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Collapse ZCR 250 - David Hughes and Company, solicitors, Chester - 1834-1973ZCR 250 - David Hughes and Company, solicitors, Chester - 1834-1973
Expand 1 - Partners' records: Hugh Oliver Jones - 1957-19611 - Partners' records: Hugh Oliver Jones - 1957-1961
Expand 2 - Business records - 1913-19562 - Business records - 1913-1956
Collapse 3 - Clients' papers - 1834-19603 - Clients' papers - 1834-1960
Expand 1 - Mr. A. F. Platt Allen - 1924-19271 - Mr. A. F. Platt Allen - 1924-1927
Expand 2 - Gilbert Allen - 1914-19292 - Gilbert Allen - 1914-1929
Expand 3 - Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Allen - 19483 - Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Allen - 1948
Expand 4 - Mrs Vera Allen - 19304 - Mrs Vera Allen - 1930
Expand 5 - Anchor Motor Co. Ltd - c1927-19295 - Anchor Motor Co. Ltd - c1927-1929
Expand 6 - William Austin - 19506 - William Austin - 1950
Expand 7 - Richard Barker - 1904-19267 - Richard Barker - 1904-1926
Expand 8 - G. W. Bebbington - 19088 - G. W. Bebbington - 1908
Expand 9 - James Beck and Robert Hamilton - 19109 - James Beck and Robert Hamilton - 1910
Expand 10 - Miss E. M. Bentley-Price and E. A. Duffield - 195210 - Miss E. M. Bentley-Price and E. A. Duffield - 1952
Expand 11 - Mrs. E. J. W. Booth and Miss M. C. Purdy - 192211 - Mrs. E. J. W. Booth and Miss M. C. Purdy - 1922
Expand 12 - Edward and Hannah Boreland - 190212 - Edward and Hannah Boreland - 1902
Expand 13 - George Frederick Bower - 1935-193713 - George Frederick Bower - 1935-1937
Expand 14 - Arthur Brookes - 191314 - Arthur Brookes - 1913
Expand 15 - Dr. J. L. Browne and Dr. J. R. B. Russell - 1919-192415 - Dr. J. L. Browne and Dr. J. R. B. Russell - 1919-1924
Expand 16 - Mrs C. M. Butler - 194516 - Mrs C. M. Butler - 1945
Expand 17 - James Carr - 1896-190017 - James Carr - 1896-1900
Expand 18 - Thomas Birchall Carter - n.d.18 - Thomas Birchall Carter - n.d.
Expand 19 - Mrs. Mary Charmley - 1874-192419 - Mrs. Mary Charmley - 1874-1924
Expand 20 - Chester Civilian Association - 1834-193220 - Chester Civilian Association - 1834-1932
Expand 21 - Chester Furnishers Ltd - 1911-193821 - Chester Furnishers Ltd - 1911-1938
Expand 22 - H. J. H. Coleman - 1919-192622 - H. J. H. Coleman - 1919-1926
Expand 23 - G. A. Cook - 1934-194623 - G. A. Cook - 1934-1946
Expand 24 - George Cooke - 190924 - George Cooke - 1909
Expand 25 - Thomas Lee Cross - 1906-192425 - Thomas Lee Cross - 1906-1924
Expand 26 - Cymro Publishing Company - 1907-191226 - Cymro Publishing Company - 1907-1912
Expand 27 - Abraham Darlington - 1917-193227 - Abraham Darlington - 1917-1932
Expand 28 - Frederick W. Darlington - 193028 - Frederick W. Darlington - 1930
Expand 29 - John Brereton Darlington - 194029 - John Brereton Darlington - 1940
Expand 30 - Edward Davies - 1879-192630 - Edward Davies - 1879-1926
Expand 31 - Elizabeth Davies - 1893-190831 - Elizabeth Davies - 1893-1908
Expand 32 - Horace F. Davies - 1910-192032 - Horace F. Davies - 1910-1920
Expand 33 - Hugh Davies - 1890-190733 - Hugh Davies - 1890-1907
Expand 34 - Hugh Ellis Davies - 1894-192734 - Hugh Ellis Davies - 1894-1927
Expand 35 - William H. Davies - 190835 - William H. Davies - 1908
