RepositoryCheshire Record Office
TitlePlumley (part 2)
DescriptionUndertaking not to build mill in Plumley
4 March 1323
9" x 2"

[1] Grant by [Parties 1] William del Bothe and my wife Emma, to [Party 2] Roger de Holford, and
[2] his heirs, that [neither] of them or their assigns will build any mill in their lands nor in their tenements lying in the vill of Plumleg' [Plumley]
[3] on the Peverhee [Peover Eye], nor will the or their assigns grant the right to water to the mill in their
[4] lands or tenements to any person or persons. Witnesses:
[5] Robert le Grevenour [Grosvenor], Roger de Toft, Roger of Leycestr' [Leycester], Richard de Reddemor, clerk, and others. Given at Plumley.
[5 & 6] 4 March 1324.
Seals: two seals in ... wax, impressions worn.

[1] Pateat universis per presentes quod nos Willelmus del Bothe et Emmea uxor mea concessimus Rogero de Holford
[2] <et> heredibus suis quod nos nec assignati nostri nullum edificavimus [recte edificabimus] molendinum in terris nec in tenementis nostris
[3] Iacentibus in villa de Plumleg’ super peverhee per nos nec per assignatos nostros nec alicui seu aliquibus concedemus atachi-
[4] amentum aque in terris seu in tenementis nostris predictis ut hac presens scriptum Robur optineat firmitatis in prescione sigill-
[5] lum nostrorum Roboravimus hiis testibus Roberto le Grevenour Rogero de toft Rogero de Leycestr’ Ricardo de Reddemor’ clerico et
[6] aliis Datus apud Plumleg’ die dominica proxima post festum sancti cedde episcopi Anno domino Mo CoCoCo vicesimo tertio. [4 March 1324]

[1] Be it known to all by [these] presents that we William del Bothe and my wife Emma have granted to Roger of Holford [and]
[2] his heirs that [neither] we nor our assigns will build any mill in our lands nor in our tenements lying in the vill of Plumley
[3] on the Peverhee by us nor by our assigns nor to any person or persons will we grant the right to water to the mill in our aforesaid
[4] lands or tenements; so that this writing should acquire the strength of durability we have validated by pressing our seals firmly These being witnesses
[5] Robert le Grosvenour, Roger of Toft, Roger of Leicester, Richard de Reddemor clerk and others Given at Plumley on Sunday next
[6] after the feast of St Chad the bishop in the year of Our Lord 1323
[4 March 1324]
2 seals

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Plumley (part 2)

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