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Collapse DLT - Leicester-Warren family of Tabley estate - 12th century-20th centuryDLT - Leicester-Warren family of Tabley estate - 12th century-20th century
Expand 1 - Manorial records1 - Manorial records
Collapse 2 - Title Deeds2 - Title Deeds
Expand 1 - Family settlements1 - Family settlements
Collapse 2 - Cheshire Estates: Title Deeds2 - Cheshire Estates: Title Deeds
Expand 1 - Allostock: Title Deeds1 - Allostock: Title Deeds
Expand 2 - Aston2 - Aston
Expand 3 - Bexton manor3 - Bexton manor
Expand 4 - Budworth: Title Deeds4 - Budworth: Title Deeds
Expand 5 - Halton: Title Deeds5 - Halton: Title Deeds
Collapse 6 - Helde [Held]: Title Deeds6 - Helde [Held]: Title Deeds
Collapse 1 - Helde1 - Helde
1 - John Constable of Chester granted Helda in Hestona to Methrosus Punt ‘lig for una lances Walensi every year at the feast of St Berthelmus. - 1163-1190
2 - Hugh, son of Hugh del Helde granted to Geoffrey de Dutton & his heirs all his land of Helde, which Hugh held of Geoffrey, for 24 marcs. - c1247
3 - Hugh, prior of Norton quitclaimed to Geoffrey, son of Adam de Dutton, & his heirs all his clams in Helda & Buddeward. Announcement of common seal. - c.1247
4 - Indenture by which Tenderayt de Helde granted to Geoffrey de Dutton all his fishery of Helde form Pentocost 1247 for 10 yrs. - 1247
5 - Geoffrey de Dutton son of Adam de Dutton granted to Agnes, his daughter all his land of Helde, within an enclosure & without, namely the land which he had bought from Hugh le walse diakeie, rendering to her father a pair of white gloves at the feast of St John the Baptist. - c1250
6 - Hugh le Walledekene granted to Agnes daughter of Geoffrey de Dutton all the land of Helde, which Geoffrey bought of him. - c.1250
7 - Letters patent by which Peter de Dutton knight acknowledged that he had received from Roger, son of Nicholas de Laycestr’ 20 marcs. in which he was bound in return for a quitclaim of land in Tabbeleg’qtale & Helde. - 11 Nov 1297
8 - Henry son of Richard Godale & Alice his wife quitclaimed to Roger de Leycestr all their rights in Helde, in the vill of Aston near Buddeworth. - n.d.
9 - Robert, son of Nicholas le Baker’ & Matilda his wife, quitclaimed to Roger de Leycester’ 11 their rights in Helde. - n.d.
10 - Indenture by which Roger de Leycester’ granted to Adam de Lowe a quarter of Helde, once held by Ranulph del Helde & a meadow called Curtisford & Mulne Croft, & a piece of land called le Culnegrene & le Sernour, from Pentecost 1313 for 12 years. - 1313
12 - Agreement by which Roger de Leycestr’ granted to Thomas Vicar of Buddeworth all his hedge called le Heldpark with its appurtenances between Curtisford & Budd & Aston. - 1331
13 - Indenture by which John de Leycestr’ granted to William del Helde & Goditha his wife, the manor of Helde for 60s a year at the Nativity of St John the Baptist. - 1 Jul 1355
14 - John de Leycestr’ granted to William del Helde & Goditha his wife all his rights in 60s annual rent for the manor of Helde. - 19 Jul 1355
15 - Indenture by which John de Leycestr’ granted to William del Helde & Goditha his wife that they shall only pay 40s annual rent for the manor of Helde. - 15 Mar 1358
16 - Indenture by which Hugh de Toft Peter Blys & John de Leycestre granted to William de Horneby rector of St Michael’s super Wyre all his manor of Wethale in Aston by which Hugh Barton held for term of years; the service of Robert de Whelok & Godytha his wife, William le Carour & Margaret his wife & Emma daughter of William del Helde namely fidelity & 40s annual rent. - 11 May 1377
17 - Indenture by which John de Leycestre granted to John Troutbok all his fishery in the rivulet called Cuttesfordbroke flowing between the pond called Pykmor & that called Budworth mere from the feast of the Assumption for 8 yrs. - 8 Aug 1452
18 - Indenture by which John Brid’s wife, Margaret, made an agreement with Elena Holte as to the partition of the manor of Helde. - 21 March 1413-1414
19 - Thomas Mychell, son & heir of Marion Mychell & an heiress of Wiliam Carior grated to Thomas Leycetur of Netherappley all the messuages, mills etc. belonging to the half of the manor of Helde, which would descend to her after her mother’s death, for 6s 8d a year at the feast of St James. - 7 Oct 1500
