RepositoryCheshire Record Office
TitlePlumley (part 2)
DescriptionQuitclaim of commons in lands and tenements, woods and wastes in Plumley
nd, c1290-1300
7" x 2"

[1 & 2] Quitclaim by [Party 1] Randulph de Parva Overe [Little Over], to [Party 2] Richard de Lostock and his heirs or his assigns, forever, of all the
[3] common which he had in all his part and that of his tenant, and in all the part of William de Toft, and of his tenants, in the wood
[4] and waste of Plumleg' [Plumley], saving to Randulph de Parva Overe and his heirs or assigns, the common of pasture provided that they are outside of the hedges
[5 & 6] For this quitclaim Lostock gave a plot of land and wood to Randulph de Parva Overeas as is attested by Lostock's charter
[7] Witnesses: Robert le Grosvenur [Grosvenor], Richard, lord of Croxton, Richard son of Robert de Croxton, William de Toft, Hugh le Tyw and John
[8] de Nova Aula [New Hall] and others.
Seal: one parchment tag made from another document; one seal, very fragmentary.

[1] Omnibus ad quos presens scriptum pervenerit Randulphus de parva Overe salutem in domino Noverit universitas vestra me concessisse
[2] remisisse et omnino pro me et heredibus meis inperpetuum quietum clamasse Ricardo de Lostock et heredibus suis vel suis assignatis totam
[3] communam quam habui in tota parte sua et tenentium suorum et in tota parte Willelmi de Toft et tenentium suorum in boscis
[4] et vastis de Plumleg’ salva tamen mihi et heredibus meis vel assignatis meis communam pasture dum tamen extra sepes fuerint. Pro hac
[5] autem concessione remiscione et quieta clamacione dedit mihi predictus Ricardus quadam placeam terre et bosci prout carta quam inde
[6] habeo de dono dicti Ricardi in territorio de Plumleg’ testatur et proportat In cuius rei testimonium huic scripto sigillum meum apposui
[7] Hiis testibus Roberto le Grosvenur Ricardo domino de Croxton Ricardo filio Roberti de eadem Willelmo de Toft Hugone le Tyw
[8] et Johanne de Nova aula et aliis.

[1] To all to whom the present writing will have come Randulf of Little Over greets in the Lord Know all of you I have granted,
[2] remised and entirely for myself and my heirs forever have quitclaimed to Richard of Lostock and his heirs or his assigns all the right
[3] of common which I had in all of his part and of his tenants and in all of the part of William of Toft and of his tenants in the woods
[4] and wastes of Plumley saving however to me and my heirs or my assigns the common of pasture provided that they are outside the hedges
[5] However for this grant, remise and quitclaim The aforesaid Richard has given to me a certain plot of land and wood as the charter which I
[6] have of the gift of the said Richard in the district of Plumley attests and shows In witness of which I have put my seal to this writing These being
[7] witnesses Robert le Grosvenour, Richard lord of Croxton, Richard son of Robert of Croxton, William of Toft, Hugh le Tyw and John
[8] of New Hall and others.

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Extent1 item

Plumley (part 2)

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