RepositoryCheshire Record Office
TitleGrant of share of houses, gardens and demesnes in Toft for term of grantor's life
DescriptionGrant of share of houses, gardens and demesnes in Toft for term of grantor's life
25 January 1380
9" x 4"

1 This indenture made between John of Holford and his wife Alice on the one part and Robert of Toft on the other part witnesses
2 that the said John and Alice have granted and given for the lifetime of the said Alice to the said Robert and his heirs all their part of the
3 messuages, gardens and demesne lands of Toft except their part of the meadows Paying annually for the first three years after the making
4 of these [indentures] one rose at the Nativity of St John if it is claimed and thereafter annually throughout the lifetime of
5 the said Alice two marks at the feasts of St Martin in winter and the Nativity of St John The said
6 John and Alice have granted and leased to the said Robert and his heirs for the lifetime of the said Alice all their part of the
7 mill and pond and all their appurtenances, easements and services owed and accustomed by right Paying annually for
8 the said mill throughout the lifetime of the said Alice five shillings in equal instalments at the feasts aforesaid And if it happens that the
9 said rent of the said demesne lands or mill in part or in whole is in arrears for a fortnight after any term aforesaid
10 then the said Robert grants for himself and his heirs that it is well lawful for the said John and Alice and their assigns to distrain at their
11 pleasure for the said rent in whatever place they wish within the vill of Toft and the distraint to be carried, carried away and detained
12 at their will until sufficient be made to them as well for the said rent as for the damages and expenses [incurred] in pursuit of this. And
13 the said John and Alice will warrant all their part of the said messuages, gardens, demesne lands, pond and mill and all their
14 appurtenances as is abovesaid to the said Robert and his heirs for the lifetime of the said Alice against all people in the
15 form aforegiven In witness of this thing the aforesaid parties have put their seals alternately to these indentures.
16 Given at Toft on the feast of the Conversion of St Paul in the 3rd year of the reign of King Richard the second
17 after the conquest [25 January 1380]

1 Cest endenture fait parentre Johan de Holford et Alice sa femme dune parte et Robert de Toft daltre parte tesmoigne
2 que lez ditz Johan et Alice ount graunte et mys a terme de vie la dit Alice al dit Robert et sez heirez tote lour parte dez measonz
3 geardinez et demaynez de Toft horspris lour parte de lez prees Rendaunt ent annuelment lez trois primyers anz apres la confectioun
4 de cestez une rose al Nativite de saynt Johan sil soit demaunde et dunques apres annuelment durant tote la vie
5 la dit Alice deux marcz a les festez de saynt Martyne en yverne et la Nativite de saynt Johan Outre ceo lez ditz
6 Johan et Alice ount graunte et lesse a le dit Robert et sez heirez a terme de la vie la dit Alice tote lour parte del
7 Moleyn et estangk od touz lour appertinauncez profitez et sutes duez et acustomes de droit Rendaunt annuelment pur
8 le dit Moleyn duraunt la vie la dit Alice synkz soldz par owels porcionz a les festz avauntditz Et si avient que le dit
9 rent dez ditz demaynz ou moleyn en parte ou en tote soit aderier par une quinzine apres ascune terme devauntdit
10 adunques le dit Robert graunte pur luy et sez heyres que bien lice as ditz Johan et Alice et lour assigniez destreyndre a lour pleicier
11 pur le dit rent en quielunqz lieu qiels myelt voillent dence la ville de Toft et la destrez amenier portier et detenier
12 a lour volunte tanque a eux assitz soit fait auxi bien pur le dit rent come pur lez damagez et expensez entour luy hieux Et lez
13 ditz Johan et Alice tote lour parte dez ditz measonz geardinez demaynez estangk et moleyn od toux lour appertinauncez come
14 desuz est dit a dit Robert et sez heirez a terme de tote la vie la dit Alice encountre toux gentz garanterount en
15 forme devaunt mys En tesmoignaunce de quiel chose a cestz endenturez les partiez avauntditz entrecheangeablement
16 ount mys lour seals Don a Toft en le fest del conversion de saynt Paule lan du reigne le Roi Ricard secounde
17 apres le conquest tierce. [25 January 1380]

This description was created by Medieval Deed Project volunteers.

Grant of share of houses, gardens and demesnes in Toft for term of grantor's life

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