Description | I. P. M. at Special Halmote of Manor of Halton, of Sir Richard Brooke of Norton Priory, Bt., deceased ------ Messuage or brugage in ASTMORE within HALTON formerly called Cadmans House in Astmore by the Brooke but now called Denton's House with its lands in ASTMORE and HALTON called the Hemp Yard, the Barn Meadow, the Swine Ridding, the Orchard Field, the Marsh Meadow, the two Briars, the Slutch Croft, the Banks and Clough, the Linnage Pool, the Acre, the Byroms Briars, the Heath Meadow, the Fox Holes, the Astmore Heys, the Crib with one mossroom on HALTON MOSS, in all 29 acres of local measure, at rent to the Lord of the Manor of £1. 6. 4d., and also a messuage or burgage and tenement with the appurtenances in ASTMORE called John Northes House with its one garden, 1 orchard and 1 parcel of land called the Backside, two parcels of land called the two Winter Crofts, and 1 parcel of land called the Swine Riddings, and 1 Moss room on HALTON MOSS and all the appurtenances, in all 4 acres of customary measure, of the rent of 3/- p.a., and also a Capital Messuage in HALTON called King's House with all its buildings, yards, orchards, and gardens, and lands called the Backside, the Calver Clough alias the Calver Hey and the Well Croft, and also another Messuage in ASTMORE with all its houses, buildings, yards, etc., and closes called the Hemp Yard, the Kiln Croft, the Barn Croft and the Swine Riddings, and also another Messuage in HALTON called Mason's New House with all its buildings, yards, etc., and lands called the Harrisons Yord, the great higher field adjoining to Mason's New House, the lane and the New Croft, the Old Castles, the Sten hill hey, the two half Acres within the Whitlands, the five Acre hey, the Marled Hey, the Winter Croft, the bank Meadow alias Masons Meadow, the marsh Meadow and the Patch and the half Acre with the Broad Heys, the ten parcels lying in the higher and lower Doles, the Hey Pits, the Seal Hey, the Over [blank], the Caliards, the two Brook Heys, the Meadow Pleck, the two Bank Crofts and the Hough and the lane, with all their appurtenances in HALTON and ASTMORE, at rent of £1. 13. 8d., and also a Messuage or burgage and its tw yards with their appurtenances in HALTON called Moss's, at rent of 1/- p.a., and also a parcel of land with appurtenances near the CHAPEL in HALTON called Brookes's Croft or Yard (8 perches of local measure), and also a parcel of land with appurtenances in HALTON called Moss's two Yards (¢ acre of local measure), at rent of 7d. p.a., and also a Messuage Tenement customary and Burgage lands and premises with the appurtenances in HALTON at rent of 1/6 p.a., all devised by John Brooke of Hallwood, esq., deceased, to said Sir R. Brooke, and also a parcel of land in HALTON formerly called the two Broadwell Fields but now the Moses's field (1¥ acres of local measure) lately held with a messuage and tenement belonging to William Acton of Halton, yeoman, and also a small parcel of land called the quarter in the Crow Nest (? acre) lately held with a cottage or burgage in HALTON called Bolds under the Hill belonging to William Acton, and also a parcel of land in HALTON called the Crooked Loont (120 Cheshire perches) lately held with a messuage or burgage in HALTON called Clotton's Tenement, and also parcels of land in HALTON called the Stennels and the [Hickshill], (3r. 28p. of local measure), and also a parcel of land in HALTON called thhe Hampers Greaves (¥ acre of local measure) sold by Peter Okell of Sutton to said Sir R. Brooke, and also a parcel of land in HALTON called the Hood Lees (4 acres of local measure), and also a parcel of land with appurtenances in HALTON called the Hill Yard or Collar Yard (20 perches) and of the rent of 2d. p.a., and also a copyhold messuage and tenement with its appurtenances in ASTMORE and its lands in ASTMORE and HALTON called the Gardens, the Orchard, the Broad Hey, the Doles, the Marsh Hey, the Briers, the Swine Ridding, the big Lomas Bridge, the little Lomas Bridge, the Okells field, the Marl field, the Hall field and the Hemp Yard (14 acres of local measure) with 1 Mossroom on HALTON MOSS to the said messuage belonging, and also one quarter and half a quarter of an acre of land in HALTON Townfield, and also 1 acre of land in the Broad Hey in ASTMORE, and also 1 parcel of land in the Hall field within HALTON called the Quarter in the Hall field with its appurtenances, together with a seat or pew in HALTON CHAPEL, and also a messuage or burgage with appurtenances in HALTON called Darwells with its barn, orchard, garden and Backside, and also a messuage or burgage and tenement with its outbuildings, yard, garden or orchard, lands and premises in HALTON called Annatts Gate and its Moss Room on HALTON MOSS called Lowes Moss, at rent of 3d. p.a., and also a parcel of land in ASTMORE called the Higher Hall field (3 Cheshire acres) formerly held with Kings Messuage and Tenement in ASTMORE, and also one parcel of land in HALTON called the Little Hey (2¢ acres of local measure) held with a Messuage and Tenement in HALTON late belonging to Kerfoot Janion of Runcorn and sold to said Sir R. Brooke, and also one parcel of land (¥ acre) in the Broad Bridge, and also a messuage or burgage and tenement in ASTMORE formerly called Hughsons but now called Amsons with its lands called the Course Field, The Briery Field, Three Quarters and a half in the Shoe Greave, One Acre in the Big Sales, The Brook field, The Green Croft, the Rye Croft, The Patch Croft, The Outlet, The two Orchard Crofts, the Royal Oak, The Marsh Meadow, half an acre in the Broad Heys, Long Meadow, a Quarter of an Acre in the Dowles and the Quarter of land in the Hancocks, in all 21 acres of local measure, together with 1 Mossroom on HALTON MOSS, and also 1 parcel of land or meadowing being a Quarter of Meadowing in the Dowles within HALTON formerly belonging to John Bate of Brazen Nose College, Oxford, gentleman, and sold to said Sir. R. Brooke, and also a parcel of land with appurtenances in HALTON called the Mossey Butts (¥ acre of local measure) at rent of ¢d. if demanded, and also a parcel of land with appurtenances in the Sale within HALTON called the half Acre in the Sale, sold by John Bate, jun., to said Sir R. Brooke, and also a messuage or dwelling house called Jacksons House now or late used as three cottages with its outbuildings, gardens, and lands called the Backside and the broad Heys, in all 2 acres of local measure, and also a parcel of land in HALTON called the Loont in the Hall Field (12¢ perches of local measure). Total Rent of all the aforesaid premises to the Lord of the Manor of £8. 10. 3d. ADMITTANCE of Thomas Brooke and Sir F. Cunliffe (Devisees in Trust of said Sir R. Brooke). [Damaged by erosion]\r\nSeal: red, Honor of Halton. Parchment. |