RepositoryCheshire Record Office
TitleHugh Glaseor, Mayor, Thomas Lawton, Recorder
Description1. Indictment that Ellen ? Waren of ? Clarten [ ], co. Lancashire on 23 June 1603, at Chester, stole 5 yards of linen cloth, worth 5s., belonging to Jane Lyniall.
2. Indictment that Jane Blunte of Chester on 24 June, 1603, at Chester, stole a handkerchief, worth 10d., belonging to William Lether.
Billa vera
3. Indictment that William Morgan of [illegible]. co. Caernarvon, yeoman, on 10 December 1602 at Chester, stole a ? bay coloured nag, worth [illegible], belonging to Robert ap Thomas.
Billa vera
4. Indictment that John Drinkwater of Chester, yeoman, on 30 May 1603 at Chester, stole a grey coloured nag, price 40s., belonging to Roger Harford alias Ceu of Chester, dyer.
5. 19 June 1603. Crownmote: Precept, witnessed by Hugh Glaseor, Mayor, to the Sheriffs, for the delivery of Northgate Gaol and to summon a jury of 24 men on Monday 4 July 1603.
Emdorsed: executed by the Sheriffs William Gamul and William Johnson.
6. Crownmote: panel.
7. 19 June 1603.
Crownmote: Precept, witnessed by Hugh Glaseor, Mayor, to the Sheriffs to summon a jury of 24 men on 4 July 1603.
8. Crownmote: panel.
9. 17 June 1603
Sessions: Precept, witnessed by Hugh Glaseor, Mayor, to the Sheriffs to summon a jury of 24 men on Monday 20 June 1603.
Endorsed: executed by the Sheriffs as in 5.
10. Sessions: panel.
11. Sessions: List of fines to be collected on Friday 17 June 1601 from persons refusing to serve on the jury.
12. 1 June 1603
Sessions: Precept, witnessed by Hugh Glaseor, Mayor, to the Sheriffs to summon a jury of 24 men on Friday 17 June 1603.
13. Sessions: panel.
14. Sessions: List of officers. Hugh Glaseor, Mayor.
Partially illegible.
15. 12 Sept. 1603.
Crownmote: Precept, witnessed by Hugh Glaseor, Mayor, to the Sheriffs for the delivery of Northgate Gaol and to summon a Jury of 24 men.
Endorsed: executed by the Sheriffs as in 5.
16. Crownmote: panel.
17. Indictment that John Gates of Preston, Salop, tailor, on 24 June 1603 at Chester, stole a bundle containing 12 pairs of gloves, price 2s. belonging to an unknown person.
18. Indictment that Thomas Steele of Eaton, Cheshire, ? tailor on [day illegible] Jan. 1602/3 at Chester, in Northgate Street near the house of David Denewet assaulted William Mynshull, and with his sword gave the said William Mynshull blow, from which he immediately died.
Billa vera
19. Indictment that Nicholas Terry of Bristol, yeoman, on 7 June 1603 at Chester, stole a pair of gold bracelets, worth £14., one silver spoon, worth 10s. and one 'silke gerdle' worth 12d., belonging to James Langton, gentleman.
Billa vera
20. ? 5 March 1602/3
Examination taken before Richard [Vaughan], Bishop of Chester, Richard Grosvneor and R. Brereton of James Jackson and Ralph Sutton concerning the theft of goods from the Bishop's house in Chester. James Jackson stated that the robbery was carried out by Hugh Brewster, Peter Harrison, John Glynn and himself, that they entered the Bishop's house through the old kitchen, that Glynn then opened the porter's lodgings with a 'grasse' 'that will open any locke', that from a chamber at the 'stayre heade' they stole a pair of linen sheets, a coverlet and trinkets worth about £31, and that they took these goods to Brewster's house, where Jackson received £5. for his part. Jackson stated that Harrison was a tall man with black ? hair, and that he frequented Blackburn in Lancashire, and sometimes called himself William Jackson, Henry Johnson and Peter Harrison, that Glynn was aged about 23 years, with black hair, and that he had two fingers missing from his right hand, that he frequented Flint, the Wirral and Chester, and that when in Chester he stayed at the Sign of the Unicorn or Widow Barker' house, and that he often changed his clothing. Jackson also stated that there was a house opposite the Unicorn which was a resort of evil persons. see 31.
