RepositoryCheshire Record Office
ReferenceZ S/B/5/b
TitleBound part. Pages 20-45
DescriptionPages 20-45. Pages 20, 45. Covers (parchment). Page 21. 17th century heading. Half missing. Page 22 and v. Customs entries. 15th Oct.-12th Sept. Names of persons making entry and exit with horses and carts. Some entries of payments. Pages 23-4. blank. Pages 24v.-30. Port entries. Fourth entry is dated 26th Nov. [1504]. Last entry dated 15th Sept. [1505]. 43 ships. Names of ships and of merchants with some payments for entry and/or exit with carts or horses. Very few cargoes given. Pages 30v., 31. blank. Pages 31v.-36. Presentments before the Mayor. Page 31v. Inquest taken in the Common Hall before Thomas Smyth, Mayor, on Monday in the first week in Lent, 20 Hen. VII [10th Feb., 1505], on the oath of Nicholas Loke, William Rogersone, Richard Low, John Harper, mercer, Charles Eton, Robert Cona, John Wodwarde, 'heuster', Thomas Gardiner, Ralph Pole, John Monkeffil, Richard Ledesham, 'heuster', Danald Saer, John Robynsone, mercer, and William Huntynton. William Robynsone, barker (6s: 8d); assault on William Heuster. Thomas Ball, weaver (3s: 4d); assault on William Wade. William Wade (6s: 8d); assault on John Richardsone. John Pekkowe, butcher (3s: 4d); assault on John Hyton. f32 John Hyton (3s: 4d); assault on Richard Pate, skinner. Richard Pate, skinner (3s: 4d); assault on John Hyton. Thomas Sandersone (3s: 4d); assault on John Masone, fletcher. John Masone, fletcher (3s: 4d); assault on the said Thomas. Richard Robynsone (3s: 4d); assault on Thomas Ball, weaver. Thomas Ball (3s: 4d); assault on Richard Robynsone with a 'Chester Axe'. Page 32v. William Browneshonk (3s: 4d); [assault] on Margaret Ingram. Robert Monkeffild, bell-founder (3s: 4d); assault on John Molinex. John Molinex, butcher (3s: 4d); assault on Richard Pressonde, servant of Elena, late wife of Randle Sparowe. Richard Pressonde (3s: 4d); assault on Hugh Huet. John Skelecorne (6s: 8d); assault on John Morow. Page 33. John Cartewright (12d) killed a corrupt and putrid pig to the injury of the people of the lord prince. Thomas Banyon, baker (3s: 4d); assault on John Masone. Nicholas Jompe (6s: 8d); assault on Thomas Boy. Thomas Boy (3s: 4d); assault on the said Nicholas. George Lyghtfote (3s: 4d); assault on John Corkyn. John Wright, 'thakker' (3s: 4d) is a common regrator and forestaller of the market of the City of Chester in buying and selling grain coming to the said market. Page 33v. First entry illegible - a case of assault (6s: 8d). Robert Smyth (3s: 4d); assault on Elizabeth wife of John Thomassone. Nicholas Davy, ironmonger (3s: 4d); assault on Richard Rawlyn, carter. Robert Pety, tailor (3s: 4d); assault on Robert Wryght, tailor. Walter Browne (3s: 4d); assault on John Bees. John Bees (3s: 4d); assault on Walter Browne. Page 34. John Masone, barber; assault on his sister Joan. John Godemon, saddler (6s: 8d); assault on William Blyth, shoemaker. Robert Lace, baker (12d), Richard Fletcher, baker (12d.), John Haylyn, baker (12d.), Richard Hokenhile (12d.) broke the assize of bread with bread of deficient weight against the assize given to them by the Mayor and against statute and ordinance. Gilbert Hogell late of Chester, chaplain (6s: 8d); assault on Margaret wife of Nicholas Astecrofte. Robert Brerewod late of Chester, glover (6s: 8d); assault on Edmund Astebroke. Page 34v. Hugh Wodwarde (12d) and Ralph Medelton, baker (12d) broke the assize of cocket bread, namely in deficient weight. Lawrence Wich, tailor (3s: 4d); assault on John Conwey, tailor. Edmund Astebroke (6s: 8d); assault on Robert Brerewode. George Hyne (6s: 8d); assault on Richard Marshall. Henry Chalner (3s: 4d) keeps in his house divers persons of bad conduct, namely in keeping a common brothel, against ordinance. Elizabeth Brech'; assault on [blank], son of Robert Irensha. Page 35. Thomas Fenton, butcher (2s.) and John Fenton, butcher (2s.) are common gamblers in playing super articulos (on their knuckles?) and at other unlawful games against ordinance. Richard Legh, wright (12d) and John Wrone, wright (3s: 4d - 'payd per vi d. yt I rec' for ye cofforre') are common receivers of divers persons into their houses, namely common gamblers playing super articulos and at other unlawful games. Thomas Monnyng (3s: 4d) and John Grymessdich (3s: 4d) receive into their houses divers foreigners coming to the market of the City of Chester to make a common market in their houses and to trade in divers fish, both fresh and salt, against ordinance and statute. Robert Waley, Thomas Gyle, Richard Medelton, Henry Fenton, Richard Plumpton, Thomas Fenton, Richard Wryght, John Fenton, William Gyle, Geoffrey Tarlton, John Bythell, Richard Barker, John Wryght, John Cartewryght, John Smyth, Roger Rydley, John Pekkow and Thomas Hale slaughtered their beasts in their shops and allowed them to hang before their shops and threw the entrails into the highway of the City against ordinance. Margin: all of them 3s: 4d q[ua]m diu.fecerint vel in in (sic) dietamen. Page 35v. John Coyde, Thomas Wyders, John Masone, John Calkyn', Robert Brokes, Katherine Calkyn', William Wade, Nicholas Byllyngham, William Danaldes, Robert Calkyn', Ralph Taillior, Hugh Huet, Hugh Fissher, Robert Bulkeley, Geoffrey Allot, [blank] Hughsone, [blank] Longley, country fisherman, continually bought and sold divers fresh fish in the market of the City, regrating the said market, and bought and sold divers salt fish coming to the said market, greatly forestalling and regrating the said market against ordinance. John Leonarde, merchant, William Godemon, William Lyghtfote, glover, Thomas Ball, weaver, Geoffrey Lloyt, drover, John Thomassene, drover, Henry Derby, Robert Pety, Lawrence Wich, Gilbert Sclater, John Wrone, wright, Richard Holonde, weaver, John Cartewryght, butcher, and John Boyes buy and sell divers goods both retail and wholesale and are not of the liberties of the City, against the tenor of divers charters granted to the City. Page 36. Richard Hokenhill, Richard Fletcher, Stephen Baxster, Alexander Stewarde, Hugh Wodwarde, Richard Lymne, Thomas Henrysone, John Henrysone, John Haylyn, Thomas Weddyng, Patrick Nelsone, Ralph Medelton, Henry Danaldes, John Cowper, baker, Robert Lace, Thomas Thorneley, John Croton, Randle Wyrehall and Richard Cowper, bakers of the said City, baked black bread of rye and would not bake loaves. of simnel against the Statute of Winchester. Pages 36v., 37, 38, 39, blank. Pages 37v., 39v. Memorandum of recognizances entered into before the Sheriffs. Page 37v. 7th May, 20 Hen. VII [1505]. John Pykke, John Wodley, Robert Corbet, merchants of the City of Chester, and Edward Hoghton of the said City, draper, in the Exchequer of the Pentice acknowledged that they owed the King £100, to be paid at the E east of St. Petronilla, Virgin, next following, conditioned for the appearance of Robert Broke of Bewmaris, gentleman, at the next County Court. The Sheriffs had been ordered to arrest Robert Broke, late of Wico Malbano, yeoman, outlawed at the County Court of Chester held there on Tuesday after the Feast of St. Michael, 20 Hen. VII, at the suit of Elizabeth Prayers on a plea of trespass, and to have his body before the Justices of Chester at the next County Court (on Tuesday after the Feast of St. Petronilla). On May 6th, 20 Hen. VII, they took Robert Broke of Bewmaris, gentleman He asserted that he was not the person supposed to be outlawed and the Sheriffs did not know whether the assertion was true or not. Page 39v. 7th May, 20 Hen. VII, [1505]. John Pykke, John Wodley, Robert Corbet, merchants of Chester, and Edward Hoghton of the said City, draper, acknowledged that they owed the King as Earl of Chester £100 to be paid at the Feast of St. Petronilla next following. Pages 38v., 40-41. Valuations. Page 38v... after the Feast of St. Bartholomew, 20 Hen. VII[1505] the Sheriffs ordered John Pekke, butcher, Christopher Wermyncham, goldsmith, John Mascy and Nicholas Holynhed, to appraise two belts, one ornamented with silver gilt, the other with silver, of the goods and chattels of Thomas Croke, tailor, pawned to Elizabeth [Ball?]