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Collapse NHM 8 - Parkside Lunatic Asylum, later Mental Hospital - 1867-1992NHM 8 - Parkside Lunatic Asylum, later Mental Hospital - 1867-1992
Expand 1 - Administration1 - Administration
Collapse 2 - Patient Records2 - Patient Records
Expand 1 - Indexes - 1871-19351 - Indexes - 1871-1935
Expand 2 - Admissions - 1871-19632 - Admissions - 1871-1963
Expand 3 - Discharges and Deaths - 1871-19633 - Discharges and Deaths - 1871-1963
Collapse 4 - Case books - 1871-19504 - Case books - 1871-1950
Expand 1 - Case books: private patients - 1885-19101 - Case books: private patients - 1885-1910
Collapse 2 - Case books: male - 1871-19102 - Case books: male - 1871-1910
Expand 1 - Case book: male - May 1871 - Jul 18731 - Case book: male - May 1871 - Jul 1873
Expand 2 - Case book: male - 1873-18752 - Case book: male - 1873-1875
Expand 3 - Case book: male - Jun 1875 - Mar 18773 - Case book: male - Jun 1875 - Mar 1877
Collapse 4 - Case book: male - Mar 1877 - Dec 18794 - Case book: male - Mar 1877 - Dec 1879
1a - Case notes for Richard Cox
1b - Case notes for Richard Cox
2a - Case notes for Hugh Atkinson
2b - Case notes for Hugh Atkinson
3a - Case notes for Bradley Pass
3b - Case notes for Bradley Pass
4a - Case notes for John Worsley
4b - Case notes for John Worsley
5a - Case notes for William Schofiled
5b - Case notes for William Schofiled
6a - Case notes for Thomas Barker
6b - Case notes for Thomas Barker
6c - Case notes for Thomas Barker
7a - Case notes for William George Walton
7b - Case notes for William George Walton
8a - Case notes for Thomas Bower
8b - Case notes for Thomas Bower
9a - Case notes for James Sandiford
9b - Case notes for James Sandiford
10a - Case notes for Richard Wood
10b - Case notes for Richard Wood
11a - Case notes for William Hill
11b - Case notes for William Hill
12a - Case notes for John Hodge
12b - Case notes for John Hodge
13a - Case notes for John Jones
13b - Case notes for John Jones
14a - Case notes for William Stokes
14b - Case notes for William Stokes
15a - Case notes for Henry Williams
15b - Case notes for Henry Williams
16a - Case notes for James Dickinson
16b - Case notes for James Dickinson
17a - Case notes for George Hinds
17b - Case notes for George Hinds
18a - Case notes for Samuel Swan
18b - Case notes for Samuel Swan
19a - Case notes for James McAvela
19b - Case notes for James McAvela
20a - Case notes for John Bohanna
20b - Case notes for John Bohanna
21a - Case notes for Robert Rushton
21b - Case notes for Robert Rushton
22a - Case notes for James Thomas Hardy
22b - Case notes for James Thomas Hardy
23a - Case notes for Charles Hanry Hawson
23b - Case notes for Charles Hanry Hawson
24a - Case notes for William Burton
24b - Case notes for William Burton
25a - Case notes for William Foster
25b - Case notes for William Foster
26a - Case notes for George Vernon
26b - Case notes for George Vernon
27a - Case notes for Joseph Fowden
27b - Case notes for Joseph Fowden
28a - Case notes for Joseph Hyde
28b - Case notes for Joseph Hyde
29a - Case notes for James McLaughlin
29b - Case notes for James McLaughlin
30a - Case notes for William Symes
30b - Case notes for William Symes
31a - Case notes for William Gibson
31b - Case notes for William Gibson
32a - Case notes for Joseph Swaine
32b - Case notes for Joseph Swaine
33a - Case notes for Thomas Shepherd
33b - Case notes for Thomas Shepherd
34a - Case notes for Richard Sutcliff
34b - Case notes for Richard Sutcliff
35a - Case notes for John McMahon
35b - Case notes for John McMahon
36a - Case notes for John Charles Grundy
36b - Case notes for John Charles Grundy