21. 12 Sept. 1603.
Crownmote: Precept, witnessed by Hugh Glaseor, esq., Mayor, to the Sheriffs to summon a jury of 24 men on Monday 26 Sept. 1603.
Endorsed: executed by the Sheriffs as in 5.
Seal: Mayor's Privy seal, with counterseal, incomplete.
22. Panel.
23. ? 28 Dec. 1602.
Sessions: Precept, witnessed by Hugh Glaseor, esq., Mayor, to the Sheriffs to summon a jury of 24 men on Friday, 14 Jan. 1602/3. see QSPR/40
Endorsed: executed by the Sheriffs as in 5.
Seal: Fragment of Mayor's Privy seal, with counter seal.
24. Sessions: List of officers and panel. Hugh Glaseor, Mayor.
25. 2 March 1601/2.
Examination of William ap Rees of Chester, thatcher, formerly of Llanchamere [?Llanerchymedd), Anglesey, but who had lived for thirteen years at Cockfighthill in Chester, concerning a grey nag bought by him the previous year from one Lewis - for 13s., which he had then ridden on to Anglesey and sold for a bay mare, which he still had, that upon his return to Chester, the said Lewis brought David ap Robert ap Jenn[an] to his house, who claimed the said grey nag, that this examination agreed to pay the said David 10s. and gave him 12d., but had not paid any more. see 34.
26. 10 May 1602
Writ directed to the Sheriffs to bring Ludovic ap Edward of Ruthin, co. Denbigh, labourer, to the next Crownmote to answer a charge of felony, and to seize any goods belonging to the said Edward in the city.
Endorsed: executed by the Sheriffs John Ratcliffe and Owen Harries that the said Ludovic was not in the city and had no goods there.
27. ? 2 Aug.1602
as 26, but no endorsement.
28. 31 July 1603
Examination of William Normecote of Brystall [Bristol], servant to Captain James Langton, concerning the theft by Nicholas Terry from the house of the said Captain Langton in Bristol of a pair of gold bracelets and other goods, as in 19. This examination stated Terry had been introduced to the service of his master by George Terry of Cork, merchant and had been in his service since April, that after the loss of these goods and Terry's departure the hue and cry had been raised in adjoining counties without success until he had been apprehended upon suspicion in Chester and committed to prison, where the stolen goods were found in his possession.
29. 31 July 1603
Examination of Nicholas Terry concerning the same. Terry stated that he had come out of Ireland aboard a ship of George Combe to Chester and had afterwards gone to Bristol as a servant to Captain Langton, and that there he had found the said goods which he had later sold or given away.
30. 31 July 1603
Examination of [names missing] of Corcke [Cork] in Ireland, concerning the same, and describing his residence in Bristol in Ratclyffe Street there with ? Tege ? Bane, a glover, his arrival in Chester en route for Dublin and stating that the gold bracelet found on him he had from an Irishwoman at Kingsale [co. Cork] 'when the Spaniards were there', part of which he had since sold to a Chester goldsmith.
31. Indictment that Peter Harrison of Chester, yeoman, John Glynne of Chester, yeoman, and James Jackson of Chester, yeoman, on 30 Sept. 1602 at Chester between 11 a.m. and 12 a.m. broke into the mansion house of Richard [Vaughan] Bishop of Chester and stole goods worth £50 belonging to Henry Vaughan, and that Hugh Brasten of Chester, tanner, incited the said Peter, John and James to commit the said theft and helped them afterwards.
