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Collapse DLT - Leicester-Warren family of Tabley estate - 12th century-20th centuryDLT - Leicester-Warren family of Tabley estate - 12th century-20th century
Expand 1 - Manorial records1 - Manorial records
Collapse 2 - Title Deeds2 - Title Deeds
Collapse 1 - Family settlements1 - Family settlements
Expand 1 - Jointures and Marriages - 1359-16421 - Jointures and Marriages - 1359-1642
Expand 2 - Marriages of Sir Peter Leicester and Sir John Fleming Leicester. - 1767-18292 - Marriages of Sir Peter Leicester and Sir John Fleming Leicester. - 1767-1829
Expand 3 - Title of Lord de Tabley - 1826-18883 - Title of Lord de Tabley - 1826-1888
Expand 4 - Wardships and Liveries - 1544-16104 - Wardships and Liveries - 1544-1610
Expand 5 - Annuities & Feoffments. - 1393-16815 - Annuities & Feoffments. - 1393-1681
Expand 6 - Awards - 1409-16936 - Awards - 1409-1693
Expand 7 - Thomas Leycestr': quitclaims of actions and acknowledgements - 1504-16017 - Thomas Leycestr': quitclaims of actions and acknowledgements - 1504-1601
Collapse 8 - Releases - 1319-15578 - Releases - 1319-1557
1 - Adam de Moldeworth acknowledged that he had received from Roger de Leycestr’ 7½ marcs in part solution of 100 marcs, in which he was bound by a recognisance made before Oliuer de Ingham then justice of Chester at Medius Wicus [Middlewich] - 31 Mar 1324
2 - Adam de Moldeworth acknowledged that he had received from Roger de Leycestr’ 100 marcs, in which he was bound by a recognisance made before Oliuer Ingham justice in his itinery at Medius Wicus (Middlewich). - 27 Nov 1324
3 - Adam de Moldeworth acknowledged that he had received from Roger de Leycestr’ 5 marcs of silver in part solution of a debt of 100 marcs, in which he was bound by a recognisance before Oliuer de Ingham, then justice of Chester in his itinerary at Medius Wicus [Middlewich]. - 20 Jul 1324
4 - Walter Tanner & Margeria his wife of Morwicus (Northwich) quitclaimed to Roger de Leycestr’ all actions & law suits against him. - 5 Jul 1319
5 - Prior Robert of Norton acknowledged that he had received from Emmota wife of Robert le Grouenoy’r 4 marcs 4s. 5d, in which she was bound for tithe of Superior Lostock due at St Martin’s 1331 - 11 Nov 1331
6 - Letters patent by which William son of John Wade of Sudlowe quitclaimed to Roger de Leycestr’ all actions etc - 12 Jul 1344
7 - Walter de Verden announced that Rauf de Bodburlegh, Ran’ son of Thomas le Bruyn of Stapulford [Stapleford], Richard de Burton, parson of Pulford, John de Burton chaplain & John de Chedle were bound in 100 marcs by a fine in the co. court of Chester, but if they paid him 10 marcs in the abbey of Crokesden [Crockesden] Staffordshire, at the feast of the Nativity of St John the Baptist, 21 Edward III the obligation was null and void - 26 Jun 1347
8 - Gralamus le Wolfe, Ran’ de Scolehall & John de Scolehall, executors of the will of Thomas de Budenhale recently rector of Routhestorne [Rothesterne], quitclaimed to John Tuchet & John de Marthall, chaplain, executors of the will of John de Leycestr’ all actions quarrels etc. against him, from the beginning of the world - 29 Sep 1399
9 - John de Stakewod of the parish of Glossehop’ [Glossop] acknowledged that he had received 2 marcs from Roger Cator de Smalleye & John Croxton executors of William de Croxton & he renounced all suits & actions against them - 24 Oct 1397
10 - John de Shrygley knight acknowledged that he had received from William de Leycestr’ & John de Marthall chaplain, 13s 4d. in part solution of a sum in which they were bound to him - 1 Jul 1413
11 - Richard Ffarneworth of Barrowe [Barrow] quitclaimed to John Leicest’ of Tabley senior all actions suits against him. - 8 Dec 1458
12 - Receipt: Robert Grosvenor & John Tabbeley son of Matheus de Tabbeley acknowledged that he had received from John Leicest’ of Tabbeley 40s, as part of £20 by which John Leicest’ was bound to them by judgement of Ralph Grosvenor, Thomas Holford, senior & Peter Dutton. - 25 Jul 1460
