Description | QUITCLAIM by Richard del Bruggehouses and Margery his wife to William son of Robert de Frodesham, of his right and claim in a half burgage with appurtenances in FRODESHAM [Frodsham] lying between the burgage which belonged to Richard Whythond and the half burgage of the said William, and in ½ acre of land with appurtenances in the field of FRODESHAM lying on Berlegh between the land of Nicholas de Merton and the land of the said William. Witnesses: Henry Torfot, then bailiff, Robert de Nethurton, Nicholas de Merton, John de Barton. Given at Frodesham, the Monday next after the feast of St. Hilary, 49 Edward III. Seals: Green, 2, a device and legend, illegible. Parchment. |