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Collapse DDB - Delves-Broughton family of Doddington estate - 16th century-20th centuryDDB - Delves-Broughton family of Doddington estate - 16th century-20th century
Expand 1 - Deeds of title and related papers1 - Deeds of title and related papers
Expand 2 - Estate management: maps and surveys2 - Estate management: maps and surveys
Collapse A - Large Deed Box - unlabelledA - Large Deed Box - unlabelled
Expand A - Bundle AA - Bundle A
Expand B - 'Settled by new Settlement 2d. April 1836'B - 'Settled by new Settlement 2d. April 1836'
Expand C - Bundle C endorsed: 'Settled with several other Estates 1st Mar. 1849'C - Bundle C endorsed: 'Settled with several other Estates 1st Mar. 1849'
Expand D - Bundle D endorsed: 'Settled by new Settlement of 2d. April 1836'D - Bundle D endorsed: 'Settled by new Settlement of 2d. April 1836'
Expand E - Bundle EE - Bundle E
Collapse F - Bundle F endorsed: 'Settled with other property by Deed 1st Mar. 1849'F - Bundle F endorsed: 'Settled with other property by Deed 1st Mar. 1849'
1 - LEASE for 3 lives, by Judith Stubbs of Beckbury (Co. Shropshire), widow, to Charles Bryan of Aston, yeoman --- a cottage or tenement with appurtenances in Broadland within the Manor of STAPELEY, late in the possession of Richard Bryan deceased and now in the possession of Sarah Bryan, widow, and Hannah Bryan, with the crofts and inclosures thereto belonging; for lives of the said Charles Bryan, Mary Bryan his wife and Ann Bryan his daughter, at an annual rent of 2/- and heriot of 5/-. Cons. £10. Paper. - 29 Sep 1757
2 - LEASE for 1 year & RELEASE by William Dicas of the city of Chester, peruke maker, to William Barnett of the Lordship of Haslington, yeoman --- 2 closes in the Lordship of HASLINGTON commonly called the Ropes Field and the Ropes Yard or meadow containing together 12 acres 2 roods 6 perches, now/late in the holding of the said William Barnett as tenant to the said William Dicas. Cons. £240. Parchment. - 12-13 Nov 1764
3 - DEED OF COVENANTS for production of Title Deeds to the 2 closes in the Lordship of HASLINGTON commonly called the Ropes Field and the Ropes Yard or meadow containing together 12 acres 2 roods 6 perches, by William Dicas to William Barnett. Parchment. - 13 Nov 1764
4 - ABSTRACT OF TITLE of William Dicas to the 2 closes in the Lordship of HASLINGTON commonly called the Ropes Field and the Ropes Yard or meadow containing together 12 acres 2 roods 6 perches. Paper. - 1764
5 - ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGE to attend and protect the inheritance by 1) Mary Hayes of the city of Chester, spinster, by appointment of 2) William Dicas of the city of Chester, peruke maker, and 3) William Barnett of the Lordship of Haslington, yeoman to 4) Robert Bridge of Middlewich, gentleman, (trustee for the sd. William Barnett) --- 2 closes in the Lordship of HASLINGTON commonly called the Ropes Field and the Ropes Yard or meadow containing together 12 acres 2 roods 6 perches, now/late in the holding of the said William Barnett as tenant to the said William Dicas. (DDB/A/F/2 and 3) Parchment. - 13 Nov 1764
6 - LEASE for 1 year & RELEASE between 1) John Stubbs of Ranton Abbey (Co. Staffs.), gentleman, eldest son and heir of Judith Stubbs late of Beckbury (Co. Shropshire), widow, deceased, who was sister and heir at law of Jonathan Gouldsmyth of Norfolk St. (Co. Middlesex), Doctor of Physic, deceased, and Alice his wife, Walter Stubbs of Beckbury aforesaid, gentleman, and Eleanor Stubbs his wife, Rev. Jonathan Stubbs of Long Orton (Co. Huntingdon), clerk, Orlando Stubbs of Ranton Abbey aforesaid, gentleman, Mary Dutton of Beckbury aforesaid, widow and relict of John Dutton late of Beckbury aforesaid, gentleman, deceased, Judith Stubbs of Beckbury aforesaid, spinster, Thomas Plimley of the Hyde, par. Brewood (Co. Staffs.), gentleman, and Catherine Plimley his wife, Thomas Evans of the town of Derby (Co. Derby), merchant, and Barbara Evans his wife, which said Walter Stubbs, Jonathan Stubbs, Orlando Stubbs, Mary Dutton, Judith Stubbs, Catherine Plimley and Barbara Evans are 7 other of the sons and daughters and legatees of the said Judith Stubbs deceased. 2) John Dutton of Beckbury aforesaid, gentleman, eldest son and heir at law of the said John Dutton deceased 3) William Baker of Highfields, par. Audlem, gentleman, surviving trustee and devisee of the said Judith Stubbs deceased. 4) Charles Bryan of Newhall, yeoman; whereby 1), 2) and 3) release to 4) --- 2 closes in the Lordship of HASLINGTON commonly called the Ropes Field and the Ropes Yard or meadow containing together 12 acres 2 roods 6 perches, (DDB/A/F/2 and 3), heretofore in the possession of Richard Bryan deceased and now/late in the holding of the said Charles Bryan. Cons. £37. Parchment. - 25-26 Mar 1765
