RepositoryCheshire Record Office
TitleGIFT by Maude, late wife of Olyuer Ley late of Barowe and daughter and heir of William Calley and Agnes his wife
Date23 Apr 1497
DescriptionGIFT by Maude, late wife of Olyuer Ley late of Barowe [Barrow] and daughter and heir of William Calley and Agnes his wife, for the 'Saule heell and mode of us all and of core Kynne & fronds both deed and quyk', to Laurence Savage, John Baderich, John Lightfote, Hugh Lightfote and Thomas Hill, On Trust to them, their heirs and assignes for ever, ---- all the issues, revenues and profits that shall henceforth arise from a Mose with 13 riggs of land thereto belonging within the town and fields of BAROWE and in which the above feoffees are now enfeoffed, the which issues, revenues and profits are to be applied for 'the sustentacion of Light and other anornaments of the ymage of oure blessed Lady in the chirche of BAROWE ----- to be held of the Chief Lord of the fee by service then due for ever. Witnesses: William Brassy, John Loy, Richard Lightfote, John Holynworth, Nicholesse Wodward, Thomas Philippe, Olyuer Philippe, John Acreland, Richard Daykyn and many others.Given at Barowe in the feast of St. George the Martyr, 12. H. VII. Endorsement: A memorandum that the said Maude inherited the above property from her mother Agnes on the latter's death. Seal: Dark brown, illegible. Parchment.
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