RepositoryCheshire Record Office
ReferenceDCH/J /13/2
TitleGrant of lordship in Aston iuxta Mondrum and lands in Cholmondeston
Datend. c. 1290
DescriptionGrant of lordship in Aston iuxta Mondrum and lands in Cholmondeston. Grant by Thomas lord of Cruwe to Sibilla his sister, of all his lordship in Aston subter Mondrem [Aston juxta Mondrum], together with capital messuage, and assart in Cholmundeston called le Halt' with husbote and haybote in the woodland of Cholmondeston; consideration a pair of white gloves annnually. Witnesses: Lord William de Wistamston, kt., John de Wetinhale, Philip de Stapeleg', Richard de Bresci, Rond' de Stokis, Nicholas de Cruwe and others. Vesica-shaped seal in green wax on tag, legend '-S DE CRUWE.'
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