7 - MORTGAGE to secure £40 and interest, by Charles Bryan of Newhall, yeoman, to William Lomas of Audlem, gardener --- 2 closes in the Lordship of HASLINGTON commonly called the Ropes Field and the Ropes Yard or meadow containing together 12 acres 2 roods 6 perches, (DDB/A/F/2 and 3). Parchment. - 5 Apr 1765
8 - BOND in £80 for performance of covenants of the above, by Charles Bryan to William Lomas. Paper. - 5 Apr 1765
9 - WILL and PROBATE (13. May 1783) of Charles Bryan the elder of Newhall, yeoman, whereby he devises to John Edwards of Nantwich, grocer, and Robert Ruscoe of Newhall, miller, the messuage, cottage or dwellinghouse in STAPELEY now in the possession of Robert Heays, in trust to sell and dispose of the same as soon as convenient after his decease; appoints the said John Edwards and Robert Ruscoe his executors. Parchment. - 23 Oct 1769
10 - LEASE for 1 year & RELEASE (Attested copy, 23. July 1808), by 1) John Sparrow of Newcastle under Lyme (Co. Staff.), gentleman, and Hugh Henshall of Newchapel (Co. Staff.), gentleman to 2) William Barnett of Haslington, yeoman --- a cottage or dwellinghouse with appurts. at WHEELOCK HEATH within the Manor of HASLINGTON, formerly in the holding of - Potts, late of Samuel Barnett, father of the said William Barnett, but now of the said William Barnett, with the close thereto adjoining, a messuage, dwellinghouse or tenement in HASLINGTON late in the holding of Thomas Greenacres but now of the said William Barnett, with the close adjoining lying near the Mill Pool and commonly called the Ferry Bank, a cottage or tenement near the Mill Pool in HASLINGTON called Oakes's Tenement now in the holding of the said William Barnett, with the croft and lands belonging containing 4½ acres, a close in HASLINGTON late in the holding of the said Samuel Barnett deceased, but now of the said William Barnett called the Heath Croft containing 1¼ acres, and a croft, close or parcel of land at WHEELOCK HEATH called Skerratts Croft contng. 1½ acres, now in the holding of the said William Barnett. Cons. £300. Paper. - 28-29 Apr 1773
11 - ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGE to secure £62 and interest, between 1) John Eddowes of Nantwich, grocer. 2) Mary Bryan of Newhall, widow and relict of Charles Bryan, late of Newhall, yeoman deceased. 3) William Lomas of Audlem, gardener. 4) Roger Eddowes of Whitchurch (Co. Shropshire), tanner, trustee on behalf of the said John Eddowes; whereby 3) by the direction of 1) and 2) assigns to 4) --- a cottage or tenement with appurtenances in Broadland within the Manor of STAPELEY, late in the possession of Richard Bryan deceased and now in the possession of Sarah Bryan, widow, and Hannah Bryan, with the crofts and inclosures thereto belonging; for lives of the said Charles Bryan, Mary Bryan his wife and Ann Bryan his daughter, at an annual rent of 2/- and heriot of 5/-. (DDB/A/F/1), in trust for the said John Eddowes. Parchment. - 5 June 1776
12 - RELEASE by 1) John Eddoes of Nantwich, grocer, and Robert Ruscoe of Newhall, farmer, devisees in trust of the estate and premises of Charles Bryan late of Stapeley, deceased, Charles Bryan and George Bryan, sons of the said Charles Bryan, to 2) John Corn of the parish of Wybunbury, shopkeeper --- premises as above (DDB/A/F/1). Cons. £105. Paper. - 4 Sep 1783
