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Collapse D 6917 - H E and H J Falk, salt industry - [1484]-20th centuryD 6917 - H E and H J Falk, salt industry - [1484]-20th century
Expand 1 - Meadowbank Rock Salt Mine and Works, Winsford - 1837-18891 - Meadowbank Rock Salt Mine and Works, Winsford - 1837-1889
Expand 2 - Salt Union - 19th century-20th century2 - Salt Union - 19th century-20th century
Expand 3 - Salt Union: subsidiary and associated companies in which the Salt Union had a controlling interest3 - Salt Union: subsidiary and associated companies in which the Salt Union had a controlling interest
Expand 4 - Associated companies and organisations4 - Associated companies and organisations
Collapse 5 - Personal papers of H E Falk - [1484]-20th century5 - Personal papers of H E Falk - [1484]-20th century
Collapse 1 - Historical and antiquarian papers - [1484]-20th century1 - Historical and antiquarian papers - [1484]-20th century
1 - List of salt and rock proprietors - 1770-1820
2 - Copy note of wich-houses in central Cheshire in 1593 - 19th century
3 - Estreat of amercements at court leat and court baron, manor of Northwich - 1743
4 - Copy grant of manor of Northwich - 19th century
5 - Copy satirical verse by Lord Sommerville regarding those who 'sit above the salt', 1680 - 19th century
6 - Extract from records of Halmote court of Kinderton, 30 Sep 1596 - 19th century
7 - Letter from Samuel Lysons regarding enquiry about saltworks - 15 Aug 1817
8 - Extract from survey book of Northwich - 1606
9 - Copy will of William Vernonn of Shakerley, Lancs, gentleman - 19th century
10 - Copy remonstrance/declaration by inhabitants of Northwich, with signatures, ?1641 - 19th century
11 - Copy deeds and sketches of seals - 19th century
12 - Notes on salt duties in England - Mid 18th century
13 - List of salt works and rock pits in Cheshire, 1703 - Post-1815
14 - Abstract of population returns for Witton, 1801-1831, with note of mize payments - Post-1815
15 - Estreat of amercements at court leet and court baron of manor of Northwich - 1793-1794
16 - Note of claims of Rivers family etc to manor of Northwich etc - c 1670
17 - Bond - 18 Apr 1675
18 - 'Town of Northwich' by John Barker - 1821
19 - 'A Just Note of the number of Wichouses as have been from the beginninge, and whose Landes they are this presente yeare, AD 1593, Elizabeth 35' - Sep 1630
20 - Copy plan of Northwich - 20th century
21 - Notes on history of Northwich and its salt, with extracts from records - Mid 19th century
22 - Notes on salt production - c1830
23 - Copy Northwich court fees - 19th century
24 - Extracts from documents relating to Northwich - 19th century
25 - Translation of Richard III's grant of 1484, copy observations of 1606 on Northwich's houses and access to River Weaver, note of salthouses in Northwich, 1589 - 19th century
26 - Copy orders of Northwich borough regarding burgesses and salt etc, 1629-1663 - 19th century
27 - Note of names of walling owners in Nantwich and Northwich (with copy plan of latter); drawbacks of salt importation; note of salt production in Cheshire, 1675 - 19th century
28 - Note of owners of wich houses of inheritance in Northwich, 1565; transcript of act forbidding sale of salt by foreigners, 1527; note of owners of salt houses in Northwich, 1619 and 1636-1638, and in Middlewich, nd - 19th century
29 - Note of wich houses, owners and leads in Northwich, 1593 - 19th century
30 - Note of Witton mize and population, 1801-1831 - 19th century
31 - List of salt works and rock pits in Cheshire, 1703 - Post-1815
32 - Note of Weaver tonnage, 1845-1846 - 19th century
33 - Transcript of foundation deed (feoffment) of Witton School, 1557 and of royal inquisition on house in Chester, 1630 - 1836
34 - Transcript of statutes, rules etc of Sir John Deane for government of School, 1558 - 1836
35 - Copy inquisition regarding £50 legacy of Thomas Farmer for scholarship of a Wittonian at the School, 1640 - 1836
36 - Copy statutes of Witton School as now engrossed, 1666 - 1836
37 - Abstract of parts of will of Rev John Hulse of Elworth, re three scholarships he founded at Cambridge, St John's College - 19th century
38 - Copy will of John Deane, clerk, parson of Great St Bartholomew's, London, proved 1563 in PCC - 1833
39 - Dates of several events in parish of Witton, 1767-1793 - 19th century
40 - Note of events in Wigan, 1767-1795 - 1830s
41 - Copy abstract of deeds with Congleton Corporation as Deane's Charity trustees, 1548-1684 - 1830s
42 - Schedule of deeds for Leftwich family estates, 1590-1731 - 1830s
43 - Transcript of two inscriptions and one register entry at Witton, for Bentley and Partington families during Civil War - 1830s
44 - Copy of note by J Partington, bailiff feoffee of Witton Grammar School, 1 Jun 1713, with his transcript of his letter from Sir John Deane, priest at Great St Bartholomew's, London, relating to new schoolmaster, rents etc, 30 Aug 1561 - 1830s
45 - List of deeds of Witton school, in possession of bailiff feoffee in 1812 - 1836
46 - List of names of headmasters of Witton School, 1561-1823, with causes of vacancy and form of presentation of new headteachers, 1755 - 1830s
47 - List of perpetual curates of Witton, 1561-1833 - 1830s
48 - Church notes taken at Witton Chapel in 1580 relating to heraldic windows - 1830s
49 - A list of Witton parish clerks, 15??-1808, and of sacristans or sextons, c1680-1829 - 1830s
50 - Note of minute of Witton School feoffees regarding election of bailiff feoffees, 11 May 1811 - 1833
51 - Note of presentation of Henry Mayor as head of Witton School, 12 April 1755 - 1830s
52 - Note on reorganisation of Witton chapelry - 1830s
53 - Copy extract from will of Henry Frodsham of Liverpool, gentleman, dec - 1830s
54 - Copy extracts from Witton registers regarding plague of 1604 and purchase of four-lead walling to maintain a minister in 1634 - 1830s
55 - Copy inscription regarding Thomas Farmer MA, schoolmaster of Witton for 40 years [died 1624] - 1830s
56 - Copy confirmation of bailiff feoffees' election at Witton School - 1833
57 - Particular of property relating to Witton School - 7 Aug 1813
58 - Letter from Thomas Western in Northwich to H E Falk acknowledging use of mss for research - 14 Feb 1873
59 - Cover note from William Hadfield relating to D 6917/700-756 - 1834
Expand 2 - Historical notes on saltmaking in Cheshire - 19th century-20th century2 - Historical notes on saltmaking in Cheshire - 19th century-20th century
Expand 3 - Financial records - 1890-18973 - Financial records - 1890-1897
4 - Share prospectuses - Late 19th century-early 20th century
Expand 5 - Miscellaneous - 1903-19295 - Miscellaneous - 1903-1929
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