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Collapse NTW - Warrington and Runcorn Development Corporation - 1710-2001NTW - Warrington and Runcorn Development Corporation - 1710-2001
Collapse 1 - Runcorn Development Corporation1 - Runcorn Development Corporation
Expand 1 - The Board1 - The Board
Expand 2 - General Manager2 - General Manager
Expand 3 - Secretary and Chief Administrative Officer3 - Secretary and Chief Administrative Officer
Expand 4 - Chief Finance Officer4 - Chief Finance Officer
Expand 5 - Chief Legal Officer5 - Chief Legal Officer
Expand 6 - Chief Architect and Planning Officer6 - Chief Architect and Planning Officer
Collapse 7 - Chief Social Development Officer7 - Chief Social Development Officer
Collapse 1 - Files - 1967-19851 - Files - 1967-1985
1 - The Brow - 1972-1981
2 - Education facilities - 1970-1978
3 - Elderly - 1967-1972
4 - Employment returns - 1971-1973, 1984-1985
5 - Employment returns (Warrington) - 1983-1985
6 - Estate reviews: Brookvale - 1977-1979
7 - Estate reviews: The Brow - 1974-1979
8 - Estate reviews: Castlefields - 1976-1979
9 - Estate reviews: Halton Brook - 1974-1977
10 - Estate reviews: Halton Lodge - 1974-1979
11 - Estate reviews: Murdishaw - 1975-1979
12 - Estate reviews: Palace Fields - 1974-1979
13 - Estate reviews: Southgate - 1974-1979
14 - Estate reviews: Windmill Hill - 1978-1980
15 - Halton Brook project: interim report - 1973
16 - Halton Sports and Recreational Trust: memorandum and articles of association - 1976
17 - Halton Village renewal project team - 1970-1974
18 - Housing eligibility - 1974-1982
19 - Housing and employment returns - 1974-1982
20 - Housing policy - 1973-1975
21 - Housing programme - 1976-1977
22 - New library, Runcorn Shopping City - 1972-1978
23 - New library and theatre - 1971-1981
24 - Norton Priory Walled Garden - 1984
25 - Population: age structure - 1970-1985
26 - Population: general - 1971-1985
27 - Population: projections - 1975-1984
28 - Rent arrears - 1979-1988
29 - Runcorn Old Town Police Building (with photographs) - 1977-1982
30 - Runcorn Holiday Playschemes Association - 1984
31 - Southgate - 1977-1980
32 - Southgate: Departmental meetings - 1985
33 - Southgate: Management Team - 1984-1985
34 - Southgate: Project Team - 1970-1981
35 - Social development: policy review meetings - 1990-1991
Expand 2 - Reports and publications - 1966-19822 - Reports and publications - 1966-1982
Expand 2 - Warrington, later Warrington and Runcorn Development Corporation2 - Warrington, later Warrington and Runcorn Development Corporation
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