13 - LEASE for 1 year & RELEASE between 1) Robert Ruscoe late of Newhall, but now of Bradford Mill, parish of Over, miller, surviving trustee appointed by the will of Charles Bryan, late of Newhall, yeoman, deceased. 2) John Corn of Wybunbury, gentleman. 3) Rev. Sir Thomas Broughton of Boddington Hall Bt. 4) Roger Eddowes of Whitchurch (Co. Shropshire), tanner. 5) Rev. Robert Hill of Hough, clerk; whereby the said Robert Ruscoe, by direction of the said John Corn and Sir Thomas Broughton, and the said John Corn, release to the said Sir Thomas Broughton --- a cottage or tenement with appurtenances in Broadland within the Manor of STAPELEY, late in the possession of Richard Bryan deceased and now in the possession of Sarah Bryan, widow, and Hannah Bryan, with the crofts and inclosures thereto belonging; for lives of the said Charles Bryan, Mary Bryan his wife and Ann Bryan his daughter, at an annual rent of 2/- and heriot of 5/-. (DDB/A/F/1); and the said Roger Eddowes, by appointment of the said Robert Ruscoe, John Corn and Sir Thomas Broughton, assigns to the said Robert Hill, the said premises for the residue of a term of 500 years, in trust to attend the inheritance. Parchment. - 10-11 Feb 1792
14 - WILL & PROBATE (19. Apr. 1805) (Attested copy, 23. July 1808) of William Barnett the elder of Winteley within Haslington, yeoman, whereby he devises all his real estate to Richard Darlington the younger of Sandbach, gentleman, in trust to the intent that Elizabeth Lawton his servant might receive thereout the sum of 12d. weekly for life and subject thereto, as to the dwelling house, garden and appurtenances now occupied by Samuel Kirk, to the use of his daughter Mary Barnett and her assigns for life, remainder to the use of Hugh Barnett son of the said Mary, and the residue of his real estate, except the house occupied by himself Thomas Withington and John Cook, to the use of his son William Barnett his heirs and assigns, and as to the said house so excepted, to the use of his said son for life, remainder to the use of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and every other son/s of the said William Barnett severally successively and in remainder, and their respective heirs, remainder to the daughter/s of his said son William, remainder to the right heirs of his said son William; appoints the said Richard Darlington and his said son William his executors. Paper. - 29 Jan 1802
15 - LEASE for 1 year & MORTGAGE to secure £920 and interest (attested copy, 23. July 1808), by William Barnett of Winteley within the Lordship of Haslington, yeoman, to John Bostock of Tetton, yeoman --- premises as above (DDB/A/F/12 and 2 & 3), all now in the holding of the said William Barnett, John Smith, Samuel Kirk, Thomas Withington and John Cook. Paper. - 10-11 Jul 1803
16 - WILL & SECURITIES (abstract) affecting amongst other hereditaments the whole of the fields and closes sold to Rev. Sir Thomas Broughton Bt. - [1808]
17 - ABSTRACT OF TITLE of William Barnett to a close of land in HASLINGTON called Oakes's sold to the Reverend Sir Thomas Broughton Bart. (1753-73). Paper. - (1808)
18 - ABSTRACT OF TITLE of William Barnett to 2 closes of land in HASLINGTON called the Ropes Field and Ropes Yard or Meadow sold to Reverend Sir Thomas Broughton Bart. (1672-1764). Paper. - (1808)
19 - LEASE for 1 year & RELEASE between 1) William Barnett of Haslington, farmer, only son and heir at law of William Barnett the elder, late of the same place, yeoman, deceased, and also devisee in fee named in his will of the lands hereafter mentioned. 2) John Bostock of Tetton, yeoman, mortagee of the said lands. 3) Elizabeth Lawton of Haslington. 4) Rev. Sir Thomas Broughton of Doddington Hall, Bt., whereby 2) by the direction of 1) and 3 by the direction of 1) release to 4) - 1808
20 - ASSIGNMENT of the residue of a term of 500 years, by 1) Rev. Ralph Bridge of Malpas, clerk, and Thomas Bridge of Leftwich, gentleman, surviving executors of Robert Bridge, late of Middlewich, gentleman, deceased, by the direction of 2) William Barnett of Haslington, farmer, only son and heir at law of William Barnett the elder, late of the same place, yeoman, deceased, and also devisee in fee named in his will of the lands and hereditaments hereafter named, and at the nomination of 3) Rev. Sir Thomas Broughton of Doddington Hall Bt. to 4) Isaac Perry of Doddington, gentleman --- premises as above (DDB/A/F/22 and 23); in trust for the said Sir Thomas Broughton to be assigned and disposed of as he shall direct and in the mean time to attend the inheritance. Parchment. - 1808, 24. June
21 - SCHEDULE OF TITLE DEEDS contained in Bundle F. Paper. - (1808)
Expand G - Bundle G endorsed: 'Settled with other property by deed 1st Mar. 1849'G - Bundle G endorsed: 'Settled with other property by deed 1st Mar. 1849'
