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Collapse ZQ - Chester Quarter SessionsZQ - Chester Quarter Sessions
A - Administration
Expand AA - Assessments: Wage Rates - 1575AA - Assessments: Wage Rates - 1575
Expand AB - City of Chester Probation Committee - 1928 - 1957AB - City of Chester Probation Committee - 1928 - 1957
Expand AG - Gaol and House of Correction - 1808-1872AG - Gaol and House of Correction - 1808-1872
Expand AP - Point of Air Lighthouse Trust - 1775-1889AP - Point of Air Lighthouse Trust - 1775-1889
Expand AR - River Dee - 1800-1831AR - River Dee - 1800-1831
Expand AS - Quarter Sessions: Administration: Special Sessions - 1864-1880AS - Quarter Sessions: Administration: Special Sessions - 1864-1880
Expand C - Chester City Coroner - 1442-1973C - Chester City Coroner - 1442-1973
Expand CI - Coroners' Inquests. - c1442-1839CI - Coroners' Inquests. - c1442-1839
Expand CR - Crownmote Court Rolls - 1316-1611CR - Crownmote Court Rolls - 1316-1611
F - Finance
Expand FA - Accounts - 1828-1836FA - Accounts - 1828-1836
J - Justices of the Peace
Expand JC - Commissions of the Peace - 1836-1970JC - Commissions of the Peace - 1836-1970
Expand JD - Declarations - 1860-1901JD - Declarations - 1860-1901
R - Registration and Deposit
Expand RJ - Jurors - 1608-1817RJ - Jurors - 1608-1817
Expand RL - Licenced Victuallers - 1552-1833RL - Licenced Victuallers - 1552-1833
Expand RP - Deposited plans - 1772-1935RP - Deposited plans - 1772-1935
Expand RR - Sacrament Certificates - 1673-1789RR - Sacrament Certificates - 1673-1789
Expand RTB - Transportation Bonds - 1731-1775RTB - Transportation Bonds - 1731-1775
Expand RTC - Transportation Contracts - 1764-1775RTC - Transportation Contracts - 1764-1775
S - Court in Session
Expand SE - Examinations and Depositions - 1522-1858SE - Examinations and Depositions - 1522-1858
Expand SF - Quarter Sessions Files - 1488-1971SF - Quarter Sessions Files - 1488-1971
Expand SM - Sessions Books Minute Books - 1814-1865SM - Sessions Books Minute Books - 1814-1865
Expand SMP - Sesions Books Register of Prisoners - 1853-1872SMP - Sesions Books Register of Prisoners - 1853-1872
Expand SMR - Sessions Books - Recognizance Book - 1780-1798SMR - Sessions Books - Recognizance Book - 1780-1798
Expand SO - Order Books - 1799-1866SO - Order Books - 1799-1866
Expand SP - Process Records Register of Prosecutions, etc.SP - Process Records Register of Prosecutions, etc.
Expand SPE - Quarter Sessions Fine Rolls - 1561-1634SPE - Quarter Sessions Fine Rolls - 1561-1634
Collapse SPT - Petitions mainly for poor relief or for exemption from poor rate, 16th century. - 1563-1594SPT - Petitions mainly for poor relief or for exemption from poor rate, 16th century. - 1563-1594
1 - To Sir Thomas Smyth, Mayor, and Randle Maynwaringe from ( ? ); asking them to authorize that he may have collections in the churches of Chester on the next Sabbath day. - n.d.
2 - To Roger Laye [Ley], Mayor, from Thomas Poole of Chester, painter, concerning an assault made on him by a constable. Asking him to take some order concerning this. - 1573
3 - To the Mayor and his brethren from Roberte Gerrarde, asking for help out of the poor box to relieve his poverty and sickness. - (June, 1594)
4 - Petition to [ ? ] Dutton, Mayor, the Aldermen, Sheriffs and Common Council from Richard Markes, seeking admission to the freedom. [Stray from Assembly Files or petitions.] - n.d.
