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Collapse DDB - Delves-Broughton family of Doddington estate - 16th century-20th centuryDDB - Delves-Broughton family of Doddington estate - 16th century-20th century
Expand 1 - Deeds of title and related papers1 - Deeds of title and related papers
Expand 2 - Estate management: maps and surveys2 - Estate management: maps and surveys
Collapse A - Large Deed Box - unlabelledA - Large Deed Box - unlabelled
Expand A - Bundle AA - Bundle A
Expand B - 'Settled by new Settlement 2d. April 1836'B - 'Settled by new Settlement 2d. April 1836'
Expand C - Bundle C endorsed: 'Settled with several other Estates 1st Mar. 1849'C - Bundle C endorsed: 'Settled with several other Estates 1st Mar. 1849'
Expand D - Bundle D endorsed: 'Settled by new Settlement of 2d. April 1836'D - Bundle D endorsed: 'Settled by new Settlement of 2d. April 1836'
Expand E - Bundle EE - Bundle E
Expand F - Bundle F endorsed: 'Settled with other property by Deed 1st Mar. 1849'F - Bundle F endorsed: 'Settled with other property by Deed 1st Mar. 1849'
Expand G - Bundle G endorsed: 'Settled with other property by deed 1st Mar. 1849'G - Bundle G endorsed: 'Settled with other property by deed 1st Mar. 1849'
Collapse H - Bundle H endorsed: 'Settled with other properties by deed of 1st Mar. 1849'. 'This purchase deed comprises other land in Cheskley which Mare took under John Mare's will and mortgaged to Kennedy and Smith'H - Bundle H endorsed: 'Settled with other properties by deed of 1st Mar. 1849'. 'This purchase deed comprises other land in Cheskley which Mare took under John Mare's will and mortgaged to Kennedy and Smith'
1 - WILL of Ann Walley of Checkley, par. Wybunbury, widow; after payment of debts and funeral expences, she bequeaths and devises the residue of her real and personal estate to her sister Mary Walley, widow, provided she keeps herself sole and unmarried, but after her decease or marriage, she bequeaths and devises the same to her nephew John Walley, being the son of her said sister Mary Walley; grants legacies to her nephew Thomas Walley, niece Mary Walley, niece Jane Walley, sister Hannah Walker and neice Mary Boot; appoints her brother in law Richard Walley of Micle Trafford executor. Paper. Also: BAPTISMAL CERTIFICATE of Thomas son of Robert Walley of Checkley, baptised at Wybunbury, 9. July 1765. - 1774, 20. May
2 - RELEASE of equity of Redemption, by Mary Walley of Checkley, widow, and John Walley of Checkley, yeoman, her eldest son and heir, to Richard Mare of Hanley (Co. Staff.), potter --- a messuage, farm or tenement with appurts. in CHECKLEY, par. WYBUNBURY, heretofore in the holding of Thomas Astbury deceased, after of William Bickerton, but now/late of the said Mary Walley, and closes in CHECKLEY called the Barn Meadow and the Hill, the Lee Ridding, the two Simm Crofts, the Broomey Field and the Twopenny Hole now laid together, the Fosters Meadow and the Leaney field, the lover Field alias the Tentry Croft and the meadow at the Green, heretofore also in the holding of the said Thomas Astbury and after of the said William Bickerton, but now/late in the possession of the said Mary Walley, reserving the dwelling house or tenement with the croft or parcel of land belonging situate in CHECKLEY near to the Green now in the holding of the said Mary Walley. Cons. £712-19 owing to the said Richard Mare for principal and interest on a Mortgage and a further payment by him of £64-1. Parchment. - 1783, 26. Sept
3 - RELEASE by Thomas Walley of Checkley, par. Wybunbury, to Richard Mare of Hanley (Co. Staff.), potter, for £20, being a legacy under the will of Ann Walley, late of Checkley, widow, chargeable on her real estate purchased by the said Richard Mare. Paper. - 1789, 2. Feb
4 - RELEASE by Jane Walley of Checkley, par. Wybunbury, spinster, to Richard Mare of Hanley, par. Stoke on Trent (Co. Staff.), gentleman, for £20, being a legacy under the will of Ann Walley. Paper. - 1795, 25. Oct
5 - LEASE for 1 year & RELEASE by 1) James Kennedy of Trentham (Co. Staff), gentleman, and James Smith of Newcastle under line (same Co.), stationer, and 2) Thomas Mills of Leek (same Co.), Esq., mortgagees and 3) Richard Mare of Hanley, par. Stoke on Trent (same Co.), gentleman, and Mary his wife to 4) Rev. Sir Thomas Broughton of Doddington Hall Bt. --- a messuage, tenement or farm house in CHECKLEY, par. WYBUNBURY with appurtenances, heretofore in the holding of William Gibbs, laterly of John Heath but now of Thomas Whittaker, another messuage at CHECKLEY now/late in the occupation of Thomas Roe and Thomas Clarke and closes in CHECKLEY called the kiln croft, the Common Meadow, the Colts Croft, the Long Flatt, the two Walley Pit Crofts, the two shoots, the Watkins Field, the Pee Mee Meadow, the Three Ox pastures, the long Meadow, the Brick kiln Fields, the Copy Fields, the Three Stockings Fields, the Stockings Meadow, the Broom Field, the two Moors, the Bridge Meadow, the Marl Fields, the Holly Bush Field, the Crab Tree Field and the Gardens, orchards and hempbutts and all other messuages, lands etc: in CHECKLEY devised to Richard Mare by the will of John Mare his late father deceased and by him purchased from Peter Somerfield of Weston Hall, par. Wybunbury, gentleman, ontng. 