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Collapse DLT - Leicester-Warren family of Tabley estate - 12th century-20th centuryDLT - Leicester-Warren family of Tabley estate - 12th century-20th century
Expand 1 - Manorial records1 - Manorial records
Collapse 2 - Title Deeds2 - Title Deeds
Expand 1 - Family settlements1 - Family settlements
Expand 2 - Cheshire Estates: Title Deeds2 - Cheshire Estates: Title Deeds
Expand 3 - Yorkshire: Title Deeds3 - Yorkshire: Title Deeds
Expand 4 - Lancashire: Title Deeds4 - Lancashire: Title Deeds
Expand 5 - Berkshire: Title Deeds5 - Berkshire: Title Deeds
Expand 6 - Kent: Title Deeds6 - Kent: Title Deeds
Expand 7 - Ireland7 - Ireland
Expand 8 - Cheshire and Huntingdonshire: deeds - 1631-17578 - Cheshire and Huntingdonshire: deeds - 1631-1757
Expand 9 - Cheshire, Yorkshire, Essex9 - Cheshire, Yorkshire, Essex
Expand 10 - Essex, Cheshire and Yorkshire10 - Essex, Cheshire and Yorkshire
Expand 12 - Cheshire and Ireland12 - Cheshire and Ireland
Collapse 13 - Mortgages13 - Mortgages
Expand 1 - George Warren, Baron de Tabley: Mortgages on estates in Lancashire and Cheshire1 - George Warren, Baron de Tabley: Mortgages on estates in Lancashire and Cheshire
Collapse 2 - Lord de Tabley's mortgage. - 1880-18892 - Lord de Tabley's mortgage. - 1880-1889
2 - The Hon. J.B.L. Warren to Philip Playdell Bouvario esquire and others – Notice to Messrs ? Farquhar and co. as to deeds and ? of title - 12 Mar 1880
3 - Notice to the Right on. George Warren Baron de Tabley of assignment by way of mortgage of a mortgage debt of £31,500 and the securities for the same and certain annuities. - 12 Mar 1880
4 - Copy of a mortgage to secure £8,000 and interest at 45. - 12 Mar 1880
5 - Schedule of papers handed to Messrs Crawley Arnold and Co. - 13 Jun 1888
6 - Philip Pleydell Bouverie esquire, the Rev. Henry ? Hay ad Edward Martin esquire, to Crawley Arnold and Co. concerning goods sent to the solicitors, relating to the late Lord de Tabley - 26 Apr 1889
7 - P.P. Bouverie esquire and others to the Right Honourable Lord de Tabley Cost of reconveyance of hereditaments in the country of Chester and related receipt. - 4 Nov 1889
8 - Solicitors of Lord de Tabley acknowledged that £820 had been deposited in the Bank of England by the Great Western Railway Company. - 20 Jul 1889
9 - The Lord de Tabley, Mortgage to Messrs Bouverie and others of £8,000 and the Cornwallis Mortgage. - 2 Oct 1998
10 - Letter from P.P. Bouverie and co. requesting Lord de Tabley pay £8,000 to Messrs Hoare, due on account of his mortgage. - 23 Oct 1889
11 - Draft reconveyance from P.P. Bouverie esquire and others to The Right Honourable J.B.L. Baron de Tabley of hereditaments in the county of Chester. - 2 Nov 1885
12 - Extract from mortgage from Lord de Tabley to Mrs Grant’s trustees. - c.1880
Expand 3 - George Warren Baron de Tabley's and Isabella Hellier: mortgages. - 1879-18883 - George Warren Baron de Tabley's and Isabella Hellier: mortgages. - 1879-1888
Expand 4 - George Warren Baron de Tabley and Isabella Hellier: mortgages4 - George Warren Baron de Tabley and Isabella Hellier: mortgages
Expand 5 - Lord de Tabley's estates - 1843-18775 - Lord de Tabley's estates - 1843-1877
6 - Lease and Mortgages – Stanthorn. - 1715-1726
7 - As to mortgage to Mr John Stubs. - 1848-1867
8 - Mortgage to Colonel de Salis. - 1857-1867
9 - Mortgage to Messrs Rigby. - 1857-1863
10 - Mortgages, bills and settlements. - 1740
Expand 11 - Baron de Tabley's Mortgages11 - Baron de Tabley's Mortgages
12 - Legal papers and draft cases of mortgages to Mr Blackstock [?] between Scatterthwaite and Dennison and Harrison and Dennison. - 1753-1763
Expand 14 - The Hon J B L Warren: Old Covers of Deeds, showing where the deeds have gone. - 1876-188914 - The Hon J B L Warren: Old Covers of Deeds, showing where the deeds have gone. - 1876-1889
15 - Anna Bromfield acknowledged herself bound to Sir Francis Leicester in £200. - 18 Aug 1724
16 - Parish of Ardingley: grant - 13 Mar 1689
Expand 17 - Bonds and agreements - 1647-180717 - Bonds and agreements - 1647-1807
Expand 18 - Schedules of deeds18 - Schedules of deeds
19 - Henry de Kygheley knight granted to John, son of Roger de le Hurst 2 tofts & buildings, as previously held by Robert de Brodegh & Richard Clapastr’ in Bedforde, & 21 acres of waste
Expand 3 - Wills and Settlements3 - Wills and Settlements
Expand 4 - Legal Case Papers4 - Legal Case Papers
Expand 5 - Estate Management5 - Estate Management
Expand 6 - Household Records6 - Household Records
Expand 7 - Charity Records7 - Charity Records
Expand 8 - School Records8 - School Records
Expand 9 - Ecclesiastical Records9 - Ecclesiastical Records
Expand 10 - Business Records10 - Business Records
Expand 11 - Family and Personal Papers11 - Family and Personal Papers
Expand 12 - Official Papers12 - Official Papers
Expand 13 - Maps and Plans13 - Maps and Plans
Expand 14 - Printed and Pictorial Material14 - Printed and Pictorial Material
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