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Collapse DBC - Birch Cullimore and Co, solicitors, Chester - 14th century-20th centuryDBC - Birch Cullimore and Co, solicitors, Chester - 14th century-20th century
Expand 1 - Birch, Cullimore and Co, solicitors, Chester: office papers - 1766-19481 - Birch, Cullimore and Co, solicitors, Chester: office papers - 1766-1948
Collapse 2 - Birch Cullimore and Co, solicitors: client records - 18th century - 20th century2 - Birch Cullimore and Co, solicitors: client records - 18th century - 20th century
1 - Vyner family of Bidston, Gautby (Lincolnshire) and Newby (Yorkshire) records - 18th century - 20th century
Expand 2 - Cotton family of Combermere Abbey records2 - Cotton family of Combermere Abbey records
3 - Chester United Gas Co records
Expand 4 - Blossoms Hotel Co Ltd, Chester, records - 1896-19604 - Blossoms Hotel Co Ltd, Chester, records - 1896-1960
Expand 5 - Bollands Ltd, of Chester, confectioners - 1901-19445 - Bollands Ltd, of Chester, confectioners - 1901-1944
6 - Sandbach family of Duddon: deeds and papers - 1692-1936
7 - Tarleton family of Bolesworth - 1804-1827
Expand 8 - The Chester Race Company - 1881-19318 - The Chester Race Company - 1881-1931
Expand 9 - Foulkes family of Eriviatt and Chester9 - Foulkes family of Eriviatt and Chester
Collapse 10 - Council for the Preservation of Rural England (CPRE), Cheshire Branch10 - Council for the Preservation of Rural England (CPRE), Cheshire Branch
Expand 1 - Annual reports - 1933-19651 - Annual reports - 1933-1965
Collapse 2 - Correspondence files - 1931-19452 - Correspondence files - 1931-1945
Collapse 1 - Planning1 - Planning
Expand 2 - Developments2 - Developments
Expand 3 - Materials3 - Materials
Expand 4 - Advertisements4 - Advertisements
Expand 5 - Petrol stations5 - Petrol stations
6 - Branch Organisation, Offices & Committee - 1931-1937
Expand 7 - Litter7 - Litter
Expand 8 - Footpaths8 - Footpaths
Expand 9 - Trees9 - Trees
Expand 10 - Ancient monuments10 - Ancient monuments
Expand 11 - Churchyards11 - Churchyards
Expand 12 - Electricity Transmission Lines12 - Electricity Transmission Lines
Expand 13 - Moveable Dwellings13 - Moveable Dwellings
Expand 14 - Roads and Bridges14 - Roads and Bridges
Expand 15 - Telephone Kiosks15 - Telephone Kiosks
Expand 16 - Open Spaces and Playing Fields16 - Open Spaces and Playing Fields
17 - Sky Writing General - 1932-1938
18 - Reservoirs Cases Special; Goyt Valley - 1931-1936
19 - Coastal Preservation General - 1937-1938
Expand 20 - Council for the Preservation of Rural England (CPRE)20 - Council for the Preservation of Rural England (CPRE)
21 - Other Societies - 1934-1946
22 - National Trust General - 1935-1938
23 - Cheshire Federation of Woman's Institutes General - 1932-1938
24 - Scapa Society General - 1933-1947
25 - Cheshire Branch Ancient Buildings Cases - 1939-1946
26 - Merseyside Civic Society General - 1937-1939
27 - Press Cuttings - 1937-1939
28 - Smoke Abatement - 1942-1944
Expand 29 - Panels29 - Panels
Expand 3 - Miscellaneous leaflets - c.1930s3 - Miscellaneous leaflets - c.1930s
Expand 11 - Delves Broughton family11 - Delves Broughton family
Expand 12 - Currie family of Great Boughton 12 - Currie family of Great Boughton
13 - Lease of lands in Dutton - 27 May 1283
14 - Bailwick estate - 19th century
27 - Box 27
28 - Box 28
Expand 5434 - Various Estates5434 - Various Estates
7130 - Birch Cullimore and Co, solicitors: clients' records - 18th century-20th century
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