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Collapse P 51 - Chester St John Parish - 16th century-21st centuryP 51 - Chester St John Parish - 16th century-21st century
Expand 1 - Registers and Services1 - Registers and Services
Expand 2 - Ecclesiastical Administration2 - Ecclesiastical Administration
Collapse 3 - Parish Affairs3 - Parish Affairs
Expand 1 - Vestry Minutes and Parochial Church Council (PCC) Minutes1 - Vestry Minutes and Parochial Church Council (PCC) Minutes
Expand 2 - Churchwardens' Accounts and Parochial Church Council (PCC) Accounts2 - Churchwardens' Accounts and Parochial Church Council (PCC) Accounts
Expand 3 - Charities3 - Charities
Collapse 4 - Church Buildings4 - Church Buildings
Collapse 1 - St. John's Church1 - St. John's Church
1 - Letter from Charles Lett Feltoe to Rev. S. C. Scott containing historical notes on chantries - 30 Apr 1889
2 - Agreement for letting of No. 77 Ermine Road, Newton, by the Retired Teachers Homes Association of Birkenhead and Chester to the Parochial Church Council (PCC) , as a residence for the curate - 21 Feb 1948
3 - Sentence of Consecration - 26 Oct 1830
4 - Memorandum on the church towers - n d [post 1881]
5 - Memoranda on the altar piece - n d [post 1890]
6 - Photograph of the Warburton Chapel - n d
7 - Correspondence relating to removal of a canopy in the ruins of St. John's Church to be placed with the sedilia in the Cathedral, and related memorandum - Jan-Feb 1876
8 - Subscription list and summary account - 1881
9 - Newspaper cutting: letter printed in Cheshire Observer seeking an 'authoritative opinion ... that the Tower cannot be made safe as it stands' - 14 May 1881
10 - Appeal for further subscriptions - 12 Sep 1881
11 - Accounts and related letters - 1882-1883
12 - Subscription list - 1 Oct 1884
13 - Memorandum of bequest of Mrs. Anne Jones of the Newgate, Chester, widow of John Jones of same, cork and pipe manufacturer, of £50 for the purchase of a clock for St. John's church tower, 7 Oct 1863, with related letter - 15 Dec 1870
14 - Letters from Cecil T. Parker, agent to the Duke of Westminster, to Rev. S. Cooper Scott, concerning repairs to the buttresses - Dec 1886
15 - Faculty - 7 Jun 1792
16 - Estimate from Messrs. J. Warner & Sons, Crescent Foundry, London, for rehanging the bells, with related illustration - 10 Dec 1881
17 - Letter from Fred Higgins, Bowdon, to the vicar discussing the provision of a belfry and clock tower - 23 Oct 1885
18 - Letters, estimates and accounts of Douglas and Fordham of Chester, architects - 1885-1888
19 - Citation to lead to Faculty for erection of belfry - 15 Jan 1886
20 - Faculty - 28 Jan 1886
21 - Front and side elevation of proposed bell tower - 1886
22 - Letters, estimates and accounts of J. B. Joyce & Co. of Whitchurch, clock manufacturers - 1886-1888
23 - Account and receipts of William Parrott of Chester, contractor - 1887
24 - Receipted account of Bennett Brothers of Liverpool, ironfounders, kitchen fitters and plumbers, for lightning conductor - 26 Aug 1887
25 - Letters from John Smith & Sons, Midland Steam Clock Works, Derby, concerning provision of chiming machine for bells - May 1909
26 - Case and opinion of William Chas. Townshend concerning the payment of the organist's salary - 8 Jul 1845
27 - Appeal and list of subscriptions for rebuilding the organ (Printed) - Jan 1894
28 - Citation to lead to Faculty for removal and reconstruction of organ and for forming a side chapel of the south transept - 4 Jan 1894
29 - Correspondence concerning the unsatisfactory water engine supplied by the Ross Valve Company of London - 1895
30 - Letters and newspaper cutting referring to the statement that the organ played at Coronation services is the perquisite of the organist - 1901
31 - Contract and correspondence with Charles Whiteley & Co. of Chester, organ builders, relating to the tuning of the organ - 1955-1956
32 - Copy 16th century plan of church and churchyard - n d 18th cent
33 - Copy 16th century plan of church and churchyard - 18th century
34 - Copies of keys accompanying two 16th century plans of the churchyard in the British Museum - 19th century
35 - Articles of Agreement - 1 Nov 1671
36 - Bond in £20 - 29 May 1746
37 - Answer of Thomas Store, proctor of the Consistory Court, on behalf of Thomas Adams, gentleman, who was presented for not sooner repairing the north window which was damaged 'by the late high Wind' - 1757
38 - Agreement - 7 Jul 1775
39 - Fire Insurance Policy No. 657288 of the Northwich Union Fire Insurance Society on the stained glass window 'The Marriage Feast' - 5 Jul 1869
40 - Copy letter and draft deed concerning the proposal of the ladies of St. John's Basket Committee to erect stone altar rails - 1870
41 - Particulars of works carried out at the eastern end of the church 1870-1871 - 1871
