RepositoryCheshire Record Office
TitleGrant of piece of land in Toft
Date11 Apr 1369
DescriptionGrant by Henry Wyter, Prior of the House of St Giles in Chester, and the convent thereof, to John de Holford of piece of land called Redbrokescroft in Toft which the House formerly had by the gift of Hugh de Toft. Given at Toft. Witnesses: Jacob de Legh, Robert le Grosvenor, Adam de Tabbelegh, Davyd Pynk', John de Burghs and others. Tag, seal missing

Grant by Henry Wyter, Prior to the House of St Giles in Chester, to John de Holford of piece of land called Redbrokescroft in Toft
11 April 1369
10" x 7"

1 Know men present and future that we Henry Wyter prior of the house of St Giles Chester and the convent of the same place
2 have given, granted and by this our charter confirmed to John of Holford his heirs
3 and assigns one plot of land called Redbrokecroft which is between the ditch and the torrent and
4 the pathway from Peover and Foxholes which we formerly had by gift of Hugh of Toft in the vill
5 of Toft with appurtenances To have and to hold to the aforesaid John his heirs and assigns of the chief lords of that fee
6 by services thence owed and accustomed paying thence annually to the aforesaid prior and convent and
7 their successors for the aforesaid John his heirs and assigns 12 pence of silver at the feast
8 of the Nativity of St John the Baptist for all secular services and demands. And indeed we the aforesaid prior and
9 convent and our successors will warrant forever against all people the aforesaid plot of land with its appurtenances
10 to the aforesaid John his heirs and assigns. In witness of which we have put the seal of our house to this our present charter.
11 These being witnesses James of Legh, Robert le Grosvenour,
12 Adam of Tabley, David Pink, John de Burghers and others. Given at Toft on Wednesday
13 next after the Sunday after Easter in the 43rd year of the reign of King Edward the third after the conquest [11 April 1369]

1 Sciant presentes et futuri quod nos Henricus Wyter Prior domus sancti Egidii Cestr’ et eiusdem loci
2 conventus dedimus concessimus et per hanc cartam nostram confirmavimus Johanni de Holford heredibus
3 et assignatis suis unam placeam terre vocatur Redbrokescroft que est inter fossam et torrentem et
4 inter semitam de Pevere et foxholes que quondam habuimus de dono Hugonis de Toft in villa
5 de Toft cum pertinenciis Habendum et Tenendum predicto Johanni heredibus et assignatis suis de capitalibus dominis feodi
6 illius per servicia inde debita et consueta Reddendo inde annuatim predictis Priori et conventui et
7 successoribus suis de predicto Johanne heredibus et assignatis suis duodecim denarios argenti ad festum
8 Nativitatis sancti Johannis Baptiste pro omnibus serviciis secularibus et demandis Et nos vero predicti Prior et
9 Conventus et successores nostri predictam placeam terre cum suis pertinentiis predicto Johanni heredibus et assignatis
10 suis contra omnes gentes Warantizabimus imperpetuum. In cuius rei testimonium huic presenti carte
11 nostre sigillum commune domus nostre apposuimus Hiis testibus Jacobo de Legh Roberto le Grosvenour
12 Ada de Tabbelegh David Pynk Johanne de Burghers et alijs Datum apud Toft die Mercurij
13 proxima post calusum Pasche anno regni Regis Edwardi tercij post conquestum quadragesimo tercio.
[11 April 1369]

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Extent1 item

Grant of piece of land in Toft

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