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Collapse DLT - Leicester-Warren family of Tabley estate - 12th century-20th centuryDLT - Leicester-Warren family of Tabley estate - 12th century-20th century
Expand 1 - Manorial records1 - Manorial records
Collapse 2 - Title Deeds2 - Title Deeds
Expand 1 - Family settlements1 - Family settlements
Collapse 2 - Cheshire Estates: Title Deeds2 - Cheshire Estates: Title Deeds
Expand 1 - Allostock: Title Deeds1 - Allostock: Title Deeds
Expand 2 - Aston2 - Aston
Expand 3 - Bexton manor3 - Bexton manor
Expand 4 - Budworth: Title Deeds4 - Budworth: Title Deeds
Expand 5 - Halton: Title Deeds5 - Halton: Title Deeds
Expand 6 - Helde [Held]: Title Deeds6 - Helde [Held]: Title Deeds
7 - Letters patent, exemplifications of a plea by which Robert Besmer, Antony Stapleton, and Richard Newdegate recovered the manor of Herfelde and appartenences against Amphilicia Newdegate. - 12 Feb 1539
Expand 8 - Holford8 - Holford
Expand 9 - Horton, Hartford and Olbardistre in Wymincham - 1307-15349 - Horton, Hartford and Olbardistre in Wymincham - 1307-1534
Expand 10 - Knutsford: Title Deeds10 - Knutsford: Title Deeds
Expand 12 - Marston: Title Deeds12 - Marston: Title Deeds
Expand 13 - Marbury and Twambrooks: title deeds13 - Marbury and Twambrooks: title deeds
14 - Middlewich: Papers regarding the Frith and Bradshaw families. - 1740-1762
Expand 15 - Tenement del Schae, Mottershead [Mottram St Andrew]. - n.d.15 - Tenement del Schae, Mottershead [Mottram St Andrew]. - n.d.
Expand 16 - Northwich16 - Northwich
Expand 17 - Peover, Nether Peover, Plumley: Title Deeds17 - Peover, Nether Peover, Plumley: Title Deeds
Expand 18 - Pickmere and Over Tabley: Title Deeds18 - Pickmere and Over Tabley: Title Deeds
Expand 19 - Plumley: Title Deeds19 - Plumley: Title Deeds
Expand 20 - Over Alderley and Hulme: Title Deeds - 1262-177220 - Over Alderley and Hulme: Title Deeds - 1262-1772
Expand 21 - Over Whitley21 - Over Whitley
Expand 22 - Stanthorne22 - Stanthorne
23 - Sutton: George Pattenson and Thomas Burton recovered moiety of lands in chart. - 28 Nov 1811
Expand 24 - Tabley: Title Deeds24 - Tabley: Title Deeds
Collapse 25 - Warford: Title Deeds25 - Warford: Title Deeds
Collapse 1 - Warford - 1376-17161 - Warford - 1376-1716
1 - Nether Peover : grant - 20 Oct 1688
2 - John Burgess of Warford acknowledged himself bound to Thomas Jackson of Nether Tabley in £200 (Latin). - 20 Oct 1688
3 - Redren’s leyes : grant - 6 Oct 1665
4 - Warford : grant - 21 May 1668
5 - Mottram St Andrew : grant - 29 Apr 1654
6 - Mottram St Andrew : grant - 19 Jan 1675
7 - Great Warford : grant - 28 Apr 1654
8 - Indenture by which Vivian Davenport of Weltrough and John Booth of Twemlow, & John Kinsey granted to Sir Robert Leicester and Thomas Jackson, for £123 the messuages etc. assigned to Davenport Booth Twemlow (see 6) for 89 years, if Hugh and Peter Mottram shall live so long. - 1 Aug 1681
9 - Warford : grant - 15 Aug 1681
10 - Great Warford : grant - 16 Aug
11 - Samuel Legh of Macclesfield, alderman and Henry Barber of Macclesfield, alderman announced that whereas Philemon Manwaringe late of Warford acknowledged a statute of the penalty of £200 to Thomas Ffrost defeazance upon payment of £20 a year, for 8 years, which lies as an incumbrance upon a certain messuage and tenement in Warford. - 31 Mar 1683
12 - Henry Barber of Macclesfield, for £175. 6s. 5d. at the sealing of this deed, granted to Robert Leicester and Thomas Jackson, the lands purchased from Henry Mainwaring. Signed Henry Barber. Seal in red wax on a tag. English. - 8 Nov 1683
13 - Farm in Warford known as Redmanheye : grant - 25 Nov 1677
14 - Warford : release - 19 Jan 1681