37a - Case notes for Thomas Beckett
37b - Case notes for Thomas Beckett
38a - Case notes for George Banner
38b - Case notes for George Banner
39a - Case notes for Joseph Garner
39b - Case notes for Joseph Garner
40a - Case notes for Thomas Ward
40b - Case notes for Thomas Ward
41a - Case notes for Edmond Barlow Hawkridge
41b - Case notes for Edmond Barlow Hawkridge
42a - Case notes for Ralph Ball
42b - Case notes for Ralph Ball
43a - Case notes for Joseph Furnival
43b - Case notes for Joseph Furnival
44a - Case notes for William Pearson
44b - Case notes for William Pearson
45a - Case notes for Thomas Whittaker
45b - Case notes for Thomas Whittaker
46a - Case notes for William Kelly
46b - Case notes for William Kelly
47a - Case notes for Thomas Barratt Langshaw
47b - Case notes for Thomas Barratt Langshaw
48a - Case notes for Cephas Wagstaffe
48b - Case notes for Cephas Wagstaffe
49a - Case notes for George Baker
49b - Case notes for George Baker
50a - Case notes for Samuel Crawford
50b - Case notes for Samuel Crawford
51a - Case notes for William Wilkinson
51b - Case notes for William Wilkinson
52a - Case notes for James Thomas Hardy
52b - Case notes for James Thomas Hardy
53a - Case notes for Thomas Connolly
53b - Case notes for Thomas Connolly
54a - Case notes for John Lawton
54b - Case notes for John Lawton
55a - Case notes for Joseph Turner
55b - Case notes for Joseph Turner
56a - Case notes for James Clements
56b - Case notes for James Clements
57a - Case notes for William Johnston
57b - Case notes for William Johnston
58a - Case notes for David Britton
58b - Case notes for David Britton
59a - Case notes for Lancelot Bonson
59b - Case notes for Lancelot Bonson
60a - Case notes for Henry Killan
60b - Case notes for Henry Killan
61a - Case notes for Elias Goodwin
61b - Case notes for Elias Goodwin
62a - Case notes for David Needham
62b - Case notes for David Needham
63a - Case notes for William Gould
63b - Case notes for William Gould
64a - Case notes for Roderic Jones
64b - Case notes for Roderic Jones
65a - Case notes for George Wilson
65b - Case notes for George Wilson
66a - Case notes for William Roper
66b - Case notes for William Roper
66c - Case notes for William Roper
67a - Case notes for Henry Preston
67b - Case notes for Henry Preston
68a - Case notes for John Weston
68b - Case notes for John Weston
69a - Case notes for William Harris
69b - Case notes for William Harris
70a - Case notes for John Simister
70b - Case notes for John Simister
71a - Case notes for James Robert Parker Clayton
71b - Case notes for James Robert Parker Clayton
72a - Case notes for Solomon Beasley
72b - Case notes for Solomon Beasley
73a - Case notes for George Thomas Grey
73b - Case notes for George Thomas Grey
74 - Case notes for John Gaskell
75a - Case notes for William Drinkwater
75b - Case notes for William Drinkwater
76 - Case notes for Joseph Finney
77a - Case notes for William Reece
77b - Case notes for William Reece
78 - Case notes for Robert Booth
79a - Case notes for William Symes
79b - Case notes for William Symes
80a - Case notes for Ralph Bowden
80b - Case notes for Ralph Bowden
81a - Case notes for Aaron Bowker
81b - Case notes for Aaron Bowker
82a - Case notes for William Blair
82b - Case notes for William Blair
83a - Case notes for Angus McPherson
83b - Case notes for Angus McPherson
84a - Case notes for Arthur Ferns
84b - Case notes for Arthur Ferns
85a - Case notes for Patrick McGettigan
85b - Case notes for Patrick McGettigan
86a - Case notes for Thomas Watkin
86b - Case notes for Thomas Watkin
87a - Case notes for William Corbett
