerton & Roger de Horton, elected on behalf of Thomas Danyers knight, Laurence Ffyton & Hugh de Venables de Kynderton, on behalf of Isabelle, & Mathew del Mere, by the assent and advice of George de Caryngton John Savage & John Pygot, announced their award. - c.1410
4 - Bond of obligation: Peter Dutton, John Legh, John Leycestr’, John Waren, Agnes Grosvenor’ Margeria Grosvenor acknowledged themselves bound to Ralph Grosvenor in 1,000 marcs, due at St Martin’s next. - 3 Oct 1466
5 - Bond of obligation: Ralph Grosvenor, Robert his son, & John Dunbury acknowledged themselves bound to Thomas Leycestr’ in £100 due at St. Peter and Vinvula. - 27 Jun 1469
6 - Indenture by which Rauf Grosvenor & Thomas Leycester’ & Margaret, his wife, a daughter of Robert Grosvenor announced that they had submitted their disputes to the award of William Stanley, William Bothe & Thomas Manley. - 29 Jun 1469
7 - Bond of obligation: Ralph Grosvenor, Robert, his son, & John Bunbury acknowledged themselves bound to Peter Dutton & Thomas Pull in £100, due by the feast of St. Peter and Vincula next. - 27 Jun 1469
8 - Counterpart indenture by which Rauf Grosvenor & Thomas Leycester’ & Margaret, his wife, a daughter of Robert Grosvenor announced that they had submitted their disputes to the award of William Stanley, William Bothe & Thomas Manley. - 29 Jun 1469
9 - Tripartite award of arbitration by Thomas Grosvenor in disputes between Hugh and Richard Venables, Elizabeth, wife of William of the Mere and Nicholas of Hasulhurst, on the one part, and William of Leycestre, John of Leycestre, Laurence of Leycestre, Geffrun of Leycestre, sons of William Harre of Glasebroke of Tabley on the other part. - 9 Aug 1427
11 - Bond of obligation: George Holford knight, and John Waren acknowledged themselves bound to Thomas Leycet’ of Tabley, co. Chester, in £20, due at the Assumption of the Virgin Mary. - 11 Aug 1499
12 - Bond of obligation: Richard Radclyf of Radcluf, Cristofer Hulton & Geoffrey Stanffeld acknowledged themselves bound to John Lecistr in £200. - 15 Jun 1499
13 - Bond of obligation: Richard Sutton acknowledged himself bound to Thomas Licester of Tabley in £100, due at the feast of St Laurence the martyr. - 4 Aug 1505
14 - Bond of obligation: Richard Sutton & William Stanley of Hoghton knight, acknowledged themselves bound to Thomas Leicestr’ of Tabley in 100 marcs, due at the Assumption. - 8 Aug 1505
15 - Bond of obligation: Thomas Leicestr’ of Tabley & John Waren, night, acknowledged themselves bound to Richard Sutton in 100 marcs, due at the Assumption. - 8 Aug 1505
16 - Indenture by which John Leycost’ son & Heir apparent of Thomas Leycost’ of Tabley agreed that William Riggeway, Robert Brome, Robert Norbury, William Brokke, Humfrey Huchynson, Robert Wethyr’ Rauff Synghymselfe, Rauf Jakson, William Fawken’ John Brome Ric’ Myllyngton, Charles Stubbs, Geoffrey Meyre, Richard Gidesley, Robert Gryffith, Rauff Brome, Humfrey Leycestr’ Thomas Hasylhurst, Thomas Robynson, James Yannes, Hamot Hale, William Wylkynson & Roger Synghymselfe, his tenants, for money which they paid to him, should enjoy the holdings which they then occupied, for the rest of his life, for the same rent & services. Signed Thomas Leycestr’’ Richard Sneyde. - 1 May 1516
17 - Indenture by which Wyllyam Venables of Kynderton & John Leycester agreed to submit their dispute as to certain land near Waterlesbroke, held by John Ye. Rede, to the arbitration of Wyllyam Hulton John Grench Homfrey Leycester and Wyllyam Brock. - 26 Jan 1525
18 - Bond of obligation: John Holford Thomas Holford, his son, and heir, Hugh Starke of Darley & Robert Legh of Northwod acknowledged themselves bound to John Laycostr’’de Tabley in £40 due at the Annunciation. - 15 Nov 1529
19 - Bond of obligation: Roger Hurleston, John Leghe del Dothes Robert Chaunterell & Robert Barrowe acknowledged themselves bound to John Leycestr’ esquire and Peter Leycestre, his son & Heir, in £200 due at St. Andrew’s. - 22 Oct 1533