20 - Thomas Mychell appointed William Brok & William Dauy his attorneys to give seisin in half the manor of Helde to Thomas Leycetur. - 7 Oct 1500
21 - Quitclaim from Thomas Michell after his mother’s death of half the manor of Helde to Thomas Leycetur. - 6 Oct 1500
22 - Thomas Mychell son & heir of Marion Mychell granted to John Legh his part of the manor of Held. - 25 Feb 1502
23 - Thomas Mychell appointed Robert Newhall of Pykme’ & Edward Pykeryn his attorneys to give seisin to John Legh brother of Thomas Legh of Hegh Legh in his part of the manor of Helde. - 25 Feb 1502
24 - Thomas Mychell quitclaimed his part of the Manor of Helde & appurtenances in Aston near Budworth. - 5 Mar 1502
25 - John Legh granted to John Leicest’ of Tabley all his part of the Manor of Helde, which he had of the feoffment of Thomas Mychelle to the use of Thomas Leicest’. - 1 Feb 1527
26 - Thomas Barowe guardian of Lewes Torfore disputed with Thomas Leycester of Nether Tabley as to whether Thomas had a lease of Thomas Michell, the younger son & heir of Marion, daughter & heir of William Carier, of the manor of Helde. - 5 Mar 1501
27 - John Wereward son & heir of Alice Wereward, a daughter & heiress of William Carior granted to Richard Moldeworthe of Wymmycham all his messuages, mills etc in the half manor of Helde, which he had inherited. - 7 Mar 1501
28 - John Wereward son & heir of Alice Wereward appointed Richard Norcote & Roger Kay attorneys to give seisin to Richard Moldeworthe in his messuages etc. - 7 Mar 1501
29 - John Wereward, son & heir of Alice Wereward granted to Richard Moldeworthe of Wymmcham, for a certain sum of money, his title in all messuages etc in Helde, for 5s a year at the feast of St James. - 20 Mar 1500
30 - Indenture by which William Caryour of Ombressey & Richard his son, granted to Edward Torfot of Bodworth a tenement in Held from St Martin’s for 4 yrs, for 13s 4d a year, at the Nativity of St John Baptist & St Martin’s. - 2 Sep 1473
31 - Indenture made at Budworth by which Robert Cariour & Richard his brother granted to Edward Torfote their tenement etc in Held for 20 yrs, for 10s a year (Nativity of St John the Baptist & St Martin’s). - 14 May 1474
32 - Helen Torfote, widow of Richard Torfot quitclaimed to John Leycest’ of Tabley an annual rent of 18s 4d which he used to pay. - 20 Jun 1484
33 - Indenture by which John Leycestr’ granted to Arthur Torfot and to Margaret his wife, the manor of Helde, for 31yrs. from St Martin’s at 110s a yr. - 7 Apr 1485
34 - Thomas Barowe guardian of Leodowyc Fforfot son & heir of Arthur Torfot acknowledged that he had received from John Leycestr’ 26s 8d for the issues of Leofowyc’s land in Helde. - 20 Jun 1493
35 - Indenture by which John Werworth of the parish of Tenbury granted to Edward Torfote of the parish of Budworth in the fee of Halton all his part of the manor of Helde, for 21 yrs for 6s 8d - 29 Sep 1500
36 - Indenture by which Thomas Barowe guardian of Lewes Torfote son & heir of Arthur Torfote agreed with John Leycester that. - 3 Oct 1500
37 - Bill by which Richard Sutton bought from Edward Torfott & Alice his wife the title to all the tenements etc belonging to Richard Torfott, father of Edward for 25 marcs. - 15 Apr 1505
38 - Edward Torfott quitclaimed to Richard Sutton all actions, disputes etc against him. - 12 Apr 1505
39 - Indenture by which Edward Torfotte & Alice his wife, granted to Richard Sutton all the lands etc which had belonged to Edward’s father, Richard for 25 marcs fine. - 16 Dec 1504
40 - Richard Sutton & Lodwicus Torfott made an agreement whereby Lodwicus gave to Richard the manor of Helde in exchange for a tenement & 30 acres in Lambith. - 10 Dec 1504
41 - Lodwicus Torfott, son & heir of Arthur Torfott & Edward Torfott granted to Richard Sutton, John Legh, Ralph Legh, John Porte, Richard Snede, John Sutton senior, John Sutton junior all his lands etc in Chester & Lancaster, to hold to the use of Richard Sutton & his heirs. - 19 Dec 1504
42 - Indenture by which Richard Sutton received from Lewes Torfott, son & heir of Arthur Torffott all the lands etc which he had to his use in Cheshire & Lancashire, for £52 (in two instalments) & Richard granted to Lewes land in Lambith, called the Cristofer. - 19 Dec 1504
43 - Announcement of seals - 20 Dec 1504
44 - Receipt from Lewys Torfott for £52 paid by Rye’ Sutton for land sold to him. - 1 Jul