87b - Case notes for William Corbett
88a - Case notes for Rowland Robinson
88b - Case notes for Rowland Robinson
89a - Case notes for Hugh Kelly
89b - Case notes for Hugh Kelly
90a - Case notes for George Hayward
90b - Case notes for George Hayward
91a - Case notes for William Walton
91b - Case notes for William Walton
92a - Case notes for Samuel Wainwright
92b - Case notes for Samuel Wainwright
93a - Case notes for Isaac Gee
93b - Case notes for Isaac Gee
94a - Case notes for John Rothwell
94b - Case notes for John Rothwell
95a - Case notes for Joseph Unsworth
95b - Case notes for Joseph Unsworth
96a - Case notes for George Guest
96b - Case notes for George Guest
97a - Case notes for Thomas Howard Cocks
97b - Case notes for Thomas Howard Cocks
98a - Case notes for Alexander Burrell
98b - Case notes for Alexander Burrell
99 - Case notes for John Godfrey
100a - Case notes for Charles Henry Perrygo
100b - Case notes for Charles Henry Perrygo
101a - Case notes for Charles Edward Brown
101b - Case notes for Charles Edward Brown
102a - Case notes for Charles Andrews
102b - Case notes for Charles Andrews
103a - Case notes for Thomas Hill
103b - Case notes for Thomas Hill
104a - Case notes for William Underwood
104b - Case notes for William Underwood
105a - Case notes for John Ward
105b - Case notes for John Ward
106a - Case notes for Samuel Hunt
106b - Case notes for Samuel Hunt
107a - Case notes for Henry Houghton
107b - Case notes for Henry Houghton
108a - Case notes for William Law
108b - Case notes for William Law
109a - Case notes for Abraham Emms
109b - Case notes for Abraham Emms
110a - Case notes for John Beddoe
110b - Case notes for John Beddoe
111a - Case notes for William Russell Davis
111b - Case notes for William Russell Davis
112a - Case notes for Robert Allen
112b - Case notes for Robert Allen
113a - Case notes for Job Kellett
113b - Case notes for Job Kellett
114a - Case notes for Peter Anderton
114b - Case notes for Peter Anderton
115 - Case notes for Stephen Hamrock
116a - Case notes for John Shandley
116b - Case notes for John Shandley
117a - Case notes for Henry Price
117b - Case notes for Henry Price
118a - Case notes for William Gill
118b - Case notes for William Gill
118c - Case notes for William Gill
119a - Case notes for John Renshaw
119b - Case notes for John Renshaw
120a - Case notes for John Jones
120b - Case notes for John Jones
121a - Case notes for Charles Brown
121b - Case notes for Charles Brown
122a - Case notes for Arthur Charles Emery
122b - Case notes for Arthur Charles Emery
123a - Case notes for Joseph Pritchard
123b - Case notes for Joseph Pritchard
124a - Case notes for Edwin Starton
124b - Case notes for Edwin Starton
125 - Case notes for John Hiatt
126a - Case notes for John Gardner
126b - Case notes for John Gardner
127a - Case notes for William Moss
127b - Case notes for William Moss
128a - Case notes for George Mitchell
128b - Case notes for George Mitchell
129a - Case notes for George Newey
129b - Case notes for George Newey
130a - Case notes for John Lamb
130b - Case notes for John Lamb
131a - Case notes for James Price
131b - Case notes for James Price
132a - Case notes for Martin McCormack
132b - Case notes for Martin McCormack
133a - Case notes for John Turton
133b - Case notes for John Turton
134a - Case notes for John Powell
134b - Case notes for John Powell
135a - Case notes for Oriesmus Jones
135b - Case notes for Oriesmus Jones
136a - Case notes for William Heath
136b - Case notes for William Heath
137a - Case notes for William Jackson
137b - Case notes for William Jackson
138 - Case notes for Alfred Poole