20 - Bond of obligation: John Holford of Holford knight, acknowledged himself bound to John Leycestr’ de Tabley knight, in £100 due at the feast of St Barnabas. - 5 Jan 1536
21 - Bond of obligation: John Oglez of Robye [Robey], Lancashire acknowledged himself bound to John Clegge & Hugh Neuton in £100, due at All Saints. - 10 Sep 1535
22 - Bond of obligation: Peter Leicester, son & heir of John Leicester of Tabley, acknowledged himself bound to Stephan Holford of Westmynster in £40. - 8 Jun 1542
23 - Bond of obligation: Francis Holford son of John Holford acknowledged himself bound to Peter Laycet’ son & heir of John Laicet’ of Nethretabley [Nether Tabley] in 100 marcs, due at Easter. - 20 Dec 1543
24 - Bond of obligation: Thomas Danyell of Tabley acknowledged himself bound to Pter Laycetter of Tabley in £40, due at the feast of St. Hugh the bishop. - 12 Nov 1545
25 - Bond of obligation: Indenture by which Peter Leycestr’ & Thomas Danyell announced that they had submitted disputes as to the ownership of land called the Highfyld, lying in Over Tabley, to the arbitration of Rauff Leycester knight, and William Meyre and Phil Egerton knight, and Thomas Worberton and Richard Legh of Baguley and John Byrkhened of Crouton. - 2 Dec 1545
26 - Bond of obligation: Peter Leycest’ of Tabley acknowledged himself bound to Robert Cotton in £20, due at All Saints. - 5 Oct 1547
27 - Bond of obligation: John Eaton acknowledged himself to Peter Lecester of Nether Tabley in £40, due at All Saints. - 20 Oct 1546
28 - Bond of obligation: Indenture by which Thomas Nod of Netherpeu’ [Nether Peover] & Anne, his wife, for £3, granted to Thomas Dayne of Nether Peu’ a close in Nether Pever, occupied by Hugh Pereson, for term of 9 years, at the rent of one peppercorn a year, at the feast of the Nativity of St John the Baptist. - 16 Nov 1554
29 - Indenture by which Peter Laycester of Tablaye & John Holford made an agreement as to their disputes, Peter granting John £20 & 5 marcs, to be paid in instalments. - 14 Mar 1558
30 - Bond of obligation: Thomas Danyell acknowledged himself bound to Peter Leycestre of Neither Tabley and Peter, his son and heir apparent, in £300. - 27 Feb 1563
31 - Arbitration award of William Lyversage, John Lawton, Thomas Stanley & Charles Maywarynge, & Hugh Cholomondeley in dispute between Thomas Danyell of Tabley esquire of the one part, and Peter Leycestre the elder esquire and Peter Leycestre the younger his son and heir apparent. - 27 Feb 1563
32 - Bond: Richard Danyell acknowledged himself bound to Peter Leycest’ in £100. - 7 Apr 1563
33 - Bond of obligation: Thomas Holdford of Holford acknowledged himself bound to Peter Leycester of Tabley in £200. - 25 Apr 1564
34 - Bond of obligation: John Cotton of Netherlostock acknowledged himself bound to Peter Leycest of Nether Tabley in £40. - 8 Jan 1569
35 - Bond of obligation: John Dutton acknowledged himself bound to Richard Wirrall in £5. - 15 Jan 1576
36 - Articles between Peter Leycester of Nether Tabley, county of Chester & Adam Leycester arranging that the formers lands etc. were to descend to his male heirs. - 15 Jul 1581
37 - Indenture containing articles of agreement between randle Manwareinge of Over Peevre & Peter Lecester of Nether Tabbley concerning £480 yet unpaid to Peter, of the marriage portion of his wife. - 20 Jun 1617
38 - Bond of obligation: Margaret Shakerley of Hulme, acknowledged herself bound to Peter Leicester of Tabley Inferior in £1,000. - 30 Dec 1631
39 - Articles of agreement between Peter Leicester of Tabley & Margaret Shakerley of Hulme, as to the goods of Dorothie Leicester. - 15 Jan 1631
40 - Announcement that various disputes had lately arisen between Jefferey Shakerley esquire & Peter Leicester, the younger, as to the election of the church warden for the chapel of Nether Peu’. - 22 Jan 1638