42 - Letter from Mr. Titherington to churchwarden Haswell relating to the sale of the altar rails for £4 - 20 Dec 1871
43 - Letter from G. Gilbert Scott to Rev. S. Cooper Scott giving advice on the style of reredos to be erected in memory of the late Rev. W. B. Marsden - 6 Dec 1875
44 - Letter from Morris and Company, London, to Rev. S. Cooper Scott advising a 'much more simple & temporary dressing for the Altar' than the one proposed - 6 Jan 1876
45 - Faculty - 15 Jun 1876
46 - Accounts relating to the Marsden Memorial - 1876-1877
47 - Citation to lead to Faculty for placing stained glass in the west window of the church - 16 Jan 1890
48 - Faculty - 30 Jan 1890
49 - Drawing of proposed west window - n d 1890
50 - Citation to lead to Faculty for a stained glass window - 16 Apr 1896
51 - Faculty - 30 Apr 1896
52 - Citation to lead to Faculty for inserting stained glass in the third window from the west end on the north side of the nave, representing our Lord in the home of Martha, Mary and Lazarus at Bethany, with a brass tablet beneath as a memorial to Mrs. Mary D - 13 Apr 1899
53 - Water colour sketch of proposed west window - 26 Apr 1899
54 - Citation to lead to Faculty for placing stained glass representing the figure of Hiram, architect and artificer, builder of the Temple, in the easternmost window of the north aisle as a memorial to Thomas Meakin Lockwood, architect, deceased, expense to b - 17 Jan 1901
55 - Preservation of the Ruins Fund Bank book - 1899-1900
56 - Conveyance - 25 Nov 1904
57 - Abstract of P 51/7/224 - 1905
58 - Citation to lead to Faculty confirming erection of a memorial tablet - 16 Jul 1914
59 - Faculty - 27 Jul 1914
60 - Letter from Brown, Dobie & Rogers of Chester, solicitors, to Rev. J. Polehampton, informing him of bequest of £300 by Mrs. E. H. Haswell for the completion of the reredos with paintings as a memorial to her father - 20 Mar 1916
61 - Faculty - 6 Mar 1922
62 - Faculty - 26 Apr 1926
63 - Letters from T. J. Rushton on behalf of Sir Charles A. Nicholson, architect, to Canon Child concerning the screen and stalls to be erected in memory of Rev. John Polehampton - 1926-1927
64 - Letter of appeal for contributions for the memorial to Rev. John Polehampton(Printed) - Feb 1927
65 - Citation to lead to Faculty for stained glass window - 25 Sep 1929
66 - Faculty and Copy - 09 Oct 1929
67 - Letters from T. J. Rushton, architect, to Canon Child concerning cost and design of aumbrey and safe - 1932-1933
68 - Bishop's letter of authority for Sacrament to be reserved continuously on week days, the place of reservation being the aumbrey placed in the east wall on the north side of the altar of the south side chapel - 2 Jun 1936
69 - Drawing of safe - c.1936?
70 - Regulations for the Installation of Electric Light in Churches - 1935
71 - Faculty - 29 Apr 1946
72 - Faculty - 29 Apr 1946
73 - 'The Blazon of the Arms on a Monument belonging to the Cotes Family in the Chancel of St. John's church in Chester; north side of the Church.' - n d
74 - Plan of proposed heating installation - Apr 1957
75 - Citation to lead to Faculty for new heating apparatus - 18 Dec 1957
76 - Leaflet advertising Wilson 'Oilheat' Boiler Units - c.1957
77 - Citation to lead to Faculty for a wall safe - 21 Feb 1962
78 - Faculty - 2 Apr 1962
79 - Church Restoration Committee minutes - 1859-1860
80 - Restoration Appeal (Printed) - 1859
81 - Subscription accounts - 1859-1860
82 - Draft minutes and notes - 1859-1860
83 - Faculty - 31 Jan 1861
84 - Faculty - 31 Jan 1861
85 - Restoration accounts - 1862
86 - Reports of John Douglas of Chester, and of Cornelius Sherlock of Liverpool, architects, on the condition of the tower - 1871
87 - Report of John L. Pearson of London, architect, on the condition of the tower - 6 Apr 1881
88 - Extract from Parish magazine describing the fall of the tower - 1881
89 - Petition to the Mayor to hold a public meeting to consider the repair of the tower - 19 Apr 1881
90 - Notices of public meeting - 26 Apr 1881
91 - Church Tower and Porch Restoration Committee minutes - 1881-1884
92 - Draft agenda and minutes - 1881
93 - Letters of apology for non-attendance of meetings - 1881
94 - Appeal for subscriptions - 3 May 1881
95 - Progress report of Thomas Hughes of Aldford, builder - 7 May 1881
96 - Notices of meetings - 1881
Expand 2 - St. Barnabas' Mission Church2 - St. Barnabas' Mission Church
Expand 5 - Churchyard5 - Churchyard
Expand 6 - Visitations6 - Visitations
Expand 7 - Parochial Statistics7 - Parochial Statistics
Expand 8 - Electoral Rolls8 - Electoral Rolls
Expand 9 - Papers and Correspondence9 - Papers and Correspondence
Expand 4 - Civil Affairs4 - Civil Affairs
Expand 5 - Publications and Memorabilia5 - Publications and Memorabilia
Expand 7 - Schools7 - Schools
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