139a - Case notes for Buckley Worthington
139b - Case notes for Buckley Worthington
140a - Case notes for Peter Higginbottom
140b - Case notes for Peter Higginbottom
141a - Case notes for Joshua Wigley
141b - Case notes for Joshua Wigley
142a - Case notes for William Thomas Wilkinson
142b - Case notes for William Thomas Wilkinson
143 - Case notes for James Slater
144 - Case notes for Peter Hardy
145a - Case notes for Thomas Cope
145b - Case notes for Thomas Cope
146 - Case notes for Richard Briddon Bradley
147a - Case notes for Joseph Hobson
147b - Case notes for Joseph Hobson
148a - Case notes for William Powell
148b - Case notes for William Powell
149a - Case notes for James Lea
149b - Case notes for James Lea
150 - Case notes for Ralph Ball
151a - Case notes for Thomas Armfield
151b - Case notes for Thomas Armfield
152 - Case notes for John Allen
153a - Case notes for Samuel Gaskell
153b - Case notes for Samuel Gaskell
154 - Case notes for George Frederick Nevins
155a - Case notes for Isaac Hulme
155b - Case notes for Isaac Hulme
156 - Case notes for Robert Booth
157a - Case notes for Thomas Tottenham
157b - Case notes for Thomas Tottenham
158 - Case notes for Samuel Howard
159a - Case notes for William Goulden
159b - Case notes for William Goulden
160a - Case notes for John Wilson
160b - Case notes for John Wilson
161a - Case notes for Thomas Brooks
161b - Case notes for Thomas Brooks
162a - Case notes for Joseph Coombs
162b - Case notes for Joseph Coombs
163a - Case notes for Joseph Ardern
163b - Case notes for Joseph Ardern
164 - Case notes for Henry Griffiths
165a - Case notes for Charles Martin
165b - Case notes for Charles Martin
166a - Case notes for John Lancaster
166b - Case notes for John Lancaster
167a - Case notes for John Holloway
167b - Case notes for John Holloway
168a - Case notes for Patrick Denneen
168b - Case notes for Patrick Denneen
169a - Case notes for John Hare
169b - Case notes for John Hare
170a - Case notes for Charles Harrison Mackintosh
170b - Case notes for Charles Harrison Mackintosh
171a - Case notes for Harry Dunmore
171b - Case notes for Harry Dunmore
172a - Case notes for Joseph Chillingworth
172b - Case notes for Joseph Chillingworth
173a - Case notes for Henry Gough
173b - Case notes for Henry Gough
174a - Case notes for Charles Sheaf
174b - Case notes for Charles Sheaf
175a - Case notes for James Franks
175b - Case notes for James Franks
176a - Case notes for Luke Hill
176b - Case notes for Luke Hill
177a - Case notes for George Thomas Humphries
177b - Case notes for George Thomas Humphries
178a - Case notes for Frederick Bradshaw
178b - Case notes for Frederick Bradshaw
179a - Case notes for Richard Smith Akerman
179b - Case notes for Richard Smith Akerman
180a - Case notes for Edwin Breedon
180b - Case notes for Edwin Breedon
181a - Case notes for Thomas Ryland
181b - Case notes for Thomas Ryland
182a - Case notes for James Pearson
182b - Case notes for James Pearson
183a - Case notes for Patrick Loftus
183b - Case notes for Patrick Loftus
184a - Case notes for James Whale
184b - Case notes for James Whale
185a - Case notes for Nicholas Clancy
185b - Case notes for Nicholas Clancy
186a - Case notes for James Joseph Grady
186b - Case notes for James Joseph Grady
187a - Case notes for James Bromiley
187b - Case notes for James Bromiley
188a - Case notes for John Needham
188b - Case notes for John Needham
189a - Case notes for William Scragg
189b - Case notes for William Scragg
190a - Case notes for Richard Walters
190b - Case notes for Richard Walters
191a - Case notes for James Lomas
191b - Case notes for James Lomas
192a - Case notes for John Malony