15 - Great Warford, known as Parsons House : bargain and sale - 15 Aug 1681
16 - Great Warford, known as Parson’s house : sale - 16 Aug 1681
17 - Letter of Sir Robert Mainwaring, saying he is resolved not to pay any more money for land, which he was purchasing, until he was told to whom he was to pay the money in order to meet incumbrances on the land. - 17 Sep 1681
18 - Receipt from Peter Mainwaring to Sir Robert Leicester for £50. - 13 Jan 1681
19 - Receipt for £150. - 1 Aug 1681
20 - Receipt for £100. - 16 Aug 1681
21 - Bill of Sir Robert Leycester & Thomas Jackson, plaintiffs, against Henry Mainwaring, John Dudlow, Henry Barber, Samuel Lea, defendants. - 2 Jan 1681
22 - Sir Robert Leicester bound himself to Henry Mainwaring in £400 - 16 Aug 1681
23 - Obligation by which Sir Robert bound himself in £300 - 16 Aug 1681
24 - Sir Robert Leicester bound himself to Henry Mainwaring in £400 and similar obligation by which Sir Robert bound himself in £300 - 16 Aug 1681
25 - Henry Mainwaring wrote to Mr Thomas Jackson that he would be content to cancel a bond entered into at London, on condition that his grandson received his land. - 2 Dec
26 - Agreement between Henry Mainwaring and Sir Robert - 23 Jul 1681
27 - Henry Manwaring sent to Sir Robert Leicester the answers of Barber & Lea. - 16 Feb 1681
28 - Warford : release - 19 Dec 1681
29 - Edward Hill’s acquittance to Sir Robert Leicester for £15. - 19 Dec 1681
30 - Copy of the deed by which Sir Robert Leycester bound himself to Henry Mainwaring in £300. - 16 Aug 1681
31 - Complaint to William, earl of Derby, chamberlain of the county palatine of Chester as to the large sums, which Henry Barber and samuell Lea claimed as incumbrances on the lands lately held by Philemon Mainwaring. - c.1681-1682
32 - Answers of Henry Barber & Samuell Lea to the complaints of Robert Leicester. - n.d.
33 - Answers of Henry Mainwaring and John Dudley to Sir Robert’s bill of complaint. - Undated 1681-2
34 - Order for the case of Mainwaring, Barber. ….. to be stated before Robert Ffoulkes. - 8 Dec 1682
35 - Henry Mainwaring’s letter to say that the sitting being on Monday next he would not have time to take copies of depositions and prepare his case, and he sought for it to be postponed until the next sitting. To Robert Leicester. - 1 Dec 1682
36 - Order to show why John Dudley should not be examined. - 16 Aug 1682
37 - Report of Robert Ffoulkes on the case of the defendants against Sir Robert Leicester. - 26 Jun 1683
38 - At the Exchequer, in Chester. Order that on payment of £175. 6s 5d. to the defendants from Sir Robert Leicester, Mr Barber was absolutely discharged from his claim on the land lately held by Philemon Mainwaring. - 15 Aug 1683
39 - Similar order to 36, giving the arrangements for payments to Barber. Mr Mainwaring is to produce all bonds at court in the next ten weeks. - 11 Dec 1683
40 - Henry Barber of Macclesfield in pursuance of an order of the Exchequer Court at Chester dated Aug 15th last, acknowledged the receipt of £175 6s. 5d and released all claims upon a messuage etc. in Warford, lately purchased by Sir Robert Leicester. Signed Henry Barber. - 8 Nov 1683
41 - Samuel Leah of Macclesfield, in pursuance of an order in the Exchequer Court of Chester bearing the date Dec. 11th last, acknowledged the receipt of £43. for costs of suit expended in extending a statute which was heretofore acknowledged by Philemon Mainwaring unto Thomas Ffrost, and he renounced all claims on land which Sir Robert Leicester had bought in Warford. - 1 Mar 1683
42 - Charges paid in suits against Henry Mainwaring Samuel Lea and Henry Barber. List of payments Total £24. 17s. 10d - n.d.