32. 13 ? Sept. 1602 Writ directed to the Sheriffs to bring Ludovic ap Edward of Ruthin, co. Denbigh, labourer, to the next Crownmote court at ? the feast of St. Matthew, the Apostle (? 21 Sept. 1602] to answer a charge of felony, and to seize any goods belonging to the said Edward in the city. Endorsed: by the Sheriffs as in 5 that the said Ludovic had been sought from Nov. 1602 to Feb 1602/3, but had not been found, and therefore was outlawed.
33. Indictment that [name illegible] of [Oswestry] co. Salop on ? 26 March 1602/3 at Chester assaulted Hugh Griffith [rest illegible].
34. Indictment that Ludovic ap Edward of Ruthin co. Denbigh, labourer, on 1 Oct. 1601 at Chester stole a grey gelding worth 54s. belonging to John ap Robert ap Jennan, and that William ap Rees of Chester, thatcher, on the same day, knowing what the said Ludovic had done, aided and helped him
Billa vera
35. 21 [month missing] 44 Elizabeth [1601-2]
as 26, with a similar endorsement.
36. [date missing]
Sessions: Precept to the Sheriffs to summon a jury of 24 men on Friday ? 3 Dec. [1602]
Endorsed: executed by the Sheriffs as in 5.
37. Sessions: List of officers and panel. Hugh Glaseor, Mayor.
38. Crownmote: panel.
39. Crownmote: panel.
40. 30 Oct. 1602.
Inquisition post mortem held at Chester before Phillip Phillips and Richard Bird, coroners, on the body of Roger Allerton found dead at Chester on 29 Oct. 1602.
41. Crownmote: panel.
40. Indictment that Elizabeth Robinson of Chester on 27 Sept. 1602 at Chester stole a gold ring, price 11s. belonging to John Moyle.
43. 13 Jan 1601/2
Inquisition post mortem held at Chester before Paul [Chauntrell] and Philip [Phillips]. coroners, on the body of William Smallwood, who on 13 Jan. 1601/2 was killed in Foregate Street, Chester, between 3 p.m. and 4 p.m. by George Partington of Chester, gentleman., who gave him a mortal blow with a sword.
Memorandum that this case was heard at the Crownmote Court on 10 May 1602.
Seal of the coroners attached.
44. Indictment that George Partington of Chester, gentleman., on 13 Jan. 1601/2 at Chester between 3 p.m. and 4 p.m. in Foregate Street attacked William Smalwood with a sword, worth 12d., and wounded him so that the said William immediately died.
Billa vera
45. Indictment that Anna Robinson of Chester, spinster, on 20 Nov. 1602 at Chester assaulted Jane Penny and stole 20d. belonging to the said Jane.
Billa vera
46. Indictment that Thomas Johnes of Llanbinmay [Llanbinmair] [Llanbrynmair] co. Montgomery, yeoman, on 3 Dec. 1602 at Chester stole a pair of 'ripped hoase' worth 5s. belonging to William hingleton, gentleman.
Billa vera
47. Indictment that James Jackson of Wackfyeld [Wakefield], co. York, yeoman, on 2 Oct 1602 at Chester stole one ounce of silke worth 2s. belonging to Hugh Williams, glover.
Billa vera
48. Inquisition post mortem held at Chester 1 Oct 1602 before Richard Byrde and Philip Phillipps, coroners, on the body of Richard ap Shone, who on 29 ?Sept. 1602 at about 3 p.m. in Chester at a place called le Broadhey was attacked by William Adney of Chester, yeoman, with a knife worth 3d. and given several wounds from which the said Richard died the following day.
Memorandum that this case was heard in the Crownmote Court on 25 Oct. 1602.
Damaged and incomplete.
49. Presentment by the jury that George Partington of Chester [gentleman.] on 13 Jan. 1601/2 at Chester in Foregate Street between 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. attacked and killed William Smallwood with a sword worth 12d. Damaged and incomplete.
50. ? Crownmote: List of cases to be heard, including a list of persons in prison.
