RepositoryCheshire Record Office
TitleLease of lands and tenements in Toft for 20 years
DescriptionLease of lands and tenements in Toft for 20 years
12 November 1368
10 1/2" x 5"

1 To all the faithful of Christ who will see or hear this present writing we William of Pikemere the younger and my wife Agnes greetings in the Lord.
2 Know we have granted, handed over and demised to farm to John of Holford his heirs and assigns all our lands and tenements
3 with their appurtenances within the district of Toft To have and to hold to the aforesaid John his heirs and assigns with all commodities
4 liberties and easements belonging to the aforesaid lands and tenements wheresoever from the day of the making of these presents until
5 the end of the term of 20 years immediately following fully completed of us and our heirs freely, quietly, well and in peace paying thence
6 annually to us William and Agnes and our heirs and assigns 12 silver or gold shillings at two terms of the year in equal instalments
7 to be paid namely at the feast of the Nativity of St John the Baptist six shillings and at the feast of St Martin in winter six shillings for all
8 secular services, exactions and demands. And indeed we the aforesaid William and my wife Agnes and our heirs will warrant against all
9 people all the aforesaid lands and tenements and their appurtenances to the aforesaid John his heirs and assigns during those 20 years in
10 the form laid out before. In witness of which we have put our seals to this our present writing, these being witnesses James of Legh,
11 Adam of Tabley, David Pink and others. Given at Toft on the morrow of St Martin in the 42nd year of the reign of King Edward the third
12 after the conquest [12 November 1368]

1 Omnibus Christi fidelibus hoc presens scriptum visuris vel audituris nos Willelmus de Pykemere Junior et Agnes uxor mea salutem in domino
2 Noveritis nos concessisse tradidisse et ad firmam dimisisse Johanni de Holford heredibus ac assignatis suis omnimoda terras et tenementa
3 nostra cum omnibus suis pertinenciis infra territorium de Toft Habendum et tenendum predicto Johanni heredibus et assignatis suis cum omnibus commoditatibus
4 libertatibus et aisiamentis predictis terris et tenementis ubique spectantibus a die confectionis presencium usque ad finem termini viginti annorum in-
5 mediatate sequentium plenarie complendorum de nobis et heredibus nostris libere quiete bene et in pace Reddendo inde annuatim nobis predictis
6 Willelmo et Agneti et heredibus ac assignatis nostris duodecim solidos argenti vel auri ad duos anni terminos equalibus porcionibus soluendos
7 videlicet ad festum Nativitatis Sancti Johannis Baptiste sex solidos et ad festum Sancti Martini in yeme sex solidos pro omnibus serviciis secularibus exactionibus
8 et demandis Et nos vero predicti Willelmus et Agnes uxor mea et heredes nostri omnes predictas terras et tenementa cum omnibus suis pertinenciis
9 prefato Johanni heredibus ac assignatis suis durantibus predictis viginti annis in forma premissa contra omnes gentes Warantisabimus
10 In cuius rei testimonium huic presenti scripto nostro sigilla nostra apposuimus hiis testibus Jacobo de Legh Adam de Tablegh
11 Davyd Pynk et aliis Datum apud Toft in crastino sancti Martini anno regni Regis Edwardi tercij post conquestum quadragesimo secundo.

This description was created by Medieval Deed Project volunteers.

Lease of lands and tenements in Toft for 20 years

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