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Collapse ZQ - Chester Quarter SessionsZQ - Chester Quarter Sessions
A - Administration
Expand AA - Assessments: Wage Rates - 1575AA - Assessments: Wage Rates - 1575
Expand AB - City of Chester Probation Committee - 1928 - 1957AB - City of Chester Probation Committee - 1928 - 1957
Expand AG - Gaol and House of Correction - 1808-1872AG - Gaol and House of Correction - 1808-1872
Expand AP - Point of Air Lighthouse Trust - 1775-1889AP - Point of Air Lighthouse Trust - 1775-1889
Expand AR - River Dee - 1800-1831AR - River Dee - 1800-1831
Expand AS - Quarter Sessions: Administration: Special Sessions - 1864-1880AS - Quarter Sessions: Administration: Special Sessions - 1864-1880
Expand C - Chester City Coroner - 1442-1973C - Chester City Coroner - 1442-1973
Collapse CI - Coroners' Inquests. - c1442-1839CI - Coroners' Inquests. - c1442-1839
Expand 1 - Coroners Inquests. - 1519-15401 - Coroners Inquests. - 1519-1540
Expand 2 - Coroners Inquests. - 1549-15522 - Coroners Inquests. - 1549-1552
Expand 3 - This bundle is largely illegible. - 1560-15753 - This bundle is largely illegible. - 1560-1575
Expand 4 - Coroners' Inquests. - 1582-15844 - Coroners' Inquests. - 1582-1584
Expand 5 - Coroners' Inquests. - 1585-15865 - Coroners' Inquests. - 1585-1586
Expand 6 - Coroners' Inquests. - 1588-15956 - Coroners' Inquests. - 1588-1595
Expand 7 - This bundle is faded. - 1594-15957 - This bundle is faded. - 1594-1595
Expand 8 - Coroners' Inquests. - 1602-16048 - Coroners' Inquests. - 1602-1604
Expand 9 - Coroners' Inquests. - 1610-16179 - Coroners' Inquests. - 1610-1617
Expand 10 - This bundle on paper, in English. - 1613-163610 - This bundle on paper, in English. - 1613-1636
Expand 11 - Paper, ff.2,3,4a,b, rep. M.S. 1952. - 1658-166811 - Paper, ff.2,3,4a,b, rep. M.S. 1952. - 1658-1668
Expand 12 - Coroner's Inquests. - 1669-167312 - Coroner's Inquests. - 1669-1673
Expand 13 - Coroners' Inquests. - 1674-167713 - Coroners' Inquests. - 1674-1677
Expand 14 - Coroners' Inquests. - 1677-168414 - Coroners' Inquests. - 1677-1684
Expand 15 - Coroners Inquests. - 1686-168715 - Coroners Inquests. - 1686-1687
Expand 16 - Coroners' Inquests - 1690-170116 - Coroners' Inquests - 1690-1701
Expand 17 - Coroners' Inquests. - 1701-170817 - Coroners' Inquests. - 1701-1708
Expand 18 - Coroner's Inquests - 1708-171418 - Coroner's Inquests - 1708-1714
Expand 19 - Coroners' Inquests. - 1715-172619 - Coroners' Inquests. - 1715-1726
Collapse 20 - Coroners' Inquests. - 1727-174020 - Coroners' Inquests. - 1727-1740
1 - William Hughes on James Ashton, aged, about 9½ yrs., son of James Ashton, fell into a tub of water while playing behind his father's house and was drowned - Aug 9th 1727
2 - William Hughes and Thomas Brock on Thomas Robinson, gentleman, killed in a sword fight with Robert Meredith after drinking together in the Golden Talbot Inn in Eastgate Street - Sep 1727
3 - William Hughes on Hugh Hunter, mariner, fell overboard from a sloop carrying lead to a brigantine the 'Mary Ann' of Dublin, master, William Ridley, and was drowned - Jan 4th 1727/8
4 - William Hughes and Thomas Brock on Adam Chaddock, verger to the Cathredral, died from over-drinking - 29 Jan 1728
5 - The same on John Hind, a pensioner belonging to the Castle, hanged himself in his house in Watergate Street - April 11th 1728
6 - Thomas Brock and John Pemberton on Francis Thompkins, soldier, died from natural causes in Watergate Row - Oct 14th 1728
7 - The same on George Williams, cut off by the tide while coming over the 'Salt Grass' - Jan 22nd 1729
8 - The same on Margery, daughter of Henry Boxley, plasterer, died from natural causes - June 27th 1729
9 - Thomas Brock on John Garrat, mariner, fell overboard while working on a 'yatch' anchored at Parkgate - 19th July 1729
10 - John Pemberton on Ralph Bore, servant to Elizabeth Hesketh, of Capenhurst, widow, drowned while trying to corss 'the ford' - July 24th 1729
11 - The same on an unknown woman, found cast up by the tide near Finchetts Gutter - Nov 8th 1729