Expand 36 - John Douglas - 191536 - John Douglas - 1915
Expand 37 - Herbert Arthur Dutton - 194637 - Herbert Arthur Dutton - 1946
Expand 38 - Mabel Charlotte Dutton - 194138 - Mabel Charlotte Dutton - 1941
Expand 39 - Thomas Moore Dutton - 1939-195039 - Thomas Moore Dutton - 1939-1950
Expand 40 - Charles Cadogan Edwards - 1925-192740 - Charles Cadogan Edwards - 1925-1927
Expand 41 - George Edwards - 189841 - George Edwards - 1898
Expand 42 - W. H. Ellames - 190642 - W. H. Ellames - 1906
Expand 43 - George Evans - 190743 - George Evans - 1907
Expand 44 - Gormer Evans - 195844 - Gormer Evans - 1958
Expand 45 - Martha Ewing - 1898-192845 - Martha Ewing - 1898-1928
Expand 46 - James Farrell - 190846 - James Farrell - 1908
Expand 47 - Finnigan - 191547 - Finnigan - 1915
Expand 48 - Richard H. Fleet - 1939-194648 - Richard H. Fleet - 1939-1946
Expand 49 - Herbert Bendyshe French - 1906-191049 - Herbert Bendyshe French - 1906-1910
Expand 50 - Edith Dunn Gerry - 194050 - Edith Dunn Gerry - 1940
Expand 51 - Horace Leonard Gerry - 192551 - Horace Leonard Gerry - 1925
Expand 52 - Dr. William Gilchrist - 193552 - Dr. William Gilchrist - 1935
Expand 53 - John Glass - 193853 - John Glass - 1938
Expand 54 - Josiah Cleave - 190454 - Josiah Cleave - 1904
Expand 55 - Percy Gray - 196055 - Percy Gray - 1960
Expand 56 - Georgina Elizabeth Green - 195256 - Georgina Elizabeth Green - 1952
Expand 57 - Harry Griffiths - 1911-191657 - Harry Griffiths - 1911-1916
Expand 58 - John Griffiths - 190958 - John Griffiths - 1909
Expand 59 - Dr. William James Griffiths - 1948-195559 - Dr. William James Griffiths - 1948-1955
Expand 60 - Robert Hamilton - 190660 - Robert Hamilton - 1906
Expand 61 - Percy John Hanley - 1935-194061 - Percy John Hanley - 1935-1940
Expand 62 - Thomas Henry Hinde - 193762 - Thomas Henry Hinde - 1937
Expand 63 - Dr. Florence M. L. Holt - 1935-193863 - Dr. Florence M. L. Holt - 1935-1938
Expand 64 - Cicely Hughes - 1868-193164 - Cicely Hughes - 1868-1931
Expand 65 - David Hughes - 1915-193265 - David Hughes - 1915-1932
Expand 66 - Henry and Sarah Joy Hughes - 191266 - Henry and Sarah Joy Hughes - 1912
Expand 67 - Hugh Hughes - 1930-193967 - Hugh Hughes - 1930-1939
Expand 68 - Sarah Anne Hughes - 192568 - Sarah Anne Hughes - 1925
Expand 69 - Dr William Hughes - 193869 - Dr William Hughes - 1938
Expand 70 - Harry Langstaff Hutchinson - 192670 - Harry Langstaff Hutchinson - 1926
Expand 71 - Louis Hyde - 192771 - Louis Hyde - 1927
Expand 72 - William Inch - 193172 - William Inch - 1931
Expand 73 - Dr. A. R. Jackson - 193473 - Dr. A. R. Jackson - 1934
Expand 74 - G. R. Jacob - 1945-194874 - G. R. Jacob - 1945-1948
Expand 75 - T. G. Johns - 190875 - T. G. Johns - 1908
Expand 76 - James Johnston - 1923-192476 - James Johnston - 1923-1924
Expand 77 - Charles John Jones - 1908-192577 - Charles John Jones - 1908-1925
Expand 78 - Edward Jones etc - 188378 - Edward Jones etc - 1883
Expand 79 - Elizabeth Jones - 193779 - Elizabeth Jones - 1937
Expand 80 - Jane Jones - 1891-192580 - Jane Jones - 1891-1925
Expand 81 - Joseph Graham Jones - 1913-195081 - Joseph Graham Jones - 1913-1950
Expand 82 - Thomas Evan Jones - 190482 - Thomas Evan Jones - 1904