192b - Case notes for John Malony
193a - Case notes for Frank Effingham
193b - Case notes for Frank Effingham
194a - Case notes for William Hibbert
194b - Case notes for William Hibbert
195 - Case notes for William Potts Postles
196a - Case notes for George Potts
196b - Case notes for George Potts
197a - Case notes for Jonathan Woodall
197b - Case notes for Jonathan Woodall
197c - Case notes for Jonathan Woodall
197d - Case notes for Jonathan Woodall
197e - Case notes for Jonathan Woodall
197f - Case notes for Jonathan Woodall
198a - Case notes for Richard Briddon Bradley
198b - Case notes for Richard Briddon Bradley
199a - Case notes for George Clegg
199b - Case notes for George Clegg
200a - Case notes for Thomas Hyde Proctor
200b - Case notes for Thomas Hyde Proctor
201 - Case notes for Thomas Mullin
202a - Case notes for William Hewitt
202b - Case notes for William Hewitt
203a - Case notes for Thomas Dunn
203b - Case notes for Thomas Dunn
204a - Case notes for James Molloy
204b - Case notes for James Molloy
205a - Case notes for Jeffry Burton Jepson
205b - Case notes for Jeffry Burton Jspeon
206a - Case notes for Abraham Oldfield
206b - Case notes for Abraham Oldfield
207a - Case notes for Thomas Tomlinson
207b - Case notes for Thomas Tomlinson
208a - Case notes for Daniel Whitehouse
208b - Case notes for Daniel Whitehouse
209a - Case notes for Joseph Walker
209b - Case notes for Joseph Walker
210a - Case notes for Edward Howell
210b - Case notes for Edward Howell
211a - Case notes for John Ratto
211b - Case notes for John Ratto
212a - Case notes for Jabez Simpson
212b - Case notes for Jabez Simpson
213a - Case notes for George Pardoe
213b - Case notes for George Pardoe
214a - Case notes for Henry Price
214b - Case notes for Henry Price
215a - Case notes for Lewis Cohen
215b - Case notes for Lewis Cohen
216a - Case notes for Bernard McCarthy
216b - Case notes for Bernard McCarthy
217a - Case notes for Jonathan Buckley
217b - Case notes for Jonathan Buckley
218a - Case notes for Thomas Burgon
218b - Case notes for Thomas Burgon
219a - Case notes for James Thompson
219b - Case notes for James Thompson
220a - Case notes for William Bardsley
220b - Case notes for William Bardsley
221a - Case notes for John Dobson
221b - Case notes for John Dobson
222a - Case notes for Henry Cheer
222b - Case notes for Henry Cheer
223a - Case notes for Samuel Holland
223b - Case notes for Samuel Holland
224a - Case notes for John Thompstone
224b - Case notes for John Thompstone
225a - Case notes for Samuel Banton Rawes
225b - Case notes for Samuel Banton Rawes
226a - Case notes for John Haley
226b - Case notes for John Haley
227a - Case notes for Thomas Morledge
227b - Case notes for Thomas Morledge
228a - Case notes for Thomas Thomason
228b - Case notes for Thomas Thomason
229a - Case notes for Thomas Mullin
229b - Case notes for Thomas Mullin
230a - Case notes for Charles Mailand
230b - Case notes for Charles Mailand
231a - Case notes for William Cooper
231b - Case notes for William Cooper
232a - Case notes for William Brooks
232b - Case notes for William Brooks
233a - Case notes for James Anthony Croyton, alias James Anthony Crichton
233b - Case notes for James Anthony Croyton, alias James Anthony Crichton
234a - Case notes for Edwin Alonza Hancock
234b - Case notes for Edwin Alonza Hancock
235a - Case notes for James Woods
235b - Case notes for James Woods
236a - Case notes for Edward Worthington
236b - Case notes for Edward Worthington
237a - Case notes for John Baker
237b - Case notes for John Baker
238a - Case notes for Thomas Knight
238b - Case notes for Thomas Knight