12 - John Pemberton on Miles Gerrard, cutter, died by misfortune while under the influence of drink - Dec 26th 1729
13 - Trafford Massie on an unknown girl, fell off cart with a drunken driver while crossing the ford to Hawarden and was drowned - May 4th 1730
14 - Trafford Massie and George Johnson on William Whittle, son of Joseph Whittle, barber, died from a wound received when a pair of sheers was accidentally thrown at him while he was playing with Thomas Stevenson, son of Richard Stevenson, apothecary - Oct 31st 1730
15 - George Johnson, on William Williams, son of Joseph Williams of Mostyn, mariner, drowned while sleeping on the beach near Parkgate - 9 Feb 1731
16 - Trafford Massie on Samuel Cookson, labourer, fell through trap door while assisting at Ald, Bennett's to lever casks of wine into the cellars and was instantly killed - May 18th 1731
17 - The same on Thomas Dannald, baker, clerk of the Waterworks, slipped under the water engine while attempting to 'oyl the Brasses' and was instantly killed - June 17th 1731
18 - Trafford Massie and George Johnson on Richard Robinson, servant to John Egerton of Chester, drowned while bathing near Dee Lane - July 5th 1731
19 - Trafford Massie in Samuel Leadbreaker, late apprentice to Charles Croughton, apothecary, drowned while swimming near the Point of the Roodee - July 31st 1731
20 - George Johnson on William Eason, son of James Eason, barber, drowned while attempting to reach a 'Beesom's tail or wand' floating on the Dee - Aug 3rd 1731
21 - The same on John Carter, gentleman, died from natural causes in the Northgate Gaol - 27 Jan 1732
22 - George Johnson and Peter Ellames on John Moss, found dead in a ditch in the Townsfields in Handbridge - 27 Feb 1732
23 - The same on John Bosneel, merchant, died from natural causes while in the Northgate gaol - 19 March 1732
24 - The same on Walter Gough, fell from the Rows when coming from the house of Hugh Jordon, bricklayer, in Watergate Street - 17 Sep 1732
25 - Peter Ellames and Roger Massey on Esther, the wife of John Usher, cordwainer, fell down the steps of the house of Mr. Henry Perkins, merchant, and was killed - Nov 25th 1732
26 - Roger Massey, on Daniel Roberts, cordwainer, found near the Iron Bridge after being out all night and was taken to the poorhouse in Handbridge and died - March 6th 1733
27 - Peter Ellames and Roger Massey, on Elizabeth Powner, widow, knocked down by a gelding by lead John Griffith, apprentice to Edward Bateman, butcher, when crossing the road from Cuppins Lane to the 'Red Lyon' and died soon after - March 30th 1733
28 - The same on Lucy Conway, spinster, overcome by fumes while stiring a 'comb' in the brew-house and fell in and was drowned - June 15th 1755
29 - Roger Massey on Joespeh Price, aged 15, mariner, died from a blow from Thomas Jump, son of Thomas Jump of Preston, brewer, who was trying to stop a fight between Price and John Jones agedll - Dec 23rd 1733
30 - John Cotgreave on Robert Nash, and out pensioner of Chelsea Hospital, died from a wound on the head given by an unknown rioter during the Parliamentary elections in Chester - May 21st 1734
31 - John Cotgreave on Ellen Cokayne, widow, hanged herself in a house in Watergate Street - July 7th 1734
32 - Roger Massey on John Sconce, aged about 9yrs. son of George Sconce, fisherman, drowned when he fell out of his father's boat - July 27th 1734
33 - The same on John Blundell, mariner, drowned when he fell overboard in a drunken stupor from a certain sloop near the Crane - Aug 24th 1734
34 - The same on Thomas Cowdock, slater, fell from the roof of the Golden Lyon Inn, proprietor, Jonathan Bramwell - 8 Sep 1734
35 - John Cotgreave and Nathan Wright on William Fure, gentleman, died from natural causes while in the Northgate gaol - Nov 5th 1734
36 - The same on Thomas Hunt, late of Rushton, shoemaker, found dead in the Dee, near the Bridge - 25 Jan 1735
37 - Nathan Wright on Thomas Jones, son of William Jones, mariner, fell out of the ferry boat when crossing the river with his father and other persons near the Crane, and was drowned - April 27th 1735
