RepositoryCheshire Record Office
TitleLancashire Estate Papers
DescriptionMap of the Manor of Salesbury Lancs (19 Cent) (/4) Accounts, abstracts of title and 3 leases – Sept 2 1793 – Sir George Warren to Ewen Eastham; lease of land on Copstand Green, Lancs (/2)
Jan 16 1793; lease of two fields in Clayton le Dale, Sir George Warren to Mr William Goiton (/1) Aug 30 1803, Viscount and Viscountess Bulkeley to Mr Thomas Easham – lease of land Salesbury (/3) See also WILLS. Will and condicil of Sir George Warren re (copy 1789) (/9) abstract of Lady Bulkeley’s Will so far as it related to Lancs 1823 (/1) and copy ? minutes of the will and condicils 1823 (/8)
Extent20 items
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