5 - To [ ? ] Aldersay, Mayor, and the Justices of the Peace from Anne Cowper, widow, a poor, aged blind woman, asking for admission into 'the poore mens book' for her relief. 'Weekly iid.'. - n
6 - To David lloid, Mayor, and the Aldermen, Justices of the Peace, from Margaret Annion, widow of Robert Annion, butcher, deceased, asking to be discharged from payment of ld. a week to the poor rate, because of age. - [1593-4]
7 - To Roger Laye, Mayor, and his brethren from Kateren Preston, asking them to see some order taken between her son Robert and his master, Robert Thornlay, tailor; as his master, instead of teaching him his art, has daily sent him to the coal p t for coals. - 1573
8 - To David Lloyde, Mayor, and his brethren the Alderman and Justices of the Peace, from John Jyneson, a journeyman shoemaker, seeking poor relief for himself, his aged wife and single cripple son. 'xiid. a month'. Endorsed: 'Sessions 12 Julii 1594' - [1594]
9 - To David lloid, Mayor, the Recorder and others their brethren, Justices of Peace, from William Bushell, miller, and Katherine his wife, asking by reason of sickness to be admitted to the number of those poor people within the City having poor relief. - [1593-4]
10 - To Richard Dutton, Mayor, from Thomas Perpwynte, gentleman, asking him to call before him Emme Smythe, late wife of Rawffe Smythe, cutler, deceased, who unjustly detains from him certain evidences. - c[1567-1574]
11 - To John Hanke, Mayor, and his brethren, from Jane Greffethe, asking him to call before him Gye Cromell who has falsely slandered her. - 1575 ?
12 - To Sir Lorance Smaythe, kt., Mayor, and his brethren, from John Bellen, joiner, prisoner in 'the grate' of the City of Chester, asking them to take some measure for his release, and he will be bound to pay quarterly or half yearly to his creditors what he is able. - 1571
13 - To David Floyd, Mayor, and his brethren, from Richard-Lawrencson of Handbridge, asking for relief for his wife's old father, George Tealior, and his wife, whom he can no longer support; and explaining that he is no longer able to pay 2s. a year to the poor box. 'Granted'. - [1593-4]
14 - To the Mayor, Aldermen and Justices from John Smarley, asking that some part of his annual contribution of 12d. towards the relief of the poor may be remitted. 'Granted'. - n.d.
15 - To Robert Brerewood from William [Sale] of Wirw. Complains of his brother Richard Sale who has commenced an action of debt against him in the Pentice. Fragment only. - [c1583-1601]
16 - To Sir Lawrance Smythe, kt., Mayor, and his brethren the Aldermen from 'the beare bruers' (William. Hester, Thomas Burgh, John Yeton, Thomas Langley, Roger Howe, William Symcoke, John Symons). They state that they cannot continue to serve the City with beer at the rates ordered by the Mayor and Aldermen without great losses or lowering of quality. They therefore ask that they may be allowed to sell ale and beer according to the London rate and price, and to obtain their casks from Coopers at the London rates [Stray from A/F or A/P]. - [1563-4?]
17 - To the Mayor from Ales Morris, divers times afflicted with falling sickness, for relief. - n.d.
18 - To the Mayor and his brethren from George Cal [co] concerning the danger he is in as a result of a transaction in iron and wines. Fragment only. - 8th April, 1585
19 - To Mr. Macssie, Mayor, and his brethren the Aldermen, from William Framway, barber, asking that since he is charged with the keeping of his poor, aged and impotent sister, he may either be exempted from the payment of 2d. a month, to the poor, or that some relief may be granted towards keeping her. - [1590-1]
20 - To Wyllyam Massie, Mayor, and his brethren from John Johnson. Asks that he may be discharged from paying poor rate as not only is he overpressed with children of his own, but he also keeps a fatherless child. - 1590
21 - To [David Lloyd?], Mayor, and his brethren the Aldermen and Justices of the Peace from Thomas Moldinge, tanner, asking to be discharged from paying poor rate. - n.d.
22 - To David Lloid, Mayor, and others of the Aldermen, Justices of the Peace, from Henry Asheton, glover, asking for poor relief by reason of his age and sickness. - [1593-4]
23 - To John Fyton, Mayor, and the Aldermen his brethren from Henry Otie, baker, 'of age of lxxx and odd years, greattly decaied and in extreme misery' asking for poor relief. 'xii a moneth'. - [1592-3]
24 - To [? Mayor] and [?] counsell from [?] Dodd, seeking admission to the freedom. Fragment only. - [15th century]
25 - To Mr. William Massy, Mayor, the Aldermen, Sheriffs and Common Council from William Holme, late of London, stationer. He desires to set up trade in the City and therefore seeks admission to the freedom. [Stray from A/F or A/P]. - [1590-1]
26 - To Mr. William Massy, Mayor, and the rest of his brethren the Aldermen, from John Rabon, joiner, asking for release from payment of poor rate owing to the charge of his children and the decay of his trade. - [1590-1]
27 - To [?] from [?] asking for leave to have a collection in St. John's Church because of his lack of work and the poverty of his wife. Fragmentary. - n.d.
28 - To William Massie, Mayor, and his brethren the Aldermen and Justices of the Peace from Rauf Crosse, asking for poor relief because of his great age. - [1590-1]
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