38 - The same on William Barton, tailor, found cast up by the tide - June 10th 1735
39 - John Cotgreave and Nathan Wright on John Furnivall, yeoman; while hay-making on the estate of Sir Thomas Brooke Bart. he suggested that two of his work-mates George Beckett and Daniel Smith should see who could throw a pikell -hay fork- the farthest; while George Beckett was throwing it, one of the grains -prongs- flew out and hit him in the stomach, giving him a wound from which he later died - June 30th 1735
40 - The same on Thomas White, son of Thomas White, labourer, drowned when walking over the 'Piles' set across the River Dee - July 12th 1735
41 - Nathan Wright on Joseph Waterwood, slater fell from the roof of a workshed belonging to Captain William Wither, wetglover, and died soon after - Aug 31st 1735
42 - The same on John Leadbeater, late of Northwich, fell from his horse while riding up Upper Northgate Street, and died soon after - Dec 17th 1735
43 - Nathan Wright and Thomas Hiccocke on Charles Steward, mariner, knocked overboard by the boom of the sloop 'The Sea-horse' of Chester (about 30 tons.) and was drowned - Feb 23rd 1736
44 - Nathan Wright on John Williams, mariner, of the ship the 'Manley's' of Chester, William Ince, master, fell overboard when getting from a boat into the ship and wasddrowned - May 28th 1736
45 - The same on an unknown male child, found dead in the vault of a house of Easement on the City Walls near the stairs leading to St. John's. Examinations of witnesses - July 2nd 1736
46 - The same on William Osborne, late soldier in Brigadier General Harrison's Regiment of Foot, Major Frazier's Company, hanged himself in a hayloft belonging to Ald. Warrington, in Cuppin's Lane - Nov 12th 1736
47 - The same on John Fox, labourer, fell into the Dee while working on the 'New Slucice' at the Navigation works - Nov 19th 1736
48 - Nathan Wright and Thomas Hiccocke on William Speed, sugeon, fell from his horse while making for Ashton and found drowned in the Navigation Cut - Nov 24th 1736
49 - The same on Anne Brown, widow, committed suicide by throwing herself into a pit of water near the windmill on Hough Green - 15 Feb 1737
50 - Thomas Hiccocke on Joseph Queen, mariner, drowned while attempting to cross the Dee over the Sluice at the Navigation works. - 11 March 1737
51 - Nathan Wright on Gabriel Lancaster, gentleman, drowned in the Dee while attempting to rescue Thomas Williams from drowning - May 23rd 1737
52 - Nathan Wright and Thomas Hiccocke on Thomas Gerrard, linendraper, died from natural causes while in the Northgate gaol. - Oct 29th 1737
53 - The same on Daniel Briscoe, late servant to Robert Melling of Willaston, yeoman, drowned while trying to cross the Shotwick ford on horseback with his master. - May 1st 1738
54 - John Marsden, on Thomas Davies, weaver, drowned while trying to swim across the Dee to the little Roodee. - Oct, 27th 1738
55 - Thomas Duke on Thomas Calley, son of Thomas Calley, Liverpool mariner, fell overboard from his father's boat while 'catching at the oar over the gunnel'. - Nov 6th 1738
56 - Bond for the appearnace of Lewis Evans at the next Quarter Sessions. - Jan 6th 1738/9
57 - Thomas Duke on Charles Shone (aged about 6 years) son of Peter Shone, yeoman, desceased, while bathing in the Dee opposite Brown's Lane. - May 21st 1739
58 - John Marsden, on William Holmes, drowned when he plunged into a deep hole while bathing near the Sluices'lately erected'. - June 17th 1739
59 - Thomas Duke on Elainor Potter, wife of William Potter, mariner, desceased, committed suicide by throwing herself in the Dee. - 7 Sep 1739
60a - Thomas Duke and Peter Parry, on Patrick Rowney, gardiner, accidentally shot when John Leche, clerk to Nathaniel Barber, attorney at law, was trying out his gun which had just been repaired by Michael Hutchinson, gunsmith. - 23 Nov 1739
60b - Depositions of witnesses and bonds for appearance at next court of Crownmote.