13 - Agreement by which Roger Bonheur granted to William de Munet’rel all the land etc which he had of the gift & feoffment of Nicholas de Peu’e. - 24 May 1343
14 - Indenture by which Agnes, widow of Adam de Irdeslegh of Tablegh, John & Richard, his sons, & Ada his daughter, wife of Adam de Hoton Richard de Irdeslegh, Adam’s brother & guardian of the said Richard son of Adam, John de Irdeslegh, clerk, Richard Wyline Henry Drynkewater, John Hoggesson of Tablegh, Robert Snoweball agree to cease all quarrels with John, son of Henry de Lacheford o Knotesford - 1390
15 - John, widow of John de Leycestre acknowledged that she ad received from John Marthall a final account of all the rents services etc up to the present. - 13 Jan 1416
16 - Roger de Bolton person of Modburley [Mobberley] leased to James Maynwaryng all his messuages, lands etc which he had of the feoffment of John Mascy of Kelsall & Joan, his wife, in Ollerton, for 8 yrs for a rose at the Nativity of St John the Baptist - 30 Nov 1455
17 - John Leicestr’ of Tabbeley, senior, granted to Thomas Mascy, parson of W’ryngton & Master Hamo de Leicestr’ bachelor, of both laws, all his goods and chattels in all messuages etc in the co of Chester - 5 Jan 1458
18 - Thomas Leycester granted to John Radcliff senior all his messuages lands etc which William Evlyn Thomas Robertson held of him in Warton, to hold for term of the life of Joan, widow of Robert Grosuenor - 1 Jun 1480
20 - Roger de Leycestr sold to Richard de (torn) all the underwood in the park of (torn) from Easter next Christmas for 6 marcs. - 5 Jan 1343
21 - Letter from a messenger sent with a messag to William Shareshull concerning Adam de Moleworth, gives the movements of the count of Atheles & John de Lyndesay, his seneschal, & Sir Edward de Bruy’s & Sir John de Lyndessey was hung as an enemy of the king. - c.14th century
22 - Richard Bahel & John Bahel & Elyns Bahel, his brothers granted to Steffanus Drake & Alissin his wife, an acre & a virgate & a half of land in the parish of Dittune lying between the land of Steffanus and the land of the heir of Paris & on the west & east between the messuage of the said Richard, John & Elyas & the land of William, son of Mabel - n.d
23 - John Radclyf & Richard Radclyf, his son & heir apparent, Thomas Tylasley, & Elias Prestwyche acknowledge themselves bound to John Leycestr’ & Thomas Leycestr’ son & heir apparent of John Leycestr’ in 100 marcs due at the feast of the Annunciation of the Virgin - 12 Jan 1480
24 - Eliseus Grougo quitclaimed to Thomas Leicestr’ & Peter Leicestr’ his rights etc. in lands etc in Beddeford [Bedford] co Lanc’ commonly called Lightokes, which Oliver Grouge, now dead, had of the gift of Roger Grouge father of Eliseus - 30 Aug 1492
25 - Peter Leycester of Nether Tabeley [Nether Tabley] & William Snede of Weschestre Richard Marbery of Walton [Wolton] & Ralph Kyneston of Lynyall, co. Shropshire acknowledged themselves bound to the king in £13 due at Pentecost - 26 May 1544
26 - Richard Brereton of Tatton, knight & Richard Brereton esquire, his son & heir, acknowledged himself bound to Peter Leycestre of Tabley in £40, due at the feast of St Laurence the martyr. - 1 Aug 1540
27 - Onfridus Blackborne of Byeley & Richard Walley of Stanthurne acknowledged themselves bound to Peter Leycester of Nethertabley & John Mynshull of Mynshull [Minshull] in £200 due by Pentecost next - 16 Apr 1427
28 - Receipt: Ralph Grosvenor acknowledges that he had received from Thomas Laicestre & Margaret his wife a daughter & heiress of Robert Grosvenor 28s. 11d. which William Stanley, William Both & Thomas Manley were bound to pay at the feast of the Translation of St Thomas the martyr. - 20 Jul 1475
29 - Peter Venables quitclaimed to John Leycestr’ & Thomas Leycestr’ his son & heir all actions etc for debt against him, for payment of a fine of 14 marcs, in which he was bound by a letter of obligations - 5 Feb 1493
30 - Thomas Myllyngton of Knottesford [Knutsford] butcher & executor of the will of William Myllyngton, his father, acknowledged that he had received from John Leicest’ of Tabley, £3 4s which John owed to his father - 5 May 1541
