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Collapse DDA - Davenport family of Bramhall estate - 13th century-1877DDA - Davenport family of Bramhall estate - 13th century-1877
Collapse 2 - Bramhall Manor - 1672-18772 - Bramhall Manor - 1672-1877
Expand 1 - Bramhall Manor; Wallbankhill, Syddalls, Distaves and Rhodes Tenements in Bramhall: Miles and Tenement in Steslnert - 1782-17701 - Bramhall Manor; Wallbankhill, Syddalls, Distaves and Rhodes Tenements in Bramhall: Miles and Tenement in Steslnert - 1782-1770
Expand 2 - Brewer's Croft in Bramhall - 1722-17492 - Brewer's Croft in Bramhall - 1722-1749
Expand 3 - Goolden's Farm: Newhouse Farm and Pickford's Tenement in Bramhall; premises in Willgate St., Stockport - 1725-17813 - Goolden's Farm: Newhouse Farm and Pickford's Tenement in Bramhall; premises in Willgate St., Stockport - 1725-1781
Expand 4 - Includes Bramhall Manor; Piggott's Tenement: Brentnall's Tenement; and Davenport House Farm in Bramhall - 1705-18344 - Includes Bramhall Manor; Piggott's Tenement: Brentnall's Tenement; and Davenport House Farm in Bramhall - 1705-1834
Expand 5 - Includes Bramhall Manor: Davenport House Farm: Hadfield's Cottage; Crowthers Tenement: and Pingot Field in Bramhall - 1791-18775 - Includes Bramhall Manor: Davenport House Farm: Hadfield's Cottage; Crowthers Tenement: and Pingot Field in Bramhall - 1791-1877
Expand 6 - Bramhall Manor - 1697-18396 - Bramhall Manor - 1697-1839
Expand 7 - Settlements, mortgages, etc - 1839-18777 - Settlements, mortgages, etc - 1839-1877
Expand 8 - Abstracts of title and other records relating to the title of the Bramhall estate - 1842-18778 - Abstracts of title and other records relating to the title of the Bramhall estate - 1842-1877
Collapse 9 - Property in Bramhall including Pepper St Farm - 1672-18499 - Property in Bramhall including Pepper St Farm - 1672-1849
1 - Lease for 3 lives of premises in Bramhall. William Davenport of Bramhall, esq., to Richard Smith of same, husb. - 19 Aug 1672
2 - Lease for 3 lives of premises in Bramhall. William Davenport to Raphe Smith of Bramhall, husb. - 14 May 1692
3 - Conveyance of premises in Bramhall with passage lane to fields. John Davenport of Bramhall, esq., s. and h. of William Davenport, dec., to John Smith of Pepper St. within Bramhall, yeoman - 23, 24 Mar 1719/20
4 - Release of same, previous to marriage of John Smith, jun. to Catherine Watson of Heaton Norris, co. Lanc., spinster. John Smith to Robert Hardey of Bramhall, yeoman and William Watson of Withington co. Lanc. yeoman - 13 Jan 1743
5 - Attested copy of lease for 1 year of premises in Bredbury, Stockport, and Bramhall (Davenport House Farm). Richard Arderne of Stockport, esq. to George Lowe of Chester, gentleman - 5 Feb 1759
6 - Final Concord. Pl. John Baddeley, def. John Smith, senior - 21 Apr 1813
7 - Deed to declare uses of a fine. John Smith of Pepper St. within Bramhall, yeoman, eldest s. and h. of John Smith of same, yeoman, dec. to John Baddeley of Stockport, gentleman - 4 Jun 1815
8 - Copy will of John Smith. - 6 Mar 1818
9 - Mortgage of mess., cottage and 16a. in Bramhall. John Smith of Bosden, yeoman, and John Minshall of Bramhall, yeoman to John Taylor of Stockport, cordwainer. - 6 Jun 1825
10 - Bond in £375. John Smith and John Minshall to John Taylor. - 6 Jun 1823
11 - Assignment of mortgage of same. John Taylor, at the request of John Smith, John Minshall and Thomas Smith of Bosden, yeoman eldest s. and h. of John Smith, dec. to Peter Pownall of Bramhall, esq. - 7 Feb 1826
12 - Bond in £753. John Smith, John Minshall and Thomas Smith to Peter Pownall. - 7 Feb 1826
13 - Conveyance of Pepper St. Farm and other premises in Bramhall. John Smith, John Minshall, John Smith of Bramhall, yeoman, and w. Sarah, Thomas Smith of Pointon, yeoman and w. Sarah, and Peter Pownall to John Worthington of Handford cum Bosden, yeoman - 15 Feb 1843
14 - Certificate of acknowledgement of deed. Sarah, w. of John, and Sarah w. of Thomas Smith. - 16 Feb 1845
15 - Conveyance of Pepper St. Farm. John Smith of Bramhall, yeoman and John Worthington to Peter Pownall. - 16 Feb 1843
16 - Conveyance of Pepper St. Farm. John Smith and Peter Pownall to William Davenport Davenport of Bramhall Hall in Bramhall, esq. - 26 Dec 1849
17 - Mortgage of same with power of sale. William Davenport Davenport to Thomas Fernley of Stockport, cotton manufacturer, John Fernley of Manchester, co. Lanc., gentleman and William Hazlehurst of Runcorn, soap manufacturer. - 27 Dec 1849
Expand 10 - Davenport House Farm - 1789-185010 - Davenport House Farm - 1789-1850
Expand 11 - Bramhall Moor - 1850-187511 - Bramhall Moor - 1850-1875
Expand 12 - Properties in Bramhall - 1838-186612 - Properties in Bramhall - 1838-1866
Expand 13 - Wallbankhill, Bramhall - 1728, 187613 - Wallbankhill, Bramhall - 1728, 1876
Expand 14 - Bramhall - 1875-178814 - Bramhall - 1875-1788
Expand 3 - Deeds belonging to the Freeholders Company Limited - 1672-18773 - Deeds belonging to the Freeholders Company Limited - 1672-1877
Expand 4 - Davenport of Bramhall deeds - 13th century-18th century4 - Davenport of Bramhall deeds - 13th century-18th century
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