102 acres 1 rood 8 perches and now in the possession of the said Thomas Whittaker as tenant to the said Richard Mare, and also closes in CHECKLEY called the Barn Meadow and the Hill, the lee Ridding, the two simm crofts, the Broomey Field and the Twopenny Hole (now laid together), the Forsters Meadow and the Leany Field, the clover Field alias the Tentry Croft and the Meadow at the Green, heretofore in the holding of Thomas, Astbury, afterwards of William Bickerton, since of Mary Walley and now of the said Thomas Whittaker, all which were purchased by the said Richard Mare from Mary Walley and John Walley her eldest son and whereon a messuage and outbuildings lately stood, but which have been pulled down and a barn and other buildings have been lately erected and built. Cons. £3,250. Parchment. - 1795, 22. & 23. Dec
Expand I - Bundle I endorsed: 'Settled with other properties by Indre 1st March 1849'I - Bundle I endorsed: 'Settled with other properties by Indre 1st March 1849'
Expand J - Bundle J endorsed: 'Settled with sevl. other Estes. 1st Mar. 1849'J - Bundle J endorsed: 'Settled with sevl. other Estes. 1st Mar. 1849'
Expand K - Bundle K endorsed: 'Settled with several other Estates 1st Mar. 1849'K - Bundle K endorsed: 'Settled with several other Estates 1st Mar. 1849'
Expand L - Bundle L endorsed: 'Settled by deed dated 1st Mar: 1849 with other properties'L - Bundle L endorsed: 'Settled by deed dated 1st Mar: 1849 with other properties'
Expand M - Bundle MM - Bundle M
Expand N - Bundle N endorsed: 'settled by Indre being the New Settlement 2d. April 1836'N - Bundle N endorsed: 'settled by Indre being the New Settlement 2d. April 1836'
Expand O - Bundle O endorsed: 'Settled with other properties by deed 1st March 1849'O - Bundle O endorsed: 'Settled with other properties by deed 1st March 1849'
Expand P - Bundle P endorsed: 'Settled to Trusts of Settlement 12 Aug 1788 by Sir John D. Broughton by Deed 15. Dec. 1840'P - Bundle P endorsed: 'Settled to Trusts of Settlement 12 Aug 1788 by Sir John D. Broughton by Deed 15. Dec. 1840'
Expand Q - Bundle Q endorsed: 'Settled by purchase deed. Parcels of course not in Settlement of 1836'Q - Bundle Q endorsed: 'Settled by purchase deed. Parcels of course not in Settlement of 1836'
Expand R - Bundle RR - Bundle R
Expand S - Bundle SS - Bundle S
Expand T - Bundle TT - Bundle T
Expand U - Bundle UU - Bundle U
Expand B - 'The Rev. Sir Hy. Delves Broughton Bart. and Hy. Delves Broughton Esq. and their Mortgagees'B - 'The Rev. Sir Hy. Delves Broughton Bart. and Hy. Delves Broughton Esq. and their Mortgagees'
Expand C - 'Reverend Sir Hy. Delves Broughton Bart. and K. Delves Broughton Esqs. and their Mortgagees. Mortgages since 1826 paid off'. On lid: 'Sir D. L. Broughton Bart., Doddington Park, Nantwich'.C - 'Reverend Sir Hy. Delves Broughton Bart. and K. Delves Broughton Esqs. and their Mortgagees. Mortgages since 1826 paid off'. On lid: 'Sir D. L. Broughton Bart., Doddington Park, Nantwich'.
Expand D - 'Sir Hy. Delves Broughton Bart. No. 1. General Deeds'D - 'Sir Hy. Delves Broughton Bart. No. 1. General Deeds'
Expand E - 'Delves Louis Broughton Bt. No. 1. Broughton and Doddington Estates'E - 'Delves Louis Broughton Bt. No. 1. Broughton and Doddington Estates'
Expand F - Box FF - Box F
Expand G - 'Sir J.D. Broughton. Cheshire EstatesG - 'Sir J.D. Broughton. Cheshire Estates
Expand H - 'Sir John D. Broughton Bart. Executors'H - 'Sir John D. Broughton Bart. Executors'
Expand I - Box I - not labelled: Papers relating to the Educational Foundation of Sir Thomas Delves, parish of Wybunbury; Bennett's Charity, Eccleshall (Co. Staff.) and MiscellaneousI - Box I - not labelled: Papers relating to the Educational Foundation of Sir Thomas Delves, parish of Wybunbury; Bennett's Charity, Eccleshall (Co. Staff.) and Miscellaneous
Expand J - 'Chapel Chorlton'J - 'Chapel Chorlton'
Expand K - '1. Auditors Statements of Estate Accounts. 2. Messrs. Witham & Co's letters. 3. Witham & Co.'s Particulars. 4. Summaries of Rent Audit'K - '1. Auditors Statements of Estate Accounts. 2. Messrs. Witham & Co's letters. 3. Witham & Co.'s Particulars. 4. Summaries of Rent Audit'
Expand L - '1. Lloyd & Co.'s cheques and receipts for standing order. 2. payments. 3. Receipted Bills paid through monthly book'L - '1. Lloyd & Co.'s cheques and receipts for standing order. 2. payments. 3. Receipted Bills paid through monthly book'
Expand M - Box M: Letters received by Rhoda Broughton - 18th-19th centuryM - Box M: Letters received by Rhoda Broughton - 18th-19th century
Expand N - 'Harold Newcome's'N - 'Harold Newcome's'
O - 'Doddington House Account' - 1886-1906
P - Vouchers - 1909-1928
Expand Q - Box Q - Maps and PlansQ - Box Q - Maps and Plans
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