Expand H - Bundle H endorsed: 'Settled with other properties by deed of 1st Mar. 1849'. 'This purchase deed comprises other land in Cheskley which Mare took under John Mare's will and mortgaged to Kennedy and Smith'H - Bundle H endorsed: 'Settled with other properties by deed of 1st Mar. 1849'. 'This purchase deed comprises other land in Cheskley which Mare took under John Mare's will and mortgaged to Kennedy and Smith'
Expand I - Bundle I endorsed: 'Settled with other properties by Indre 1st March 1849'I - Bundle I endorsed: 'Settled with other properties by Indre 1st March 1849'
Expand J - Bundle J endorsed: 'Settled with sevl. other Estes. 1st Mar. 1849'J - Bundle J endorsed: 'Settled with sevl. other Estes. 1st Mar. 1849'
Expand K - Bundle K endorsed: 'Settled with several other Estates 1st Mar. 1849'K - Bundle K endorsed: 'Settled with several other Estates 1st Mar. 1849'
Expand L - Bundle L endorsed: 'Settled by deed dated 1st Mar: 1849 with other properties'L - Bundle L endorsed: 'Settled by deed dated 1st Mar: 1849 with other properties'
Expand M - Bundle MM - Bundle M
Expand N - Bundle N endorsed: 'settled by Indre being the New Settlement 2d. April 1836'N - Bundle N endorsed: 'settled by Indre being the New Settlement 2d. April 1836'
Expand O - Bundle O endorsed: 'Settled with other properties by deed 1st March 1849'O - Bundle O endorsed: 'Settled with other properties by deed 1st March 1849'
Expand P - Bundle P endorsed: 'Settled to Trusts of Settlement 12 Aug 1788 by Sir John D. Broughton by Deed 15. Dec. 1840'P - Bundle P endorsed: 'Settled to Trusts of Settlement 12 Aug 1788 by Sir John D. Broughton by Deed 15. Dec. 1840'
Expand Q - Bundle Q endorsed: 'Settled by purchase deed. Parcels of course not in Settlement of 1836'Q - Bundle Q endorsed: 'Settled by purchase deed. Parcels of course not in Settlement of 1836'
Expand R - Bundle RR - Bundle R
Expand S - Bundle SS - Bundle S
Expand T - Bundle TT - Bundle T
Expand U - Bundle UU - Bundle U
Expand B - 'The Rev. Sir Hy. Delves Broughton Bart. and Hy. Delves Broughton Esq. and their Mortgagees'B - 'The Rev. Sir Hy. Delves Broughton Bart. and Hy. Delves Broughton Esq. and their Mortgagees'
Expand C - 'Reverend Sir Hy. Delves Broughton Bart. and K. Delves Broughton Esqs. and their Mortgagees. Mortgages since 1826 paid off'. On lid: 'Sir D. L. Broughton Bart., Doddington Park, Nantwich'.C - 'Reverend Sir Hy. Delves Broughton Bart. and K. Delves Broughton Esqs. and their Mortgagees. Mortgages since 1826 paid off'. On lid: 'Sir D. L. Broughton Bart., Doddington Park, Nantwich'.
Expand D - 'Sir Hy. Delves Broughton Bart. No. 1. General Deeds'D - 'Sir Hy. Delves Broughton Bart. No. 1. General Deeds'
Expand E - 'Delves Louis Broughton Bt. No. 1. Broughton and Doddington Estates'E - 'Delves Louis Broughton Bt. No. 1. Broughton and Doddington Estates'
Expand F - Box FF - Box F
Expand G - 'Sir J.D. Broughton. Cheshire EstatesG - 'Sir J.D. Broughton. Cheshire Estates
Expand H - 'Sir John D. Broughton Bart. Executors'H - 'Sir John D. Broughton Bart. Executors'
Expand I - Box I - not labelled: Papers relating to the Educational Foundation of Sir Thomas Delves, parish of Wybunbury; Bennett's Charity, Eccleshall (Co. Staff.) and MiscellaneousI - Box I - not labelled: Papers relating to the Educational Foundation of Sir Thomas Delves, parish of Wybunbury; Bennett's Charity, Eccleshall (Co. Staff.) and Miscellaneous
Expand J - 'Chapel Chorlton'J - 'Chapel Chorlton'
Expand K - '1. Auditors Statements of Estate Accounts. 2. Messrs. Witham & Co's letters. 3. Witham & Co.'s Particulars. 4. Summaries of Rent Audit'K - '1. Auditors Statements of Estate Accounts. 2. Messrs. Witham & Co's letters. 3. Witham & Co.'s Particulars. 4. Summaries of Rent Audit'
Expand L - '1. Lloyd & Co.'s cheques and receipts for standing order. 2. payments. 3. Receipted Bills paid through monthly book'L - '1. Lloyd & Co.'s cheques and receipts for standing order. 2. payments. 3. Receipted Bills paid through monthly book'
Expand M - Box M: Letters received by Rhoda Broughton - 18th-19th centuryM - Box M: Letters received by Rhoda Broughton - 18th-19th century
Expand N - 'Harold Newcome's'N - 'Harold Newcome's'
O - 'Doddington House Account' - 1886-1906
P - Vouchers - 1909-1928
Expand Q - Box Q - Maps and PlansQ - Box Q - Maps and Plans
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