239a - Case notes for John Atkins
239b - Case notes for John Atkins
240a - Case notes for Samuel Kirkoff
240b - Case notes for Samuel Kirkoff
241a - Case notes for Henry Brookes
241b - Case notes for Henry Brookes
242a - Case notes for William Henry Mobley
242b - Case notes for William Henry Mobley
243a - Case notes for Joseph Jaques
243b - Case notes for Joseph Jaques
244a - Case notes for John Davis
244b - Case notes for John Davis
245a - Case notes for Thomas Wright
245b - Case notes for Thomas Wright
246a - Case notes for Aubrey Harris
246b - Case notes for Aubrey Harris
247a - Case notes for Thomas Warder
247b - Case notes for Thomas Warder
247c - Case notes for Thomas Warder
247d - Case notes for Thomas Warder
247e - Case notes for Thomas Warder
248a - Case notes for Joseph Wright
248b - Case notes for Joseph Wright
249a - Case notes for John Richardson
249b - Case notes for John Richardson
A1 - Case notes for Edmund Barlow
A2 - Case notes for Patrick McGettigan
A3 - Case notes for isaac Gee
A4 - Case notes for isaac Gee
A5 - Case notes for Patrick Loftus
A6 - Case notes for Henry Cheer
A7 - Case notes for Hugh Kelly
A8 - Case notes for Richard Briddon Bradley
A9 - Case notes for John Haley
A10 - Case notes for Henry Cheer
A11 - Case notes for Thomas Watkin
A12 - Case notes for William Hill
A13 - Case notes for Ralph Bowden
A14 - Case notes for William Hill
A15 - Case notes for William Jackson
A16 - Case notes for William Jackson
A17 - Case notes for William Roper
A18 - Case notes for Angus McPherson
A19 - Case notes for John Rothwell
A20 - Case notes for Thomas Armfield
A22 - Case notes for Thomas Warden
A24 - Case notes for John Dobson
A26 - Case notes for James Molloy
A28 - Case notes for James Lees
A30 - Case notes for Thomas Barker
A32 - Case notes for William Brooks
A34 - Case notes for John Needham
A36 - Case notes for William Goulden
A38 - Case notes for William Thomas Wilkinson
A40 - Case notes for William Kelly
A42 - Case notes for Thomas Shepherd
A44 - Case notes for Charles Hanry Hawson
A46 - Case notes for Thomas Bower
Expand 5 - Case book: male - Dec 1879 - Nov 18825 - Case book: male - Dec 1879 - Nov 1882
Expand 6 - Case book: male - Nov 1882 - Nov 18866 - Case book: male - Nov 1882 - Nov 1886
Expand 7 - Case book: male - Dec 1886 - Jun 18917 - Case book: male - Dec 1886 - Jun 1891
Expand 8 - Case book: male - Jun 1891 - Jul 18948 - Case book: male - Jun 1891 - Jul 1894
Expand 9 - Case book: male - Jul 1894 - Dec 18979 - Case book: male - Jul 1894 - Dec 1897
Expand 10 - Case book: male - Dec 1897 - Jan 190110 - Case book: male - Dec 1897 - Jan 1901
11 - Case book: male - Jan 1901 - Feb 1904
12 - Case book: male - Mar 1904 - Nov 1906
13 - Case book: male - Oct 1905 - Jun 1908
14 - Case book: male - Jun 1908 - Jun 1910
Expand 15 - Case books: males. Appendix - 1871 - 191015 - Case books: males. Appendix - 1871 - 1910
16 - Case books: males. Appendix (transfers to Annexe) - 1906 - 1910
Expand 3 - Case books: male deaths - 1910-19503 - Case books: male deaths - 1910-1950
Expand 4 - Case books: male discharges - 1912-19504 - Case books: male discharges - 1912-1950
Expand 5 - Case books: female - 1871-19105 - Case books: female - 1871-1910
Expand 6 - Case books: female deaths - 1910-19506 - Case books: female deaths - 1910-1950
Expand 7 - Case books: female discharges - 1910-19507 - Case books: female discharges - 1910-1950
Expand 5 - Medical registers - 1884-19555 - Medical registers - 1884-1955
Expand 6 - Reporting6 - Reporting
Expand 7 - Friends' address books7 - Friends' address books
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