51. Verdict of the jury in the case of Thomas Stile of Eaton, Cheshire, who on 22 Sept. 1602/3 after walking and talking with William Minshale in Northgate Street between the hours eleven and one, and being attacked by the said William Minshale with a sword and dagger, drew his own sword and dagger and with his sword, worth 18d., killed the said William Minshale, the wound being 10 inches deep and 1 inch wide. Verdict: Manslaughter.
52. 28 Oct. 1602
Letters of safe conduct from Edmund Trafford, esq., High Sheriff on Lancashire, and Richard Assheton, esq., in Manchester, two of the Queen's Commissioners for musters in the said county, to convey John Lavercocke of Skelton, and Richard Hasleton of Aclam [Aklam] co. York, who had been brought before them by the constable of Rachdall [? Rochdale co. Lancaster] and confessed that they were prest' soldiers from Yorkshire en route for Ireland and that on 21 Oct had run away from Chester, ordering constables between Manchester and Chester to convey them to the Mayor of Chester so that they could be returned to their conductor en route for Ireland.
Memorandum endorsed that on 6 Dec. 1602 the Mayor of Chester ordered Lavercocke and Hasleton to be set in the stocks at the High Cross on the following Saturday from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. and that during this time they were to wear 'papers' on their heads declaring what they had done, after which they were to be conveyed from constable to constable to the place where they were 'pressed', with passports containing their offences.
53. 27 Oct. 1602
Examination by Edmund Trafford esq., High Sheriff of Lancashire, and Richard Assheton, esq., [in Manchester] two of the Queen's Commissioners for musters in Lancashire, of John Lavercocke of Skelton, co. York, and Richard Hasleton of Aclam [Acklam] co. York, concerning their desertion at Chester as in 53. Both John and Richard stated that they had been impressed by Mr. Malyverey of Arneclyffe [Arncliffe, co. York], and that after their ship en route for Ireland had been driven back by contrary winds.
54. 29 Oct. 1602.
Letter from G. Bouthe [George Boothe] at Dunham [Dunham Massey] to all constables etc. ordering them to convey John Lavercock and Richard Hesleton to the Mayor of Chester together with a letter which he has received concerning the same from the High Sheriff of Lancashire and Richard Ashton.
55. Examination of John Greene, Philip Done [? Dove], servant to John Greene, and of John Drinkwater, concerning the movements of John Drinkwater on a Thursday night when money was stolen from ?William Newall, These examinations contain references to attendance 'at the play in the cornemarkett'.
56. 4 Dec. 1602
Examination of Thomas Jones of Llanbinmayer [Llanbrynmair] co. Montgomery and Sarah wife of Alexander Thompson concerning the theft of pewter plates and other articles from Thomas Case by the said Thomas Jones.
57. 23 Nov. 1602
Examination of Thomas Williams of Wrixham [Wrexham] co. Denbigh, Alice Humfrey, widow, and Alice wife of Howell Edwardes concerning the same, and including a reference to going to the play.
58. 23 Nov. 1602
Examination of Thomas Johnes of Llanbinmayer [Llanbrynmair] co. Montgomery concerning the same and including a reference to going into Northgate Street 'to see a plaie'.
59. 25 and 26 June 1602.
Examination of William Robynson concerning the buying and selling of horses, containing a reference to a toll being paid on a horse and entered in the toll book.
60. 19 Nov. 1602.
Examination of Anne Robinson of Higher Whitley, in the Parish of Budworth, concerning the theft of money from the purse of a woman in the fish market as in 45.
61. 27 Oct. 1602
Examination of Richard Harries of Hawarden, co. Flint, butcher, concerning a cleever or cleevinge axe alleged to have been stolen from George Bennet.
62. 14 Oct. 1602
Examination of William Gryse of Warington [Warrington, co. Lancaster] concerning the theft of spices and some Irish money from a shop in Fleshmonger Lane which he entered at night in order to sleep there, and took the spice because he was hungry.
