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Collapse DLT - Leicester-Warren family of Tabley estate - 12th century-20th centuryDLT - Leicester-Warren family of Tabley estate - 12th century-20th century
Expand 1 - Manorial records1 - Manorial records
Collapse 2 - Title Deeds2 - Title Deeds
Expand 1 - Family settlements1 - Family settlements
Expand 2 - Cheshire Estates: Title Deeds2 - Cheshire Estates: Title Deeds
Expand 3 - Yorkshire: Title Deeds3 - Yorkshire: Title Deeds
Expand 4 - Lancashire: Title Deeds4 - Lancashire: Title Deeds
Expand 5 - Berkshire: Title Deeds5 - Berkshire: Title Deeds
Expand 6 - Kent: Title Deeds6 - Kent: Title Deeds
Collapse 7 - Ireland7 - Ireland
Expand 1 - Leicester estates in Ireland1 - Leicester estates in Ireland
Expand 2 - Rathmines, Dublin2 - Rathmines, Dublin
Collapse 3 - Mornington3 - Mornington
Expand 4 - Timogue and Sligo, Ireland: accounts and rents4 - Timogue and Sligo, Ireland: accounts and rents
5 - Documents relating to Sir Peter Leicester’s house in New Street, Sir John Byrne’s estate in Ireland and other estate business. - c.1656-1736
Expand 6 - Thomas Gorst's papers relating to the case of Leicester versus Gorst in Chancery Court6 - Thomas Gorst's papers relating to the case of Leicester versus Gorst in Chancery Court
Expand 7 - Irish Estates: Act of Parliament to enlarge the time or term limited by the will of Sir Francis Leicester baronet deceased for the sale of the real estate of late of Sir John Byrne baronet in Ireland, until four years after he reaches the age of 217 - Irish Estates: Act of Parliament to enlarge the time or term limited by the will of Sir Francis Leicester baronet deceased for the sale of the real estate of late of Sir John Byrne baronet in Ireland, until four years after he reaches the age of 21
8 - Sligo, Ireland: copy deeds and papers relating to the Cliffony affair. - c1626-1709
9 - Sligo, Ireland: the case of John Irwyn esquire, with reference to lands of Ciffony, Brenleter, Edenreagh alias Tunnagh Cashill, Garran Magherirgilernon and Ballyfalcy. - c1725
10 - Killone, Tully and Stranganaugh Moor: Alice Lady Byrne's receipts for rents from her jointure estates. - 1752-1753
11 - Sir Peter Byrne's will and probate. - 1738-1742
12 - Letters and papers relating to the death of Sir Peter Byrne Leicester with related estate papers. - 1754-1770
16 - Papers relating to a case for an additional portion of Sir Peter Byrne Leicester's estate for Miss Leicester with an account of portions and an annuity. - 1773-1783
Expand 17 - Ireland: papers relating to Mr Ratcliffe and Mr Wilson's estates. - c.1660-169417 - Ireland: papers relating to Mr Ratcliffe and Mr Wilson's estates. - c.1660-1694
Expand 8 - Cheshire and Huntingdonshire: deeds - 1631-17578 - Cheshire and Huntingdonshire: deeds - 1631-1757
Expand 9 - Cheshire, Yorkshire, Essex9 - Cheshire, Yorkshire, Essex
Expand 10 - Essex, Cheshire and Yorkshire10 - Essex, Cheshire and Yorkshire
Expand 12 - Cheshire and Ireland12 - Cheshire and Ireland
Expand 13 - Mortgages13 - Mortgages
Expand 14 - The Hon J B L Warren: Old Covers of Deeds, showing where the deeds have gone. - 1876-188914 - The Hon J B L Warren: Old Covers of Deeds, showing where the deeds have gone. - 1876-1889
15 - Anna Bromfield acknowledged herself bound to Sir Francis Leicester in £200. - 18 Aug 1724
16 - Parish of Ardingley: grant - 13 Mar 1689
Expand 17 - Bonds and agreements - 1647-180717 - Bonds and agreements - 1647-1807
Expand 18 - Schedules of deeds18 - Schedules of deeds
19 - Henry de Kygheley knight granted to John, son of Roger de le Hurst 2 tofts & buildings, as previously held by Robert de Brodegh & Richard Clapastr’ in Bedforde, & 21 acres of waste
Expand 3 - Wills and Settlements3 - Wills and Settlements
Expand 4 - Legal Case Papers4 - Legal Case Papers
Expand 5 - Estate Management5 - Estate Management
Expand 6 - Household Records6 - Household Records
Expand 7 - Charity Records7 - Charity Records
Expand 8 - School Records8 - School Records
Expand 9 - Ecclesiastical Records9 - Ecclesiastical Records
Expand 10 - Business Records10 - Business Records
Expand 11 - Family and Personal Papers11 - Family and Personal Papers
Expand 12 - Official Papers12 - Official Papers
Expand 13 - Maps and Plans13 - Maps and Plans
Expand 14 - Printed and Pictorial Material14 - Printed and Pictorial Material
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