61 - Thomas Duke on George Perkins (aged 13) son of George Perkins, cordwainer, fell off the horse, the property of Mr. Littleton, gardener, that he was watering. into the Dee and was drowned. - 20 Feb 1740
Expand 21 - Coroners' Inquests - 1740 - 174921 - Coroners' Inquests - 1740 - 1749
Expand 22 - Coroners' Inquests - 1751 - 175922 - Coroners' Inquests - 1751 - 1759
Expand 23 - Coroners' Inquests. - 1760 -176923 - Coroners' Inquests. - 1760 -1769
Expand 24 - Coroner's Inquests - 1770 -177524 - Coroner's Inquests - 1770 -1775
Expand 25 - Coroner's Inquests - 1776-177925 - Coroner's Inquests - 1776-1779
Expand 26 - Coroner's Inquests - 1780 -178926 - Coroner's Inquests - 1780 -1789
Expand 27 - Coroner's Inquests. - 1790-179827 - Coroner's Inquests. - 1790-1798
Expand 28 - Coroner's Inquests - 1811-181928 - Coroner's Inquests - 1811-1819
Expand 29 - Coroner's Inquests. - 1822-182629 - Coroner's Inquests. - 1822-1826
Expand 30 - Coroners' Inquests. - 1837-183930 - Coroners' Inquests. - 1837-1839
Expand CR - Crownmote Court Rolls - 1316-1611CR - Crownmote Court Rolls - 1316-1611
F - Finance
Expand FA - Accounts - 1828-1836FA - Accounts - 1828-1836
J - Justices of the Peace
Expand JC - Commissions of the Peace - 1836-1970JC - Commissions of the Peace - 1836-1970
Expand JD - Declarations - 1860-1901JD - Declarations - 1860-1901
R - Registration and Deposit
Expand RJ - Jurors - 1608-1817RJ - Jurors - 1608-1817
Expand RL - Licenced Victuallers - 1552-1833RL - Licenced Victuallers - 1552-1833
Expand RP - Deposited plans - 1772-1935RP - Deposited plans - 1772-1935
Expand RR - Sacrament Certificates - 1673-1789RR - Sacrament Certificates - 1673-1789
Expand RTB - Transportation Bonds - 1731-1775RTB - Transportation Bonds - 1731-1775
Expand RTC - Transportation Contracts - 1764-1775RTC - Transportation Contracts - 1764-1775
S - Court in Session
Expand SE - Examinations and Depositions - 1522-1858SE - Examinations and Depositions - 1522-1858
Expand SF - Quarter Sessions Files - 1488-1971SF - Quarter Sessions Files - 1488-1971
Expand SM - Sessions Books Minute Books - 1814-1865SM - Sessions Books Minute Books - 1814-1865
Expand SMP - Sesions Books Register of Prisoners - 1853-1872SMP - Sesions Books Register of Prisoners - 1853-1872
Expand SMR - Sessions Books - Recognizance Book - 1780-1798SMR - Sessions Books - Recognizance Book - 1780-1798
Expand SO - Order Books - 1799-1866SO - Order Books - 1799-1866
Expand SP - Process Records Register of Prosecutions, etc.SP - Process Records Register of Prosecutions, etc.
Expand SPE - Quarter Sessions Fine Rolls - 1561-1634SPE - Quarter Sessions Fine Rolls - 1561-1634
Expand SPT - Petitions mainly for poor relief or for exemption from poor rate, 16th century. - 1563-1594SPT - Petitions mainly for poor relief or for exemption from poor rate, 16th century. - 1563-1594
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