31 - Alice Newhall widow of Henry Newall of Tabley Superior acknowledged that she had received from John Leicestr’ of Tabley 33s 4d in full solution of 20 marcs 8d debt. - 7 Jul 1541
32 - Thomas Stapleton of Upton, the older, & John Sanbache of Yayton the elder & Cicilye, his wife granted to Peter Leicester of Tabley & Homfrey Newton, son & heir of Hugh Newton, late of Lostok & Jane Newton his wife all annual rents & arrears due for the manor or capital messuage of Lostok - 3 Mar 1557
33 - Thomassyn Taite of Nether Knottysford [Nether Knutsford] widow, late wife of Umfrey Taite quitclaimed to Peter Leycest’ of Nethertabley [Nether Tabley] all rights actions, quarrels etc against him - 1 Dec 1574
34 - Roger Charnock of Wyndle quitclaimed to Peter Leycester all actions quarrels etc against him - 29 Sep 1559
Expand 9 - Inquisitions Post Mortem - 1332-16379 - Inquisitions Post Mortem - 1332-1637
Expand 10 - Wills, testaments and administrations. - 1464-170010 - Wills, testaments and administrations. - 1464-1700
Expand 11 - Marriages - 1704-170911 - Marriages - 1704-1709
Expand 12 - Marriage settlement of Margaret Leicester Warren. - 187512 - Marriage settlement of Margaret Leicester Warren. - 1875
Expand 13 - Settlement between Lord de Tabley and Mr Warren. - 188613 - Settlement between Lord de Tabley and Mr Warren. - 1886
Expand 14 - Settlements - 1862-188914 - Settlements - 1862-1889
15 - Probate papers of Sir George Leicester Warren, 2nd Baron de Tabley. - c1822-1843
16 - Abstract of will and codicils of Rt Hon John Fleming [Leicester], Lord de Tabley. - 11 Dec 1826
Expand 17 - Papers relating to the death of Lord de Tabley. - 1832-188717 - Papers relating to the death of Lord de Tabley. - 1832-1887
Expand 18 - Lord de Tabley's mortgages and maps of Tabley and Pickmere. - 1842-187618 - Lord de Tabley's mortgages and maps of Tabley and Pickmere. - 1842-1876
Expand 19 - Mortgage of hereditaments at Over Tabley and Sudlow and Lady Leighton's marriage settlement. - 1864-189019 - Mortgage of hereditaments at Over Tabley and Sudlow and Lady Leighton's marriage settlement. - 1864-1890
Expand 20 - Vernon Deeds - 1733-173820 - Vernon Deeds - 1733-1738
21 - Extract from the will of John Lord de Tabley and opinion. - 1826
22 - Will and Codicil of the Hon. Lady Leighton Warren. - 22 Feb 1905-18 May 1911
Expand 23 - Parker and de Tabley papers as to the guardianship of George Lord de Tabley. - 1827-182923 - Parker and de Tabley papers as to the guardianship of George Lord de Tabley. - 1827-1829
Expand 24 - Parker versus de Tabley - 1828-184224 - Parker versus de Tabley - 1828-1842
25 - Mortgages, schedules of title deeds, abstract of title and other papers related John Fleming Leicester. - 1821-1874
Expand 26 - Accounts of Lord de Tabley's trusteeship, marriage settlements of Sir John Byrne and Charles Leicester, administration of John Richard and incumbrances of John Fleming Leicester. - 1728-183326 - Accounts of Lord de Tabley's trusteeship, marriage settlements of Sir John Byrne and Charles Leicester, administration of John Richard and incumbrances of John Fleming Leicester. - 1728-1833
Expand 27 - Marriage settlement of Fleetwood Legh and marriage settlement of Sir John Byrne with Meriel Legh. - 1723-176527 - Marriage settlement of Fleetwood Legh and marriage settlement of Sir John Byrne with Meriel Legh. - 1723-1765
Expand 28 - Wills of Sir Francis Leicester, baronet28 - Wills of Sir Francis Leicester, baronet
29 - Marriage agreement, John Venables and Sir Robert Leicester. - 1682
Expand 30 - de Salis settlement. - 1862-188730 - de Salis settlement. - 1862-1887
Expand 31 - Right Honourable John Byrne Leicester Warren, Baron de Tabley: succession duty. - 188931 - Right Honourable John Byrne Leicester Warren, Baron de Tabley: succession duty. - 1889
Expand 32 - Portions for the younger children of the late Lord de Tabley. - 1889-190032 - Portions for the younger children of the late Lord de Tabley. - 1889-1900
Expand 33 - Title of the Leicester family: wills, abstracts of title, marriage settlements - 1738-183233 - Title of the Leicester family: wills, abstracts of title, marriage settlements - 1738-1832