. Wednesday after the Translation of St. Thomas, Martyr, 20 Hen. VII [9th July, 1505]. Nicholas Assheton, mercer, Hugh Robertsone, Hugh Johnsone and Robert Wryght, draper, to appraise one garment of tawny wool stuff, pawned by Henry Chalner, 'chalner', to Robert Barow, mercer, one belt decorated with silver and gilt pawned to the said Robert by Robert Heghfild, goldsmith, and one salt of silver and part gilt pawned to him by Robert Cona, saddler. Page 40. Friday after St. Barnabas, 20 Hen. VII [13th June, 1505]. John Johnson, Nicholas Holynhed, William Smethurste and Hugh Johnsone, goldsmith, to appraise one belt, of the goods and chattels of Christopher Wermyncham, pawned to William Snede, junior. Friday after St. Oswald, 20 Hen. VII [8th Aug, 1505]. Roger Ledesham, Robert Bellyn, goldsmith, William Shaw, walker, and Henry Sefton, tailor, to value one belt decorated with silver and gilt of the goods and chattels of Elizabeth, wife of Christopher Wodde, pawned to Hugh Salesbury. Page 40v. Friday in the second week in Lent, 20 Hen. VII [13th Feb., 1505]. Edmund Smyth, mercer, Henry Asheton, draper, Richard Wryght the younger, draper, and Nicholas Asheton, mercer, to appraise 87½ pieces of woolden cloth which John Davy, draper, lately had by the delivery of Ralph Davenport, on making a reasonable account thereof to the said Ralph. Friday after the Annunciation, 20 Hen. VII [28th March, 1505]. Robert Barow, Hugh Robertson, Nicholas Asshton, mercer, and William Hanley, sherman, to Page 41. appraise one standing cup, another similar cup ( page 41), a goblet and a silver cup called 'pownsed pece' of the goods and chattels of David Ferer late of Chester, pawned to David Middleton late of Denbigh. Wednesday after St. Helen, Queen, 20 Hen. VII [1505]. John Johnsone, John Mascy, Hugh Johnsone and Nicholas Holynhed, to appraise one belt of the goods and chattels of David Anwill put in pledge to Hugh Robertsone. Page 41v. Rough notes of recognizances... outlawed for trespass, to appear before the Sheriffs on Wednesday before Pentecost [1505] on pain of £100. Sureties: John Wodley, merchant, Edward Hoghton, draper, Henry Ashton, draper, and Richard Grymesdiche, draper. Entry crossed out He appeared and was dismissed without day. Robert Johnson to appear before the Sheriffs before the Feast of St. Lawrence [1505] to answer all things objected against him by the Sheriffs. Sureties: John Wodley, merchant, and Edward Hoghton, merchant. Page partly missing and partly illegiblePages 42-3. Rough notes in English of presentments. 17th century heading '20 H7' Cases of assault etc. Mainly illegible. Page 42v. [Roger] Curley of Werall (13s: 4d) [and?] Sir Robert Fraunces, priest (13s: 4d) [taken?] at Chester with stolen gear of the said Roger's, and they agreed with the felon for 18s. without any licence or knowing of the SheriPages .. son, fletcher, for uttering Irish halfpence.. Page 43. 5 lines illegible. Robert Hawarden, shoemaker (3s: 4d); assault and affray on Jo. Richard S.; assault on Henry Fenton. Thomas Bolton, labourer; affray on Thomas..; assault and affray on Thomas Bolton. Richard Henrison, baker, and William Henrison (6s: 8d each); assault on Thomas Denwall. Dave Walshmon, servant to John Hewster, assault on.. Robert Willosn, wright; affray on William Preston, wright..., heuster, (20d) for occupying unfranchised.. One entry concerning a felon without the Northgate. Page 43v. a few lines only. Illegible. Page 44. a fragment only. Rough notes of offences. Page 44v. note of a recognizance and two valuations. Mainly illegible.
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