41 - Bond of obligation: Geoffrey Shakerley acknowledged himself bound to Peter Leicester son & heir apparent of Peter Leycester in £200. - 4 Feb 1640
42 - The award of Francis Cholmondeley of Vale Royal & Thomas Holford between Robert Cholmondeley of Holford & Sir Francis Leicester touching land called Holford Moss. - 7 Sep 1693
Expand 7 - Thomas Leycestr': quitclaims of actions and acknowledgements - 1504-16017 - Thomas Leycestr': quitclaims of actions and acknowledgements - 1504-1601
Expand 8 - Releases - 1319-15578 - Releases - 1319-1557
Expand 9 - Inquisitions Post Mortem - 1332-16379 - Inquisitions Post Mortem - 1332-1637
Expand 10 - Wills, testaments and administrations. - 1464-170010 - Wills, testaments and administrations. - 1464-1700
Expand 11 - Marriages - 1704-170911 - Marriages - 1704-1709
Expand 12 - Marriage settlement of Margaret Leicester Warren. - 187512 - Marriage settlement of Margaret Leicester Warren. - 1875
Expand 13 - Settlement between Lord de Tabley and Mr Warren. - 188613 - Settlement between Lord de Tabley and Mr Warren. - 1886
Expand 14 - Settlements - 1862-188914 - Settlements - 1862-1889
15 - Probate papers of Sir George Leicester Warren, 2nd Baron de Tabley. - c1822-1843
16 - Abstract of will and codicils of Rt Hon John Fleming [Leicester], Lord de Tabley. - 11 Dec 1826
Expand 17 - Papers relating to the death of Lord de Tabley. - 1832-188717 - Papers relating to the death of Lord de Tabley. - 1832-1887
Expand 18 - Lord de Tabley's mortgages and maps of Tabley and Pickmere. - 1842-187618 - Lord de Tabley's mortgages and maps of Tabley and Pickmere. - 1842-1876
Expand 19 - Mortgage of hereditaments at Over Tabley and Sudlow and Lady Leighton's marriage settlement. - 1864-189019 - Mortgage of hereditaments at Over Tabley and Sudlow and Lady Leighton's marriage settlement. - 1864-1890
Expand 20 - Vernon Deeds - 1733-173820 - Vernon Deeds - 1733-1738
21 - Extract from the will of John Lord de Tabley and opinion. - 1826
22 - Will and Codicil of the Hon. Lady Leighton Warren. - 22 Feb 1905-18 May 1911
Expand 23 - Parker and de Tabley papers as to the guardianship of George Lord de Tabley. - 1827-182923 - Parker and de Tabley papers as to the guardianship of George Lord de Tabley. - 1827-1829
Expand 24 - Parker versus de Tabley - 1828-184224 - Parker versus de Tabley - 1828-1842
25 - Mortgages, schedules of title deeds, abstract of title and other papers related John Fleming Leicester. - 1821-1874
Expand 26 - Accounts of Lord de Tabley's trusteeship, marriage settlements of Sir John Byrne and Charles Leicester, administration of John Richard and incumbrances of John Fleming Leicester. - 1728-183326 - Accounts of Lord de Tabley's trusteeship, marriage settlements of Sir John Byrne and Charles Leicester, administration of John Richard and incumbrances of John Fleming Leicester. - 1728-1833
Expand 27 - Marriage settlement of Fleetwood Legh and marriage settlement of Sir John Byrne with Meriel Legh. - 1723-176527 - Marriage settlement of Fleetwood Legh and marriage settlement of Sir John Byrne with Meriel Legh. - 1723-1765
Expand 28 - Wills of Sir Francis Leicester, baronet28 - Wills of Sir Francis Leicester, baronet
29 - Marriage agreement, John Venables and Sir Robert Leicester. - 1682
Expand 30 - de Salis settlement. - 1862-188730 - de Salis settlement. - 1862-1887
Expand 31 - Right Honourable John Byrne Leicester Warren, Baron de Tabley: succession duty. - 188931 - Right Honourable John Byrne Leicester Warren, Baron de Tabley: succession duty. - 1889
Expand 32 - Portions for the younger children of the late Lord de Tabley. - 1889-190032 - Portions for the younger children of the late Lord de Tabley. - 1889-1900
Expand 33 - Title of the Leicester family: wills, abstracts of title, marriage settlements - 1738-183233 - Title of the Leicester family: wills, abstracts of title, marriage settlements - 1738-1832
34 - Statements of the accounts of T.L Parker, guardian of Lord de Tabley. - 1829