34 - Statements of the accounts of T.L Parker, guardian of Lord de Tabley. - 1829
Expand 35 - Will of Sir John Fleming Leicester - 1811-182635 - Will of Sir John Fleming Leicester - 1811-1826
36 - Schedule of Deeds and Policies deposited with Messrs Harries Farquhar and Co. by the Honourable John Byrne Leicester Warren and Lord de Tabley. - 24 Apr 1876
37 - Act of Parliament for Thomas Holford of Newborough to sell his estates in Plumbley, Nether Peover Little Peover, & Lostock-Gralam - 1704
38 - Papers relating to probate of Honourable Catherine Leicester Warren. - 9 Nov 1885-23 May 1887
Expand 39 - Warren versus de Tabley39 - Warren versus de Tabley
40 - Death Duty Mortgage: schedules of deeds and related papers - 1900
Expand 41 - Sudlow, Over Tabley: Mortgage on land for the Lady Leighton Warren's marriage settlement. - 29 Jan 186441 - Sudlow, Over Tabley: Mortgage on land for the Lady Leighton Warren's marriage settlement. - 29 Jan 1864
Expand 42 - Sale of I M W Turner's Falls of Schaffhaussen to the Boston Museum, USA. - 1912-191342 - Sale of I M W Turner's Falls of Schaffhaussen to the Boston Museum, USA. - 1912-1913
43 - Will of the Honourable John Byrne Leicester Warren. - 27 May 1873
44 - Volume of correspondence regarding Sir John Fleming Leicester's Peerage - 1826
45 - Case made to the House of Lords regarding claims for the Barony of Slane including notes showing the pedigree of the Barons of Slane. - c.1832
46 - Bill to enlarge the time limited by the will of Sir Francis Leicester, Baronet, dec. for sale of the real estate late of Sir John Byrne, Baronet, dec. in the Kindom of Ireland, until 23 Jan 1755 and also to enable Sir Peter Byrne, baronet and his issue to take and use the surname of Leicester only, pursuant to the said will. - 1755
47 - Abstract of title for Holford and Lostock Gralam concerning the marriage between Thomas Asheton Smith the younger and Elizabeth Wynne and the arrangements, an annuity of £500, made to support her should she outlive her husband. - 18th century
Expand 2 - Cheshire Estates: Title Deeds2 - Cheshire Estates: Title Deeds
Expand 3 - Yorkshire: Title Deeds3 - Yorkshire: Title Deeds
Expand 4 - Lancashire: Title Deeds4 - Lancashire: Title Deeds
Expand 5 - Berkshire: Title Deeds5 - Berkshire: Title Deeds
Expand 6 - Kent: Title Deeds6 - Kent: Title Deeds
Expand 7 - Ireland7 - Ireland
Expand 8 - Cheshire and Huntingdonshire: deeds - 1631-17578 - Cheshire and Huntingdonshire: deeds - 1631-1757
Expand 9 - Cheshire, Yorkshire, Essex9 - Cheshire, Yorkshire, Essex
Expand 10 - Essex, Cheshire and Yorkshire10 - Essex, Cheshire and Yorkshire
Expand 12 - Cheshire and Ireland12 - Cheshire and Ireland
Expand 13 - Mortgages13 - Mortgages
Expand 14 - The Hon J B L Warren: Old Covers of Deeds, showing where the deeds have gone. - 1876-188914 - The Hon J B L Warren: Old Covers of Deeds, showing where the deeds have gone. - 1876-1889
15 - Anna Bromfield acknowledged herself bound to Sir Francis Leicester in £200. - 18 Aug 1724
16 - Parish of Ardingley: grant - 13 Mar 1689
Expand 17 - Bonds and agreements - 1647-180717 - Bonds and agreements - 1647-1807
Expand 18 - Schedules of deeds18 - Schedules of deeds
19 - Henry de Kygheley knight granted to John, son of Roger de le Hurst 2 tofts & buildings, as previously held by Robert de Brodegh & Richard Clapastr’ in Bedforde, & 21 acres of waste
Expand 3 - Wills and Settlements3 - Wills and Settlements
Expand 4 - Legal Case Papers4 - Legal Case Papers
Expand 5 - Estate Management5 - Estate Management
Expand 6 - Household Records6 - Household Records
Expand 7 - Charity Records7 - Charity Records
Expand 8 - School Records8 - School Records
Expand 9 - Ecclesiastical Records9 - Ecclesiastical Records
Expand 10 - Business Records10 - Business Records
Expand 11 - Family and Personal Papers11 - Family and Personal Papers
Expand 12 - Official Papers12 - Official Papers
Expand 13 - Maps and Plans13 - Maps and Plans
Expand 14 - Printed and Pictorial Material14 - Printed and Pictorial Material
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