43 - Suit between Henry Mainwaring & Vivian Davenport, John Booth, John Kinsey, & Edward Dod, concerning the land in Warford once held by Philemon Mainwaringe. The plaintiff was to pay £123 to Davenport and to receive title in land in Warford and a relaxation of £24 a year of the rent for compensation for disturbance and taxes and repairs, and £10 for costs incurred in this suit. - 28 Apr 1681
44 - Letter from John Yates, parson, concerning repairs at Warford, written to Sir Francis Leicester. - 28 Jun 1716
45 - A true copy of the bill of Peter Stubbs of Warford (wages of constables, overseers of the poor etc.) Total £3, 3s 0½d. - 1714
46 - Hugh Page granted to John vicar of Mitton and Adam Skylyngterne, all messuages etc. in West Halghton [Haughton]. - 10 Sep 1376
47 - Hugh Page quitclaimed to John Vicar of Mitton and Adam Skylyngterne all his messuages etc. in Westhalghton. - 12 Sep 1376
Expand 26 - Wettenhall: Title Deeds26 - Wettenhall: Title Deeds
Expand 27 - Wimboldsley27 - Wimboldsley
Expand 28 - Wincham28 - Wincham
Expand 29 - Witton29 - Witton
Expand 30 - Cheshire: title deeds relating to several estates or areas30 - Cheshire: title deeds relating to several estates or areas
Expand 3 - Yorkshire: Title Deeds3 - Yorkshire: Title Deeds
Expand 4 - Lancashire: Title Deeds4 - Lancashire: Title Deeds
Expand 5 - Berkshire: Title Deeds5 - Berkshire: Title Deeds
Expand 6 - Kent: Title Deeds6 - Kent: Title Deeds
Expand 7 - Ireland7 - Ireland
Expand 8 - Cheshire and Huntingdonshire: deeds - 1631-17578 - Cheshire and Huntingdonshire: deeds - 1631-1757
Expand 9 - Cheshire, Yorkshire, Essex9 - Cheshire, Yorkshire, Essex
Expand 10 - Essex, Cheshire and Yorkshire10 - Essex, Cheshire and Yorkshire
Expand 12 - Cheshire and Ireland12 - Cheshire and Ireland
Expand 13 - Mortgages13 - Mortgages
Expand 14 - The Hon J B L Warren: Old Covers of Deeds, showing where the deeds have gone. - 1876-188914 - The Hon J B L Warren: Old Covers of Deeds, showing where the deeds have gone. - 1876-1889
15 - Anna Bromfield acknowledged herself bound to Sir Francis Leicester in £200. - 18 Aug 1724
16 - Parish of Ardingley: grant - 13 Mar 1689
Expand 17 - Bonds and agreements - 1647-180717 - Bonds and agreements - 1647-1807
Expand 18 - Schedules of deeds18 - Schedules of deeds
19 - Henry de Kygheley knight granted to John, son of Roger de le Hurst 2 tofts & buildings, as previously held by Robert de Brodegh & Richard Clapastr’ in Bedforde, & 21 acres of waste
Expand 3 - Wills and Settlements3 - Wills and Settlements
Expand 4 - Legal Case Papers4 - Legal Case Papers
Expand 5 - Estate Management5 - Estate Management
Expand 6 - Household Records6 - Household Records
Expand 7 - Charity Records7 - Charity Records
Expand 8 - School Records8 - School Records
Expand 9 - Ecclesiastical Records9 - Ecclesiastical Records
Expand 10 - Business Records10 - Business Records
Expand 11 - Family and Personal Papers11 - Family and Personal Papers
Expand 12 - Official Papers12 - Official Papers
Expand 13 - Maps and Plans13 - Maps and Plans
Expand 14 - Printed and Pictorial Material14 - Printed and Pictorial Material
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