Expand 35 - Will of Sir John Fleming Leicester - 1811-182635 - Will of Sir John Fleming Leicester - 1811-1826
36 - Schedule of Deeds and Policies deposited with Messrs Harries Farquhar and Co. by the Honourable John Byrne Leicester Warren and Lord de Tabley. - 24 Apr 1876
37 - Act of Parliament for Thomas Holford of Newborough to sell his estates in Plumbley, Nether Peover Little Peover, & Lostock-Gralam - 1704
38 - Papers relating to probate of Honourable Catherine Leicester Warren. - 9 Nov 1885-23 May 1887
Expand 39 - Warren versus de Tabley39 - Warren versus de Tabley
40 - Death Duty Mortgage: schedules of deeds and related papers - 1900
Expand 41 - Sudlow, Over Tabley: Mortgage on land for the Lady Leighton Warren's marriage settlement. - 29 Jan 186441 - Sudlow, Over Tabley: Mortgage on land for the Lady Leighton Warren's marriage settlement. - 29 Jan 1864
Expand 42 - Sale of I M W Turner's Falls of Schaffhaussen to the Boston Museum, USA. - 1912-191342 - Sale of I M W Turner's Falls of Schaffhaussen to the Boston Museum, USA. - 1912-1913
43 - Will of the Honourable John Byrne Leicester Warren. - 27 May 1873
44 - Volume of correspondence regarding Sir John Fleming Leicester's Peerage - 1826
45 - Case made to the House of Lords regarding claims for the Barony of Slane including notes showing the pedigree of the Barons of Slane. - c.1832
46 - Bill to enlarge the time limited by the will of Sir Francis Leicester, Baronet, dec. for sale of the real estate late of Sir John Byrne, Baronet, dec. in the Kindom of Ireland, until 23 Jan 1755 and also to enable Sir Peter Byrne, baronet and his issue to take and use the surname of Leicester only, pursuant to the said will. - 1755
47 - Abstract of title for Holford and Lostock Gralam concerning the marriage between Thomas Asheton Smith the younger and Elizabeth Wynne and the arrangements, an annuity of £500, made to support her should she outlive her husband. - 18th century
Expand 2 - Cheshire Estates: Title Deeds2 - Cheshire Estates: Title Deeds
Expand 3 - Yorkshire: Title Deeds3 - Yorkshire: Title Deeds
Expand 4 - Lancashire: Title Deeds4 - Lancashire: Title Deeds
Expand 5 - Berkshire: Title Deeds5 - Berkshire: Title Deeds
Expand 6 - Kent: Title Deeds6 - Kent: Title Deeds
Expand 7 - Ireland7 - Ireland
Expand 8 - Cheshire and Huntingdonshire: deeds - 1631-17578 - Cheshire and Huntingdonshire: deeds - 1631-1757
Expand 9 - Cheshire, Yorkshire, Essex9 - Cheshire, Yorkshire, Essex
Expand 10 - Essex, Cheshire and Yorkshire10 - Essex, Cheshire and Yorkshire
Expand 12 - Cheshire and Ireland12 - Cheshire and Ireland
Expand 13 - Mortgages13 - Mortgages
Expand 14 - The Hon J B L Warren: Old Covers of Deeds, showing where the deeds have gone. - 1876-188914 - The Hon J B L Warren: Old Covers of Deeds, showing where the deeds have gone. - 1876-1889
15 - Anna Bromfield acknowledged herself bound to Sir Francis Leicester in £200. - 18 Aug 1724
16 - Parish of Ardingley: grant - 13 Mar 1689
Expand 17 - Bonds and agreements - 1647-180717 - Bonds and agreements - 1647-1807
Expand 18 - Schedules of deeds18 - Schedules of deeds
19 - Henry de Kygheley knight granted to John, son of Roger de le Hurst 2 tofts & buildings, as previously held by Robert de Brodegh & Richard Clapastr’ in Bedforde, & 21 acres of waste
Expand 3 - Wills and Settlements3 - Wills and Settlements
Expand 4 - Legal Case Papers4 - Legal Case Papers
Expand 5 - Estate Management5 - Estate Management
Expand 6 - Household Records6 - Household Records
Expand 7 - Charity Records7 - Charity Records
Expand 8 - School Records8 - School Records
Expand 9 - Ecclesiastical Records9 - Ecclesiastical Records
Expand 10 - Business Records10 - Business Records
Expand 11 - Family and Personal Papers11 - Family and Personal Papers
Expand 12 - Official Papers12 - Official Papers
Expand 13 - Maps and Plans13 - Maps and Plans
Expand 14 - Printed and Pictorial Material14 - Printed and Pictorial Material
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