Expand 83 - Alfred Ernest Joynson - 194083 - Alfred Ernest Joynson - 1940
Expand 84 - John Kendrick - 1913-191984 - John Kendrick - 1913-1919
Expand 85 - Mrs. M. Killon - 191185 - Mrs. M. Killon - 1911
Expand 86 - Mary Ellen Kind - 1924-195286 - Mary Ellen Kind - 1924-1952
Expand 87 - Robert Lamb - 1893-196187 - Robert Lamb - 1893-1961
Expand 88 - Thomas Lane - 193588 - Thomas Lane - 1935
Expand 89 - J. Latto - 1936-193889 - J. Latto - 1936-1938
Expand 90 - John Henry Laybourne - 1912-195390 - John Henry Laybourne - 1912-1953
Expand 91 - Samuel Ledsham - 1887-190791 - Samuel Ledsham - 1887-1907
Expand 92 - Peter Leech - 1911-193792 - Peter Leech - 1911-1937
Expand 93 - John William Lees - 1903-193093 - John William Lees - 1903-1930
Expand 94 - Mrs S. E. Lomas - 1911-191294 - Mrs S. E. Lomas - 1911-1912
Expand 95 - Mrs. A. Maddox - 1913-194195 - Mrs. A. Maddox - 1913-1941
Expand 96 - Hannah Matthews - 1880-191196 - Hannah Matthews - 1880-1911
Expand 97 - William J. Mayers - 193597 - William J. Mayers - 1935
Expand 98 - Jospeh Maelor - 1913-193798 - Jospeh Maelor - 1913-1937
Expand 99 - Joseph Melling - 191999 - Joseph Melling - 1919
Expand 100 - William Arthur Meredith - 1940100 - William Arthur Meredith - 1940
Expand 101 - N. H. Monk - 1910101 - N. H. Monk - 1910
Expand 102 - Samuel Moss - 1891-1908102 - Samuel Moss - 1891-1908
Expand 103 - E. J. Muspratt - 1903-1934103 - E. J. Muspratt - 1903-1934
Expand 104 - William David Nicholson - 1941104 - William David Nicholson - 1941
Expand 105 - John Alun Nield - 1956105 - John Alun Nield - 1956
Expand 106 - W. W. Noble - 1933-1935106 - W. W. Noble - 1933-1935
Expand 107 - John Ainsworth Nuttall - 1936-1950107 - John Ainsworth Nuttall - 1936-1950
Expand 108 - Mary Oakes - 1945-1973108 - Mary Oakes - 1945-1973
Expand 109 - William Oakley - 1929109 - William Oakley - 1929
Expand 110 - Mrs. M. E. Okell - 1940-1948110 - Mrs. M. E. Okell - 1940-1948
Expand 111 - Corbet W. Owen - 1905111 - Corbet W. Owen - 1905
Expand 112 - Dr. D. R. Owen - 1958112 - Dr. D. R. Owen - 1958
Expand 113 - Joseph Egbert Owen - 1929113 - Joseph Egbert Owen - 1929
Expand 114 - Robert Owen - 1923114 - Robert Owen - 1923
Expand 115 - Margaret Owens - 1920-1924115 - Margaret Owens - 1920-1924
Expand 116 - Messrs. J. S. Paddock and H. Martin - 1925-1929116 - Messrs. J. S. Paddock and H. Martin - 1925-1929
Expand 117 - Arthur Dyke Parker - 1924-1946117 - Arthur Dyke Parker - 1924-1946
Expand 118 - William Parrott - 1907118 - William Parrott - 1907
Expand 119 - Thomas Parry - 1913-1917119 - Thomas Parry - 1913-1917
Expand 120 - Dr. Arthur Blackwell Paul - 1927-1947120 - Dr. Arthur Blackwell Paul - 1927-1947
Expand 121 - Edward and Jessie Povey - 1904-1906121 - Edward and Jessie Povey - 1904-1906
Expand 122 - Frederick Preston - 1900-1924122 - Frederick Preston - 1900-1924
Expand 123 - Charles William Priest - 1906123 - Charles William Priest - 1906
Expand 124 - William Pritchard - 1893-1923124 - William Pritchard - 1893-1923
Expand 125 - Samuel Leslie Pulford - 1949125 - Samuel Leslie Pulford - 1949
Expand 126 - Thomas Pyle - 1944126 - Thomas Pyle - 1944
Expand 127 - Ellis Rathbone - 1900-1906127 - Ellis Rathbone - 1900-1906