45 - Richard Sutton & William Stanley de Hoton acknowledged themselves bound to Thomas Leycestr’ of Tabley in £100 at the feast of St Laurence. - 16 Jul 1505
46 - Indenture by which Richard Sutton & Thomas Leycester bound themselves in 100 marcs to keep the award of Sir Thomas Englefeld knight, & George Bromley, as to the right title to the manor of Held - 25 Aug 1505
47 - Indenture by which Richard Sutton granted to Thomas Leycestre of Tabley & John, his son, his house & barn on the Northside of the Swynhey, for 6 yrs at 8s 4d at St Martin’s. - 1 Aug 1507
48 - Richard Sutton granted to Thomas Leicestr’ half a meadow at Helde [Held], half a meadow near Pikmere [Pickmere], Mere & the close called Cottons Crofte [Cotton’s Croft] from St Martin’s for 7yrs, for 12s. - 7 Sep 1506
50 - Richard Sutton acknowledged himself bound to Thomas Leycestr’ & John, his son & heir, in £100, due at Christmas & unless it is paid he grants that Richard shall enjoy the half of the manor of Held & half a close called Cottons Croft, which had been awarded to Margarett Brydd. - 8 Sep 1506
51 - Indenture: Rychard Sutton agreed with Thomas Barowe cheryf coke for the king, that Thomas should lease to him the third of the land with which Arthur Turfote had been seised, which belonged to the wife of Thomas, as dower from Christmas, for 20 yres, it 25s. 6d. a year, (due the Nativity of St. John Baptist & St. Martin’s). - 24 Jan 1508
52 - Indenture: Richard Sutton granted to John Leicestre, son & heir of Thomas Leicestre, of Tabley, the More & a meadow on the west side of the Hye Wey at the Held and the house and barn & half his croft called Sawtys Crofte for 20s a year. - 24 Aug 1513
53 - Indenture by which Richard Sutton granted to John Leicestre of Tabley the house at Held, the orchard & the Swynehey there for 8s. a year (St. Martin’s & the Nativity of St. John the Baptist). - 28 Aug 1514
54 - Indenture by which John Leycestr’ granted to Nicohlas Leycestr’ the hall etc. of Held for a yearly rent - 10 Mar 1517
55 - Indenture by which Richard Sutton granted to John Lewes of Anturbus Myln’ a water mill in Aston, helf by William Heuworth from the Nativity of St. John Baptist for 21 yrs. for 16s. a year - 22 Jun 1520
57 - Indenture by which John Lacestre of Tabley esquire & John Sutton of Sutton agreed that Nicholas Lacestre & George Pykryn should arrange the partition of land appurtenant to the manor of Held in Aston beside Budworth in the fee of Halton. - 19 Jun 1526
58 - Grant: From Richard Sutton of Sutton & Francis Sutton, his son & heir for £9. 7s, to Thomas Eaton of Budworthe of the closes & fields commonly called Held Wood in the township of Aston, for the life of Thomas & his son, John Eaton, for 3s a year. - 4 May 1576
59 - Richard Sutton & Henry Deane of Macclesfeelde, John Lathan of Sutton, yeoman & John Tomson acknowledged themselves firmly bound to Dorethee Leicester (widow of Adam) of Nether Tabley in £340 - 1 May 1601
60 - Indenture by which Richard Sutton granted to Dorethie Leycester the messuages etc. which descended to him from his father in Aston near Budworth & Heyld [Held] - 1 May 1601
61 - Richard Sutton acknowledged he had received from Dorothie Leycester £190 in return for his land in Aston - 20 Jun 1601
62 - Indenture by which John Lacestre of Tabley esquire & John Sutton of Sutton agreed that Nicholas Lacestre & George Pykryn should arrange the partition of land appurtenant to the manor of Held in Aston beside Budworth in the fee of Halton. - 19 Jun 1526
7 - Letters patent, exemplifications of a plea by which Robert Besmer, Antony Stapleton, and Richard Newdegate recovered the manor of Herfelde and appartenences against Amphilicia Newdegate. - 12 Feb 1539
Expand 8 - Holford8 - Holford
Expand 9 - Horton, Hartford and Olbardistre in Wymincham - 1307-15349 - Horton, Hartford and Olbardistre in Wymincham - 1307-1534
Expand 10 - Knutsford: Title Deeds10 - Knutsford: Title Deeds
Expand 12 - Marston: Title Deeds12 - Marston: Title Deeds
Expand 13 - Marbury and Twambrooks: title deeds13 - Marbury and Twambrooks: title deeds
14 - Middlewich: Papers regarding the Frith and Bradshaw families. - 1740-1762
Expand 15 - Tenement del Schae, Mottershead [Mottram St Andrew]. - n.d.15 - Tenement del Schae, Mottershead [Mottram St Andrew]. - n.d.
