Description | Parties: 1. George earl of Salop, 2. Thomas Fitzherberte & Anna his wife
Signed and sealed: G. Shrowsbury
Certificate of sealing and delivery (endorsed), "at Rufforde", Monday 16 April (1565, 7 Elizabeth) in presence of Fraunces Aston, Robert B......, .........., John Sellers & Raufe Coton.
Quitclaim of right and title in estate conveyed by Charter of Feoffment by George, earl of Salop, to Thomas & Anne 20 March 1565, 7 Elizabeth, with covenant to Warrant; in the manor of Nether Padley in co.Derb' [Derby]., with tenements appurtenant in Padleye and Gryndelforde.
Latin Mark: Q:c:3. A Release from/ Thearle of Shrwsbury. |