Expand 128 - John Idris Roberts - 1937128 - John Idris Roberts - 1937
Expand 129 - Fred. Rocke - 1929129 - Fred. Rocke - 1929
Expand 130 - Thomas Parry Rocke - 1955130 - Thomas Parry Rocke - 1955
Expand 131 - Runcorn Stone Company - 1925-1934131 - Runcorn Stone Company - 1925-1934
Expand 132 - Dorothy Blanche Seddon - 1946132 - Dorothy Blanche Seddon - 1946
Expand 133 - Margaret Shallcross - 1874-1930133 - Margaret Shallcross - 1874-1930
Expand 134 - Francis Lawrence Simcott - 1950134 - Francis Lawrence Simcott - 1950
Expand 135 - Edith Maggie Simpson - 1947135 - Edith Maggie Simpson - 1947
Expand 136 - Hannah Sloane - 1889-1911136 - Hannah Sloane - 1889-1911
Expand 137 - H. C. Kellett Smith - 1906137 - H. C. Kellett Smith - 1906
Expand 138 - George Snowden - 1931138 - George Snowden - 1931
Expand 139 - W. A. E. Speare - 1940139 - W. A. E. Speare - 1940
Expand 140 - Henry Mossford Speed - 1931-1951140 - Henry Mossford Speed - 1931-1951
Expand 141 - William Speed - 1934-1940141 - William Speed - 1934-1940
Expand 142 - Emily Stark - 1944142 - Emily Stark - 1944
Expand 143 - Henry Stark - 1925-1946143 - Henry Stark - 1925-1946
Expand 144 - John Henry Stark - 1921-1962144 - John Henry Stark - 1921-1962
Expand 145 - John Stevenson - 1900-1946145 - John Stevenson - 1900-1946
Expand 146 - Adelina Strong - 1901-1948146 - Adelina Strong - 1901-1948
Expand 147 - Cresswell Sumner - 1920-1940147 - Cresswell Sumner - 1920-1940
Expand 148 - John Swords - 1915148 - John Swords - 1915
Expand 149 - William Edward Taplen - 1910149 - William Edward Taplen - 1910
Expand 150 - Tarvin Wesleyan Methodist Chapel - 1874-1919150 - Tarvin Wesleyan Methodist Chapel - 1874-1919
Expand 151 - Mrs. Edna Taylor - 1948151 - Mrs. Edna Taylor - 1948
Expand 152 - Messrs. Taylor Jones & Co - 1910-1912152 - Messrs. Taylor Jones & Co - 1910-1912
Expand 153 - John Tilston - 1914-1949153 - John Tilston - 1914-1949
Expand 154 - William Henry Venables - 1914-1933154 - William Henry Venables - 1914-1933
Expand 155 - Frances Warburton - 1913-1914155 - Frances Warburton - 1913-1914
Expand 156 - Lizzie Maria Warburton - 1919-1929156 - Lizzie Maria Warburton - 1919-1929
Expand 157 - A. M. Ward - 1952157 - A. M. Ward - 1952
Expand 158 - James William Ward - 1938-1961158 - James William Ward - 1938-1961
Expand 159 - John Herbert Watson - 1954159 - John Herbert Watson - 1954
Expand 160 - Dr. Welsh and Dr. Cahill - 1933160 - Dr. Welsh and Dr. Cahill - 1933
Expand 161 - Charles Ferdinand Werner - 1903-1907161 - Charles Ferdinand Werner - 1903-1907
Expand 162 - John White - 1913-1924162 - John White - 1913-1924
Expand 163 - Gwendolen Harriet Williams - 1944163 - Gwendolen Harriet Williams - 1944
Expand 164 - Henry Williams - 1901-1925164 - Henry Williams - 1901-1925
Expand 165 - Samuel Williams - 1903165 - Samuel Williams - 1903
Expand 166 - Thomas Alfred Williams - 1937166 - Thomas Alfred Williams - 1937
Expand 167 - Captain James Wilson - 1922-1940167 - Captain James Wilson - 1922-1940
Expand 168 - Mary Elizabeth Wynne - 1905-1947168 - Mary Elizabeth Wynne - 1905-1947
Expand 4 - Unidentified records - 1883-19664 - Unidentified records - 1883-1966
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