Expand 16 - Northwich16 - Northwich
Expand 17 - Peover, Nether Peover, Plumley: Title Deeds17 - Peover, Nether Peover, Plumley: Title Deeds
Expand 18 - Pickmere and Over Tabley: Title Deeds18 - Pickmere and Over Tabley: Title Deeds
Expand 19 - Plumley: Title Deeds19 - Plumley: Title Deeds
Expand 20 - Over Alderley and Hulme: Title Deeds - 1262-177220 - Over Alderley and Hulme: Title Deeds - 1262-1772
Expand 21 - Over Whitley21 - Over Whitley
Expand 22 - Stanthorne22 - Stanthorne
23 - Sutton: George Pattenson and Thomas Burton recovered moiety of lands in chart. - 28 Nov 1811
Expand 24 - Tabley: Title Deeds24 - Tabley: Title Deeds
Expand 25 - Warford: Title Deeds25 - Warford: Title Deeds
Expand 26 - Wettenhall: Title Deeds26 - Wettenhall: Title Deeds
Expand 27 - Wimboldsley27 - Wimboldsley
Expand 28 - Wincham28 - Wincham
Expand 29 - Witton29 - Witton
Expand 30 - Cheshire: title deeds relating to several estates or areas30 - Cheshire: title deeds relating to several estates or areas
Expand 3 - Yorkshire: Title Deeds3 - Yorkshire: Title Deeds
Expand 4 - Lancashire: Title Deeds4 - Lancashire: Title Deeds
Expand 5 - Berkshire: Title Deeds5 - Berkshire: Title Deeds
Expand 6 - Kent: Title Deeds6 - Kent: Title Deeds
Expand 7 - Ireland7 - Ireland
Expand 8 - Cheshire and Huntingdonshire: deeds - 1631-17578 - Cheshire and Huntingdonshire: deeds - 1631-1757
Expand 9 - Cheshire, Yorkshire, Essex9 - Cheshire, Yorkshire, Essex
Expand 10 - Essex, Cheshire and Yorkshire10 - Essex, Cheshire and Yorkshire
Expand 12 - Cheshire and Ireland12 - Cheshire and Ireland
Expand 13 - Mortgages13 - Mortgages
Expand 14 - The Hon J B L Warren: Old Covers of Deeds, showing where the deeds have gone. - 1876-188914 - The Hon J B L Warren: Old Covers of Deeds, showing where the deeds have gone. - 1876-1889
15 - Anna Bromfield acknowledged herself bound to Sir Francis Leicester in £200. - 18 Aug 1724
16 - Parish of Ardingley: grant - 13 Mar 1689
Expand 17 - Bonds and agreements - 1647-180717 - Bonds and agreements - 1647-1807
Expand 18 - Schedules of deeds18 - Schedules of deeds
19 - Henry de Kygheley knight granted to John, son of Roger de le Hurst 2 tofts & buildings, as previously held by Robert de Brodegh & Richard Clapastr’ in Bedforde, & 21 acres of waste
Expand 3 - Wills and Settlements3 - Wills and Settlements
Expand 4 - Legal Case Papers4 - Legal Case Papers
Expand 5 - Estate Management5 - Estate Management
Expand 6 - Household Records6 - Household Records
Expand 7 - Charity Records7 - Charity Records
Expand 8 - School Records8 - School Records
Expand 9 - Ecclesiastical Records9 - Ecclesiastical Records
Expand 10 - Business Records10 - Business Records
Expand 11 - Family and Personal Papers11 - Family and Personal Papers
Expand 12 - Official Papers12 - Official Papers
Expand 13 - Maps and Plans13 - Maps and Plans
Expand 14 - Printed and Pictorial Material14 - Printed and Pictorial Material
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