63. 11 Oct. 1602
Examination of Anne Robinson concerning white 'stuffe' and a bracelet of red coral at the bull baiting in 'the newe rowe over the buchers'. Anne stated that she had been born at Blackborne [Blackburn] co. Lancaster, but that her father was then living at High Whitley in Budwort and that her brother, Nicholas Mallam was a pedlar living in Manchester, but had been to Chester for the last fair.
64. 2 Oct. 1602
Examination of James Jackson of Wakfyld [Wakefield, co. York] and Margaret Darwell concerning the theft of silk belonging to Hugh Williams as in 47.
65. 29 Sept. 1602
Examination of William Adney son of Roger Adney of Handbridge accused of wounding Richard Hittyn with a staff and of being the owner of a knife stained with
66. 27 Sept. 1602
Examination of Elizabeth Robinson concerning the theft of a gold ring as in 42.
67. 17 July 1602
Certificate concerning the good character of James ?Collymore of Warneford [unidentified] co. Stafford.
Damaged and incomplete.
68. 3 April 1594
Sessions: Precept, witnessed by David Lloid, Mayor, to summon a Jury of 24 men on Friday 12 April 1594.
Endorsed: executed by John Litler and John Francis, Sheriff
69-71. 22 Feb 1601/2
Examination of Randle Vernon of Middlewich, gentleman., aged 55 Ellen Bennett of Middlewich, spinster, aged 30, Margaret Proudlove of Middlewich, widow, aged [document missing], William Carter of Middlewich, yeoman, aged 25, and John Fovell of Middlewich, yeoman, aged 36, concerning a quarrel between William Smallwood and George Partington at Newton Heath near Middlewich, and the killing of the said William Smallwood in Chester by the said George Partington on 13 Jan. 1701/2 as in 43.
Damaged and incomplete.
72. Interrogatories to be administered to witnesses concerning the same, including a reference to the original quarell arising when Smallwood asked one Platt, a minstrel to stay in the house of John Fovell of Middlewich, contrary to the wishes of the other inmates.
Marked 'att ?......gatte'.
73. Interrogatories to be administered to witnesses concerning the same..
Marked 'att Middlewche', also with the names of witnesses written in the margin.
74-76. [22 Feb. 1601/2]
Examination of John Kilshawe of Middlewich, yeoman, aged 22, Hugh Yewley of Warton [?Wharton] in Davenham, Cheshire gentleman., aged [missing] Thomas Yates of Middlewich, the elder, yeoman aged [missing], John Bostocke of Middlewich, gentleman., aged 30 years, John Payne of Middlewich, tayler, aged 38, Edward Whittingham of Middlewich, yeoman, aged 26 years, and Handle Pickmer of Middlewich, yeoman, aged 34, the examination of Edward Whittingham containing reference to the Raven Inn, the house of James Browster, and to the Sign of the Crown.
Damaged and incomplete, ? continuation of 69-71
77. 11 Sept 1602
order by Thomas Lawton [Recorder of Chester] to the constables of Neston, Leighton and Geyton [Gayton], [Cheshire] to apprehend George Partington, due to be tried in the Crownmote Court on 13 Sept 1602 for the manslaughter of William Smallwood, and to bring him to Chester Castle.
78. 4 Feb 1601/2
Examination of Randle Thropp, aged 40, and Robert Simkinson, aged 32, concerning the fight between William Smallwood and George Partington.
79. 4 Feb 1601/2
Examination of Daniel Thropp, aged 18, concerning the same.
80. 4 Feb. 1601/2
Examination of Margery Bennete, aged 27, servant to James Broster, and Richard ? Crowsa, aged 60, concerning the same.
81. 25 Jan. 1601/2
Examination of Richard Morrice of Christleton, Cheshire, yeoman, Thomas Thamasson of Christleton, yeoman, Katherine wife of Richard Colton and Mary wife of Thomas Colton concerning the same.
82. List of named headed by John Aldersey, alderman.
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