RepositoryCheshire Record Office
TitleReport re proceedings in Warrington parish church re claims to manor of Poulton
Datend, c1360-1380
DescriptionReport by chaplain of parish church of Warington to Official of the Archdeacon of Chester re proceedings in Warrington parish church and in Consistory court held in Warrington re complaint of Hugh de Toft and Alice his wife more fully stated in a letter attached to this report [but now missing] in dispute with William de Moston, son and heir of Robert de Moston re title to manor of Poulton [Poulton-with-Fearnhead]

nd, c1360-1380
8" x 4"

1 To the venerable father and lord in Christ, the lord official of the archdeacon of Chester, if it pleases, his humble and devoted chaplain of the parish church
2 of Warrington, reverently [sends] obedience with honour I have acted reverently in all according to the tenor of your letter attached to this document regarding the complaint of Hugh of Toft and his wife Alice
3 in the parish church of Warrington on Sunday in the feast of St John by the Latin gate [6 May] namely
4 concerning the monitory letter of a certain indenture to be restored to the aforesaid Hugh and Alice and also the forging of another indenture as is contained fully in your aforesaid letter.
5 Contrary to the charge and tenor of that letter William of Moston son and heir of Robert of Moston came
6 on that Sunday to the said church of Warrington saying that he is the male heir of his father Robert of Moston true and
7 legitimate proved canonically before the justices ecclesiastical and secular whence by that indenture or by whatsoever other William of
8 Moston enfeoffed and gave to his brother Robert of Moston the manor of Poulton with appurtenances the right and inheritance of William son
9 of Robert of Moston openly before the parishioners of that church The same William declared to be and declaring so defended on the part of holy
10 mother church and on the part of the lord king of England and on the part of the lord duke of Lancaster so that nobody that aforesaid letter or similar monitory
11 letter or sentence of excommunication should from now on put forward or carry out to the same William’s damage prejudice disinheritance
12 and injury. But he claims that if the aforesaid Hugh or any other man or any other woman should have or should withhold any deed of enfeoffment
13 of the aforesaid manor as the right of William he or she should return it to William as he is bound, or otherwise against the said William by way of law as
14 is the custom should proceed. This and other things the said William son of Robert of Moston put before the aforesaid parishioners on the aforesaid day in
15 the aforesaid church and also in your Consistory court at Warrington before your Commissary on the Thursday following.
Possible dates are 1330, 1347, 1352 or 1358.

1 Venerabili in Christo patri et domino domino Officiali domini Archiadiaconi Cestrie suus si placet humilis et devotus Capellanus parochie Ecclesie de
2 Werington obedianciam reverenter cum honore Tenorem litere <vestre> huic cedule annexe querelam Hugonis de Toft et Alicie uxoris sue
3 concernentis reverenter in omnibus sum executus in Ecclesia parochie de Werington die dominica in festo sancti Johannis ante Portam latinam videlicet
4 de monicione cuiusdam Indenture restaurandis prefatis Hugone et Alicie nec non et de fabricatione alterius Indenture prout in predicta litera
5 vestra plenius continetur Contra quod mandatum et tenorem litere predicte venit Willelmus de Moston filius et heres Roberti de Moston
6 die dominica predicta in dicta ecclesia de Werington dicens quod ipse est heres masculus Roberti de Moston patris sui verus et
7 legitimus coram Judicibus ecclesiasticis et secularibus canonice probatus unde per illam Indenturam vel per quamcumque aliam Willelmus de
8 Moston feoffavit et dedit Roberto de Moston fratri suo Manerium de Pulton cum pertinenciis jus et hereditatem ipsius Willelmi filii
9 Roberti de Moston palam coram parochianis ecclesie predicte Idem Willelmus esse asseruit et asserendo sic defendit ex parte sancte
10 Matris ecclesie et ex parte domini Regis Anglie et ex parte domini Ducis Lancastrie ne quis illam literam predictam vel consimilem
11 monicionem vel sentenciam excommunicacionis amodo proferant vel exequantur in ipsius Willelmi dampnum prejudicium exherediacione
12 et gravamen Set petit quod si predictus Hugo vel aliquis alius aut aliqua alia habeat vel detineat aliqua facta feoffamenti
13 Manerii predicti ut jus ipsius Willelmi eidem Willelmo <ea> reddat ut tenetur alioquin contra predictum Willelmum per viam juris prout
14 moris est procedatur Hec et alia proposuit dictus Willelmus filius Roberti de Moston coram parochianis predictis die predicto in
15 ecclesia predicta et etiam in Consistorio vestro apud Werington coram Commissario vestro die Jovis sequens.

Latin extracted and translated by volunteers
Extent1 item
Administrative HistoryAlice wife of Hugh de Toft was a daughter of Robert de Moston; she and Hugh also claimed the manor of Moston. Alice later married John de Holford (see British History Online re manors of Moston and Poulton with Fearnhead)

Report re proceedings in Warrington parish church re claims to manor of Poulton

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